...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Ethics and morals go hand-in-hand in workplaces and organizations should be concerned about ethics and morals. Businesses that operate ethically and morally depend on how the managers, and employees behave, how they interact with each, and with customers. In this paper the difference between ethical issues and moral issues, differences between personal ethics and business ethics, and examples of common ethical problems in business will be discussed. Differences between ethical issues and moral issues Ethics and morals may seem the same but there is a difference. Ethical issues define the code used by a group or society of people. The ethics that people adhere to uses external factors, such as society, peer group, profession, and religion, and may change if any of the influencing factors changes ( Trevino & Nelson, 2007). For example, in England fox hunting was an ethical tradition until a legislation was put into place because of the protest of the evil nature of fox hunting and became unethical. Ethics are well defined and laid down; for example, professionals such as doctors and lawyers knows the ethics of their professions. A doctor will not divulge or discuss his or her patients medical history with anyone but the patient unless given authority by the patient or required by law. Also a lawyer will not compromise his or her client’s interest. Moral issues focus on the right and wrong and do not change. For example, it will always...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues Gary L. MGT/216 May 26, 2011 Ethical and Moral Issues In this paper the writer will answer what is the relationship between ethical issues and moral issues, what are the differences between personal ethics and business ethics, and provide examples of common ethical problems in business for each of the previous questions. Ethics can be defined as first, “a set of moral principles or values,” and second, the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group. Now, the first definition can be portrayed as highly personal or relative and the second generally focuses on conduct. Morality, on the other hand, consists of rules of human behavior and specifies that certain actions are wrong or immoral and that others are right or moral. The moral point of view can be taken to evaluate human action. Some actions, such as murder, are recognized as being immoral. Others, such as helping one’s neighbor, are generally considered moral. The relationship between ethical and moral issues is essentially considering the difference between ethics and morals, morals define personal character, while ethics stress a social system in which those morals are applied, simply, to be considered ethical or unethical depends on what if any morals are compromised. Ethics can be observed from two different viewpoints, personal ethics (individual) and business ethics (group). Business ethics point to standards or codes of behavior expected by the...
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...Running head: Moral and Ethical Issues Paper Moral and Ethical Issues Barnone MGT/216 February 3, 2011 Prof. Plum with the candlestick moral and ethical issues PAPER The news today is full of sensational reports involving scandals. Stories of abuses of power, bribery, corporate mismanagement, stealing and other disgraceful behavior constantly assault our consciences day after day, leading us to question the place morals and ethics really have in today’s world. For a business to be successful, morals and ethics are paramount (DeGeorge, 2010). All stakeholders in a business must be able to define, maintain, and defend the ethics of their organization. After carefully reading the first five chapters of Managing Business Ethics, I will now take the time to define differences between ethical issues and moral issues, the differences between personal ethics and business ethics, and then provide relevant examples of common ethical problems in business. Morals and Ethics are often used interchangeably, referring to a certain code of acceptable behavior within a social context. However, there are subtle differences. Moral standards are determined by a society as a whole. These are the standards of right and wrong that individuals are born into, perceive growing up, and are defined in adulthood. Ethics are a modified from these same standards, applied to an organization. Simply worded, ethics...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Introduction When the topic of ethics and morals is brought up in a discussion, there seems to be some confusion concerning the differences. Ethics is a code of conduct that is to be followed in the business world as where morals are known to be the personal beliefs a person may have. This paper will discuss the many differences between the two as well as what the definitions are between personal ethics and business ethics. Ethical Issues Ethics is a word used to describe acceptable behavior of a member of a large group. Most businesses today have what is known as an Ethic Code of Conduct for the employees to abide by. An example of an ethical issue would be when young doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, they are agreeing to a code of ethical behavior that they will never knowingly harm a patient. “Without ethics, one’s actions would be random and aimless. There would be no way to work toward a goal because there would be no way to pick between a limitless number of goals” (Landauer & Rowlands, 2001, p. 1). Moral Issues “Morality consists of rules of human behavior and specifies that certain actions are wrong or immoral and that others are right and moral” (DeGeorge, 2010, p. 6). An example of moral behavior would be when a person is faced with making a decision that goes against that person’s moral beliefs. When certain circumstances arise and a decision has to be made, regardless of how...
