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Ethical Motives


Submitted By mommysj
Words 583
Pages 3
Sara Jones
Ethics and Enterprise BUS4801
Ned Preble
Ethical Motives u3a1
Sustainability Ethical Motives

Sustainability Ethical Motives There is a massive ethical dilemma concerning sustainability. This the fact that without utilizing sustainable practices the earth is suffering, this has a direct impact on our lives. From using up our earth’s natural resources for power, we have created pollution and increased global warming effects. Besides everyone on an individual basis needing to practice sustainability, it is highly important for companies to utilize sustainability ethics. Companies big and small have immensely contributed to dwindling our natural resources and polluting our planet. Raw material suppliers, manufacturers, distributers and the companies they operate for all need held accountable for their part, and each link in the chain needs to develop and implement a sustainable ethics policy. Walmart has been a big contributor to this ethical dilemma. Walmart not only operates unethically regarding sustainability in their retail, warehouse and distribution locations; they also are responsible for the unethical actions of their suppliers. Walmart has received many different scolding from activists and has been boycotted for many different unethical actions and inactions. The company has decided to tackle the ethical dilemma of sustainability directly. Walmart is taking steps to develop a standing sustainability ethics policy throughout their entire supply chain. The results of their actions are being applauded. Every small change Walmart makes is important. The universalism moral decision making principle best describes the reasoning and theme of the ethical dilemma of sustainability. Universalism’s “moral authority is determined by the extent to which the intention of an act treats all persons with respect. Includes the requirement

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