...Final Project Michael Kennedy ETH125 8/10/14 University of Phoenix The history of diversity in the United States has given me a better understanding and clearer vision of how significant the changes have been. The United States has grown to be a melting pot of sorts, and because of this I grew up with diversity all around me. From the public schools I attended, to the first part time jobs I have had, diversity has been everywhere my entire life. My understanding of the United States and diversity has always been clear, accept people for who they are. It is a shame that there will always be problems, although I blame that on over population as opposed to racism. Immigration, which has certainly added to the population problem, is another factor to consider in regards to the diversity in the United States. Since the United States has had such semi relaxed immigration laws, this brought both good and bad things into perspective; the good is the obvious diversity that came along with it, since the U.S. was allowing all different people to enter the country, diversity is the inevitable (1 Hacker, V 2011) conclusion. This is a good thing, it brought great minds, eased some racial tension, and showed that people can all get along. The negative aspects that came with immigration are prioritized around over population; since so many immigrants were coming in the U.S. the job market has been over saturated, resources used up quicker, and ultimately there are just too many people...
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