Now a days Tobaco industy is one of the profitable area of business. Tobacco companies are well informed of the “killing effect” of their product. It is natural that to tobacco corporations production reduction, and also loss in the financial plan because of decrease in consumer activity is absolutely not profitable, thats why they have to orient on a new target- kids. Worldwide people die from the harm of smoking while tobacco product manufacturers continue to spend billions of dollars annually to maintain brand loyalty among current smokers, to influence young people to use tobacco, and to keep smokers addicted. The tobacco industry claims that it does not market to children and that the purpose of its advertising is only to encourage adult smokers to switch brands.( Eriksen, M., 2011)
Form the given case sturdy it can be seen that there are GB Tobacco Company exist, which try to push its “Gold” brand in to Malu’s market despite the moral, legal and ethical standards
The seven – step procedure:
• The facts:
The facts are that Fiona Fuller, International Tobacco product Manager for GB Tobacco, has to produce a new firm’s growth strategy for the next ten years. The “Gold” brand faced with the decline of sales volumes in Western Europe and the US. GBT’s plans have run up against the Malu government policy according to which any import of cigarette products are forbidden. The main parties that get benefits are government, which owned cigarette monopoly, and tobacco farmers. However, the neighboring country Singlaw established the distribution through which EU brands have under control 20% of Malu’s cigarette market. The Malu’s government didn’t achieve the ban on advertising of “Gold” and didn't put special efforts to stop GBT from annual investments in 8 million dollars in it. Suppakorn Rachinda, “Gold” brand manager, introduced to Fiona