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...Running Head: ETHICAL AND MORAL ISSSUES IN BUSINESS PAPER Donald B Amico Business 216 Ethical and moral issues paper University of Phoenix Kevin Boyle July 6, 2011 The people in the world of business today face a number of issues. These issues could be hiring the appropriate people to work for a company, to updating their websites to face today’s technological boom or they could just be being able to establish and adapt to their place of business principles. These could be based on harassment, following company policies, having the proper training in order, or performing to their hired capabilities. What I am talking about is living up to their expectations or in other words their ethics. In this paper I will focus on ethics within running a business. I will define, explain differences, and give details about ethical and moral ethical issues in business. This paper will also include the difference between personal ethics and business ethics. To conclude I will give real life examples of common ethical problems in businesses today. What is business ethics? Going into the business world, people have the familiarity of his or her morals and ethics in mind which is taught growing up as a child. What is the definition of business ethics? To be ethical is to be honest (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Upholding corporate values and morals is a part of business ethics. Many organizations have implemented a code of conduct and business ethics programs to ensure social responsibility...
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...Ethical & Moral Issues in Business Jennifer Luttrell (Webb) UOP Ethical & Moral Issues in Business Natural habits are the nurturer of one’s personal habitats; these personal habits are developed by the teaching of right from wrong. Morals as we know them are developed, and in business and in life are the ethical decisions that are at the discretion of the individual. In the following paper, a few questions will be answered, what the differences are between ethical and moral issues, the differences between personal and business ethics. Finally, explanations will be given of these ethical issues with today’s business environment that impact communities and organizations. Differences in ethical & moral Moral and ethical can sometimes be taken to have the same meaning, however “moral reasoning beings with the consideration of a moral or ethical issue” (LaBossiere, 2004, para. 1). Ethical decisions have three main parts, unmoral facts, concepts, and finally moral and ethical aspects. An example of issues that may occur within any business are, employees using the company’s finances for personal pleasure, the inaccuracy of reporting time worked, and of course, interoffice relationships. When these issues occur a business will most likely use the Code of Ethics. Although some of these issues discussed can be morally wrong by the Code of Ethics standards these issues are not considered to be ethically wrong according to the standards, unless the business itself prohibits...
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...Ethical and Moral issue in Business Carlos Mendoza MMGT/216 April 21, 2013 Sandy J Miniz Ethical and Moral issues in Business Ethical issues and Moral issues are completely different and it has different values. Morals are more of a motivational word based on ideas and if you are right are wrong. You give yourself a certain expectation and nothing can change that. This is standards that are set by you in order to have a great career in the future. Ethics is a professional based word that is based on your performance. The techniques in a workplace are professional and represented well if you can say you have good ethic skills. Your morals can be there but if you don’t have good ethics in the working environment, you may not be with that employer long. You can have good morals but your ethical issues can be a problem with lack of dedication. It is important to have good ethical and moral issues because it shows good leadership and in order to succeed in today's job industry and be successful you have to have both. Let’s take me for instants; I work for a multi-million dollar company and we have a mission statement this year that states “ALL IN” meaning we have to give it our all and we have to know that at the end the day, if I did not get that display or sell, at least I tried and the next day try it again. That is giving your all. My standard is set high which would include my morals to be the best. My working skills are recognizable from all management, so that means...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Steven Colon MGT/216 August 16, 2011 Mike Moreno Abstract In the following paper one will know about what an ethical issue is and a moral issue is, and examples of an ethical and moral issue. One will also learn about personal ethics and business ethics and how they are similar, but different. Ethical and Moral Issues in Business People have always questioned whether ethical issues and moral issues are the same, or if personal ethics, and business ethics are different. In this paper one will be able to see the differences between ethical and moral issues, the differences between personal ethics and business ethics while reading about real-world examples of common ethical problems in businesses for each of the above. Ethical Issues Many people believe that ethical issues and moral issues are the same thing, but in reality they are not. “our definition of ethics—the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group—focuses on conduct” (Trevino, & Nelson, (2007), p. 13). An ethical issue will require an individual or organization to make a decision between alternatives that must be weighed as an ethical or unethical decision. An unethical situation would be someone sacrificing people’s safety to obtain the completion of an assigned objective. Moral Issues “When we speak of morality, we refer to our judgments of right and wrong, and good and bad” (DeGeorge, (2010), p. 24). Moral...