...Ethical Perspectives: Friedman vs. Drucker, Murphy In this paper we will be comparing and contrasting ethical perspectives on business ethics of Milton Friedman, Patrick Murphy, and Peter Drucker. Their methods are drastically different, but the goal is to explain and better understand “business ethics” in today’s world. Milton Friedman “A corporation is an artificial person and in this sense may have artificial responsibilities, but ‘business’ as a whole cannot be said to have responsibilities, even in this vague sense.” (Friedman, 1970). M. Friedman believes that only the individual has social responsibilities. Business as an artificial entity cannot have “social conscience” and think of ethics before its interests or profits. According to Friedman, the primary responsibility of a businessman is to make happy the business owner with profits, and the primary task for the business owner is to make sure there are enough profits to: a. Sustain the business b. Have a stable growth c. Have the ability and means to compete on the market d. Keep happy the parties involved: customers, stockholders and investors. (Friedman, 1970). Furthermore, Friedman discusses the relationship between “social responsibilities of a business” and “socialism” and stresses the idea that if a business or a large corporation is forced to perform its “social responsibility”, example donate a large amount of money to social programs or local schools, business acts irresponsibly towards...
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...Introduction The problem to be investigated is how the correlation between trustworthiness, leadership and ethical stewardship influences organizational members to trust their leaders, thus operating a successful organization. In order to understand how these three elements merge in order to create a culture of trust within the organization, we must investigate each of the three elements and understand what an organization is. Organization People working together in a structured environment who strive to achieve a common goal or objective is an organization. Some organizations are businesses which exist to market goods and/or services in order to generate profits. Others are non-profit in nature, such as community youth sports leagues, community service groups like shelters and food banks and churches which exist to serve the spiritual needs of society. Regardless of their purpose, all organizations share one attribute; they must be run by effective people who can instill the organization’s core values/cultures and motivate others to passionately work to achieve the organizations goals, effectively and efficiently. In other words, they require leadership. Leadership Leadership is defined by individuals differently. Regardless of the definition, leadership has the same final outcome. This writer’s definition of leadership is: the art of influencing others to accomplish the task, job or goal at hand with available resources, employees, time and money. Basic...
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...ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Learner: | | MGT7019 | Stephanie Lyncheski | | | Ethics in Business | Assignment 1 Paper- Ethical perspectives: Friedman vs. Drucker, Murphy | | | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Faculty Use Only ------------------------------------------------- <Faculty comments here> ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- <Faculty Name> <Grade Earned> <Writing Score> <Date Graded> Running head: ETHICAL PERSPECTIVES Assignment 1 - Ethical Perspectives Friedman vs. Drucker, Murphy Northcentral university MGT7019-8 Ethics in Business 05/20/2012 With no clear definition of what business ethics are, it becomes the responsibility of the beholder to discern or reach a plausible conclusion of what constitutes ethical behavior. When looking at business ethics from a global perspective the water only gets muddier. Studies and perspectives on the subject provide no clear definition and when western and eastern social values are added in the mix, the gap between doing what is ethical and doing what is right stretches the abyss even further. Doing what is right for the organization and breaking the law does not warrant...
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...Ethical perspectives: Friedman vs. Drucker, Murphy North Central University Summary of Perspectives Peter F. Drucker In Drucker (1981), he takes us through a journey of evolution of Business Ethics and represents several controversial positions. While explaining the ethics in Western Culture he states that there was agreement on the following statement: “There are only one ethics, one set of rules of morality, one code, that of individual behavior in which the same rules apply to everyone alike” (Drucker, 1981, Page 19). He discusses the examples of "a poor mother", "nepotism in China" and "paid extortion" to articulated the impact of social, economical and cultural norms on implementing this on everyone. He considers practices of questionable morality under different circumstances as ethical. Casuistry (Drucker, 1981, Page 22) was the first attempt to think about social responsibility and embed it in a set of distinctive ethics for people in power. According to Drucker, ethics for people in social responsibility is a cross-benefit calculation involving demand of individual conscience and position. For then, demand of ethics can be excepted if actions result in benefit for other people. Drucker then moves on to introduce The Ethics of Prudence (Drucker, 1981, Page 27) as other major tradition in the West. He proposes that Ethics of Prudence appropriate to a society of organizations. Prudence, the consciousness not to do the wrong thing will enable the leader to exhibit...
Words: 2217 - Pages: 9
...Ethical Perspectives: Drucker, Friedman, and Murphey Business Ethics Ethics in business is an extremely important matter that continues to be discussed in many organizations today. There are even many businesses that offer formal ethical training and believe in it vital to their business’s success. However, it can be proven that several professionals have different views on what is exactly ethical in business. Three professionals with different points of views regarding what is ethical in business include Peter Drucker, Milton Friedman, and Patrick Murphy. Peter Drucker Peter Drucker’s view on all ethical dilemmas is primum non nocere. This motto, taken from the medical profession, can be translated to mean “Above all do no harm” (Jennings, 2012). In other words, Dr. Drucker believed that people should make decisions that would not bring harm to other people. He, like many other management professionals, understood the many approaches philosophers have taken to understand ethics. However, he wanted to show how and where business ethics fit into the conflicting rules of ethics and human behavior. Ethics of Prudence and Self Development Dr. Drucker used his experience as a philosophy and a religion professor as well as his experience answering difficult ethical political questions as a method of drawing his conclusion regarding ethics in business. He believed that a major tradition of ethics in the West, Ethics of Prudence” would prove to be valuable in understanding...
