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Ethical Case Study Essay


Submitted By schmoltz
Words 1341
Pages 6
Ethical Case Study Reflection Paper Do we, as parents, have the right to decide if we will let our child die from a treatable illness? Do we, as a society, have the right to decide if we will allow other people's children to die? Suppose an Atheist judge rules that a Christian mother has to seek medical treatment for her child, is this a moral concern? In 46 states, parents can withhold traditional medical care for their sick children in favor of prayer or faith healing with no fear of prosecution. The state of Minnesota passed a law in 1994 that requires parent and guardians to contact child protective services if a child has been endangered by withholding medical treatment, none have been reported. The state of Colorado will not hold parents legally responsible so long as the faith-healing treatment is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and insurance companies. This same law has been rescinded in Oregon, South Dakota, Hawaii, Maryland and Massachusetts. (htttp:// The winds are changing though, in recent years more parents are perhaps not being convicted, but are being charged for neglect or manslaughter. In 2008 Carl and Raylene Worthington of Oregon, were charged with manslaughter in the death of their 1-year-old daughter, who died from pneumonia. ( Mr. Worthington was found guilty of second degree criminal mistreatment and received a sentence of 60 days in jail, 5 years probation and a court order to seek medical treatment for his other children. Mrs. Worthington was acquitted. ( So why is it that to treat a child we have the parents sign a consent to treat form, yet the government can force parents to submit to treatment that is against their beliefs? The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses states, "The nurse promotes

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