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business University of Phoenix Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility MGT/216 Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Organizations promoting ethical operations while allowing employees to retain their moral compass will proactively solve issues and maintain successful operations even in times of turmoil. Individual or company values motivate effort and influence performance. Employee motivation directly relates to the encouragement a company exhibits while enforcing an ethical code of conduct to benefit and protect both the employee and the business. This essay comprises of the difference between moral and ethical issues pertaining to personal and business principles, as well as identifying common ethical problems that can impede organizational success. Morals can be referred to as an individual’s values and beliefs guiding one’s conscience to distinguish between right and wrong. Morals reflect a personal relationship with the individual influenced by family, friends, life experience, and etcetera. Change is difficult without a transformation in an individual’s personal belief system. Morality is based on “conforming to wide social beliefs” unspoken but “understood by most members of a society, including those who choose to act against the common morality” (Taylor, 2011, para. 4). Moral issues focus on social customs and opinions influenced by an individual’s belief system. An example is the moral objection to adult online...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Dawn Sandell Robbins MGT/216 February 14, 2011 Carolyn Flynn Ethical and Moral Issues in Business The words ethical and moral are often considered as being one in the same. Although the meaning may be closely related in some aspects, the two have different meanings. While something may be ethical or legal, it may conflict with one’s personal beliefs and morals. It’s hard to imagine that one might not know right from wrong. Honestly, think about it. Are we not molded and nurtured to know what is socially acceptable? Were we not brought up knowing that it is wrong to lie, cheat, and steal? In this paper, I will define the differences between ethical issues and moral issues as well as the difference between personal ethics and business ethics. Ethics can be defined as the principles, norms, and standards of conduct that govern an individual or group in which focus is on conduct (Trevino, Nelson 2007). Ethics is considered to be a science of conduct by many philosophers and is the ground rules by which we live our lives. The rules, code of conduct, policy or handbook is typically a written form of the ethics in which a business expects its employees to follow and behave. Generally these rules are what most would consider normal rights and wrongs, dos and don’ts. An ethical issue might be a situation that concerns right and wrong where values are in conflict (Trevino, Nelson 2007). As mentioned in the opening of this...
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...Introduction The purpose of writing this paper is to describe the difference between ethical issues and moral issues. I will also explain the difference between personal ethics and business ethics. Then I will provide examples of common ethical problems in business for ethical issues, moral issues, personal ethics and business ethics. An ethical issue can be mirrored closely with a moral issue. According to Trevino and Nelson (2007), ethics can be defined as “a set of moral principles or values,” a definition that portrays ethics as highly personal and relative pg 13. Does that definition sound familiar? According to Merriam-Webster the definition of moral is “of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior: ethical”. An ethical issue has to be evaluated as a set of standards that most people deem as right or wrong however, a moral issue has more to do with the belief of an individual person of right or wrong. Ethical issues and moral issues are like walking a fine line therefore, making these issues differ is rather its personal or business. The term ethics can be described both in personal and business. Personal ethics is something that is a moral principle of a person’s belief. Ethics can be defined as “a set of moral principles or values,” a definition that portrays ethics as highly personal and relative (Trevino & Nelson, p. 13, 2007). This is based upon the personal ideals of what’s right or wrong. The choices that we make and the consequences behind them...