...employees of various levels and shareholders a firm is created, operated, developed. The downside of being an ephemeral entity is that all the responsibilities of a corporation are assigned by law and directly linked to the main purpose of its mere existence. To generate profits in order to generate more profits in the future. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines responsible as “able to answer for one’s conduct and obligations and able to choose for oneself between right and wrong” (Merriam-Wbester Inc.). In this essay we are going to identify in what ways a corporation may realize its responsibility and how in practice some of these responsibilities are fulfilled. In his work on corporate social responsibility John Campbell discusses several dimensions of how it is possible to measure (social) responsibility of a corporation. Among them are mentioned the following levels: “how the corporation treats its employees with respect to wages, benefits, and levels of workplace safety; how it treats customers with respect to product quality, truth in advertising, and pricing; how ihow the corporation treats its employees, how it treats customers, how it treats its suppliers, how it treats the government, how it treats the community (p. 5). It possible to distribute these levels into two groups. Responsibilities towards employees, customers, and government are in reality obligations embodied in the law and imposed on firms. Would a corporation be committed to these responsibilities if they...
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