Words: 2483 - Pages: 10
...NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Learner: Jeffrey D. Simmons THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN Please Follow These Procedures: If requested by your mentor, use an assignment cover sheet as the first page of the word processor file. The assignment header should include the Learner’s last name, first initial, course code, dash, and assignment number (DoeJXXX0000-1) justified to the left and the page number justified to the right. Keep a Photocopy or Electronic Copy of Your Assignments: You may need to re-submit assignments if your mentor has indicated that you may or must do so. Academic Integrity: All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor. The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. | | MGT7019-8 | Dr. Chad McAllister | | | Foundations for Doctoral Study in Business | SIMMONSMGT7019-8-ASSGN#1 | | | All work submitted is original and my own intellectual property. I am open to guidance and instruction that enable me to achieve my educational goal of excellence. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Abstract Contained within are various aspects and strategies pertaining to ethics in business and the various roles and responsibilities key individuals involved must initiate to ensure that the assignment, task or project is accomplished not only within the determined timeframe and budgetary constraints but more important, the actions and interactions of all parties are not compromised nor violate any prescribed regulations. Furthermore, discussion is rendered pertaining to social responsibility within the business sector and its significance in determining growth and awareness of one’s business or company. Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Introduction In today’s society, people are constantly in a mad race to either develop and implement the next product or service that becomes the flagship...
Words: 1912 - Pages: 8
... which could help other organisations in addressing and accessing their social responsibility. Further, it is through critical and careful attention to impacts on the environment and the entire society that various organisations are able to achieve their sustainability. Through such scenario frequencies, any organisation can spur growth and development within the shortest time possible. Embracing the culture of transparency and positive ethics enhances and facilitates an approach that helps in the protection of the long-term success of both the environment and organisational success (Benn & Bolton, 2011). Social responsibility Social responsibility on a personal or corporate level means having a passionate commitment to act in an ethical and sensitive manner to alleviate poverty from society without destroying the cultural values and environmental settings of the community, and ensuring economic benefits to the organisation that supports the society (Goldengate Consulting, 2012). In my view, social responsibility cuts across the ‘Triple-Bottom-Line (People, Planet, and Profit)’ Wirtenberg (2012, p. 1) concept; ensuring people, planet, and profit are ingrained into management programmes. The social responsibility framework must be geared towards the betterment of people's economic lives, the protection of the...
Words: 2225 - Pages: 9
...four articles center their focus on business ethics. Of the four articles, three are scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles and one, by Friedman, is an online periodical.... [tags: Business, Ethics] :: 4 Works Cited 2005 words (5.7 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Alahmad and Murphy on Business Ethics - The first two journal articles that were compared and contrasted were Ala Alahmad’s 2010 article on To Be Ethical or Not to Be: An International Code of Ethics for Leadership and Patrick Murphy’s 2009 article on The Relevance of Responsibility to Ethical Business Decisions. Some key findings of Alahmad’s writings were that ethics and leadership were closely tied together; they were found to be derivatives of one another. He mentioned that ethics is an individual thought process of making good or poor decisions.... [tags: Business Ethics] :: 4 Works Cited 970 words (2.8 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Ethical Perspectives on Business Ethics - The determination of this paper is to compare and contrast the various interpretations of 4 separate authors in respects to ethics and social responsibility as they apply to business. The four articles to be reviewed are; “The Social Responsibilities of Business is to Increase its Profits” by Milton Friedman, “The Relevance of Responsibility to Ethical Business Decisions” by Patrick E. Murphy, “What is ‘business ethics’” by Peter F....
Words: 3552 - Pages: 15
...the issue in recent years fresh efforts are needed to understand new developments. Since there is a great heterogeneity of theories and approaches, the task remains a very hard one, mainly because heterogeneity derives from multi-disciplinary diversity. The criterion for selection is to consider the role that theorists confer to the firm. Following this idea, three groups of theories have been discerned: (1) the utilitarian group, in which the corporation is intended as a maximizing ‘black box’ where problems of externalities and social costs emerge; (2) the managerial category, where problems of responsibility are approached from inside the firm (internal perspective); (3) relational theories, or those in which the type of relations between the firm and the environment are at the center of the analysis. The three perspectives allow the reader to understand the most significant differences between the various theories of CSR. The objective is to classify the theories and to draw a map in which group specificities can be made available. This allows scholars to reach a better understanding of corporate–society relations, and enhances developments both in theoretical and empirical terms. Introduction The...