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Michelle Ayuso Wienke MGT 216 August 8, 2011 Ethical and Moral Issues in Business In business today ethical and moral issues are very common. These types of issues are frowned upon and in some cases have extreme consequences but, they are still happening in businesses everywhere. Morals and moral issues can be difficult. Everyone has different morals and values that influence the decisions they make. Ethics are a set of rules and guidelines that are generally accepted and are supposed to be followed by everyone in an organization. Morals and ethics go hand-in-hand for the most part but, there are differences between the two, especially in a business setting. Ethics are more of what the public views as right and wrong. Morals on the other hand are more on the personal level of what is right and wrong. No matter what the setting ethics and morals are connected. When a code of ethics is written for an organization morals play a part in the process. In most cases a code of ethics in what is generally accepted. Ethics are different from one company to another but, there are many similarities. This would not be the case for morals. Since morals are more personal, everyone has a different perspective on what is moral and what is not. Ethics and morals influence decisions people make both in business and personal settings. A good example for showing the difference between morals and ethics in a business situation would with a defense attorney...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business University of Phoenix Ethical Issues and Moral Issues An ethical or moral issue are taken to mean the same thing to several people. Both words are connected to each other terms as good and bad, right and wrong. Example of right or wrong, ethical or moral is abortion the way to kill a child, it depends on who you ask about this situation. Some believe that abortion is an ethical moral if the woman was rape or it is not moral act due to not being marry according to the Bible teaches. When there are two or more undeniably different is a matter of a dispute which is ethical or moral in society. People in general think to resolve an ethical issues means to yell, hitting, and using explosive language that can be effective at times. There are three components to ethical, such as non-moral facts, concepts and moral or ethical aspects, which to resolve the ethical issue all three components should be considered. Personal Ethics and Business Ethics Society looks at business ethic in how they manage and operate the organization. According to Trevino and Nelson (2007), ethics definition are the principle, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group (p13). The ethics for business is the moral principles of the company guidelines. The personal and business ethics both expect employee’s or individual to know right and wrong, good and bad. The professional ethics in business is a moral problem or ethical principles coming...
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...Running Head: ETHICAL AND MORAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS Ethical and Moral Issues in Business MGT 261 University of Phoenix Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Business will always have ethical and moral issues to face. It is how the business solves or addresses the issues that will define a business’s level of morality and values. Businesses want to be known for their ethical traits for many good reasons. Revenues will be greater, improved brand recognition, greater employee motivation and retention, and better financial resources. These good reasons come with a price. Increased costs related to purchasing fair trade products, increased overhead related to training and communication, and a risk of building false expectations. Differences in ethical and moral issues The differences in ethical and moral issues are slim, because what is considered ethical is based from what is considered moral. Moral issues are based on beliefs, judgments, and feelings of an individual or group (Trevino, 2007). The set of moral principles or values are used to evaluate people and business’s actions, like a set of rules. The rules of human behavior assist in defining what is right and wrong. Ethics are defined as “the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group” (Trevino, 2007). Ethics are considered a set of moral principles or values extremely personal and relative to people or groups. In a business, the ethical guidelines are...
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...Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Barbara Douglass MGT/216 February 5, 2011 Brigitte Culberson-Austin Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Ethical and moral issues have been an issue since the dawn of civilization. It has never been more important than how business deals with these issues. Ethics and moral behavior is essential to any successful business and its environment. Morals and ethics are two separate entities, but depend on each other for successful decision making. Sometimes the line between morals and ethics can become blurred and making the right decision can be difficult and not as clear-cut as one would think. Understanding the differences between ethics and morals and moral and ethical behavior is relevant to decision making. Differences between Ethics and Morals Understanding the differences between ethics and morals may be difficult for some. At times they can be confused for one another. Morals values are standards of right and wrong. Morals are taught over our years of growing up. These could consist of right and wrong behavior when we are children or right and wrong sexual issues as teens and young adults. These are generally instilled on us by our parents or our religious beliefs. Ethics is applying our moral standards to our environment. Our decision to do something that we consider immoral may not be unethical and our decision to do something unethical is not necessarily immoral. Personal Ethics versus Business Ethics ...
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