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Ethical Dilemmas For A Car Accident Attorney

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Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in America and on a yearly basis, just about 40,000 Americans die in car wrecks every year. Car accident injuries for those who survive are distressing. Unfortunately, there is a good chance that just about everyone will be involved in a crash of some kind at least once in their lives.

Having said that, if you are in an accident, you will need a skilled car accident attorney with a good track record handling cases like this to go to bat for you in getting compensation for your personal injuries. This is not something you may do on your own. It is too complex and there is way too much at risk - like a fair and equitable settlement. Only a seasoned attorney will be able to accurately assess …show more content…
It is about finding one that you resonate with and you know will work hard and ethically to get you justice. If you need an attorney to handle your case, you might want to think about "interviewing" a few before making a final decision.

You will want to know how long they have been in practice and roughly how many car accident cases they handle on a yearly basis. You will also want to know the attorney's damage recovery record for others who have been injured in car accidents. Since most personal injury lawyers take cases on a contingency basis, you will want to ask about this right up front. Chances are you do not have the money you would need to hire a car accident attorney and for this reason, if they operate on a contingency basis, meaning you do not pay them unless they win your case, this would work better for you.

It is a fact that car accidents (just check the car accident statistics) are the most common cause of personal injury claims. Those who have suffered in an accident, whether you were the driver or passenger, the "other" driver or passenger or a pedestrian hit by a car or a biker that collided with a car, you are entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering as a result of the accident. Even if you were partially at fault, there is compensation involved, although it may be apportioned according to the percentages assigned for fault in the …show more content…
The lawsuit may be a claim against an uninsured driver. In fact, car accident statistics these days clearly show that since the economy went into a nosedive, the number of uninsured motorists have risen dramatically.

You may certainly claim for medical expenses, for lost wages and for damages sustained to your vehicle. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcycle riders may also file claims after being involved in a car accident. Generally speaking, the person who is at fault pays the claim. Just to reiterate though, if the accident was caused by "two" people and not just one, that means damages may be divvied up differently, as in if you are 25% responsible for an accident and the "other" driver is 75% responsible, any damage award may be reduced by 25%.

If you have been involved in a crash, the best thing to do is to get advice and counsel from an experienced and highly skilled car accident attorney. Once you have decided on who you want to represent you, it is time to gather the information needed to put together a solid case for court or to negotiate a settlement. Do not wait too long to ask about filing a personal injury claim, because in some instances, you may not have that long to file a

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