Words: 16348 - Pages: 66
...STAKEHOLDERS AND PUBLICS 1 1 1 1 2 2 3. APPROACHES TO THE ROLE OF BUSINESS IN SOCIETY AS A METATHEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 THE SHAREHOLDER APPROACH THE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/ETHICAL APPROACH THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIVENESS APPROACH THE CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE APPROACH THE STAKEHOLDER APPROACH THE ISSUES APPROACH THE ‘CORPORATE COMMUNITY’ APPROACH CONCLUSION 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 4. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AS A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 4.1 STRATEGY AS THE MAJOR CONCEPT 4.2 THE CONTEXT OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 4.3 THE LEVELS OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 4.3.1 Enterprise strategy 4.3.2 Corporate strategy 4.3.3 Business-unit strategy 4.3.4 Functional strategy 4.3.5 Operational strategy 4.3.6 Conclusion 4.4 THE PROCESS OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 4.4.1 Environmental analysis 4.4.2 Goal formulation 4.4.3 Strategic thinking and strategy formulation 4.4.4 Strategic planning, implementation and control 4.4.5 Conclusion 4.5 THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS 4.5.1 Stakeholder analysis 4.5.2 Stakeholder management 4.5.3 A lack of stakeholder strategy 4.5.4 Conclusion 4.6 THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ISSUES 4.6.1 An evolving definition 4.6.2 Lack of strategy for social, political and ethical issues 4.6.3 Public affairs...
Words: 16620 - Pages: 67
...IIBM Institute of Business Management Corporate Governance www.iibmindia.in Chapter 1 Corporate Governance Corporate governance refers to the system by which corporations are directed and controlled. The governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation (such as the board of directors, managers, shareholders, crors, auditors, regulators, and other stakeholders) and specifies the rules and procedures for making decisions in corporate affairs. Governance provides the structure through which corporations set and pursue their objectives, while reflecting the context of the social, regulatory and market environment. Governance is a mechanism for monitoring the actions, policies and decisions of corporations. Governance involves the alignment of interests among the stakeholders. There has been renewed interest in the corporate governance practices of modern corporations, particularly in relation to accountability, since the high-profile collapses of a number of large corporations during 2001–2002, most of which involved accounting fraud. Corporate scandals of various forms have maintained public and political interest in the regulation of corporate governance. In the U.S., these include Enron Corporation and MCI Inc. (formerly WorldCom). Their demise is associated with the U.S. federal government passing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002, intending to restore public confidence in corporate...
Words: 33828 - Pages: 136
...ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Y U K O A O YA M A J A M E S T. M U R P H Y SUSAN HANSON KEY CONCEPTS IN key concepts in economic geography The Key Concepts in Human Geography series is intended to provide a set of companion texts for the core fields of the discipline. To date, students and academics have been relatively poorly served with regards to detailed discussions of the key concepts that geographers use to think about and understand the world. Dictionary entries are usually terse and restricted in their depth of explanation. Student textbooks tend to provide broad overviews of particular topics or the philosophy of Human Geography, but rarely provide a detailed overview of particular concepts, their premises, development over time and empirical use. Research monographs most often focus on particular issues and a limited number of concepts at a very advanced level, so do not offer an expansive and accessible overview of the variety of concepts in use within a subdiscipline. The Key Concepts in Human Geography series seeks to fill this gap, providing detailed description and discussion of the concepts that are at the heart of theoretical and empirical research in contemporary Human Geography. Each book consists of an introductory chapter that outlines the major conceptual developments over time along with approximately twenty-five entries on the core concepts that constitute the theoretical toolkit of geographers working within a specific subdiscipline. Each entry provides...
Words: 94626 - Pages: 379
...4 TH EDITION Managing and Using Information Systems A Strategic Approach KERI E. PEARLSON KP Partners CAROL S. SAUNDERS University of Central Florida JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. To Yale & Hana To Rusty, Russell &Kristin VICE PRESIDENT & EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER EXECUTIVE EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER DESIGN DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER SENIOR PRODUCTION EDITOR SENIOR MEDIA EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES This book is printed on acid-free paper. Don Fowley Beth Lang Golub Lyle Curry Carly DeCandia Harry Nolan Kevin Murphy Patricia McFadden Lauren Sapira Pine Tree Composition Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website www.copyright.com. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, website www.wiley.com/go/permissions. To order books or for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945)...
Words: 175164 - Pages: 701
...4 TH EDITION Managing and Using Information Systems A Strategic Approach KERI E. PEARLSON KP Partners CAROL S. SAUNDERS University of Central Florida JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. To Yale & Hana To Rusty, Russell &Kristin VICE PRESIDENT & EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER EXECUTIVE EDITOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER DESIGN DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER SENIOR PRODUCTION EDITOR SENIOR MEDIA EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES This book is printed on acid-free paper. Don Fowley Beth Lang Golub Lyle Curry Carly DeCandia Harry Nolan Kevin Murphy Patricia McFadden Lauren Sapira Pine Tree Composition Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website www.copyright.com. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, website www.wiley.com/go/permissions. To order books or for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945)...
Words: 175164 - Pages: 701