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Ethics Reflection Paper


Submitted By 4family
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Ethics Reflection Paper
Crystal Davis
September 9, 2014
Pamela Scale

Ethics Reflection
Ethics and social responsibility occupy an important place in our personal value system. Customer confidence in how business operates has been severely shaken by recent corporate scandals and collapses, such as Enron and bank failures. To be their most successful, companies must consider ethics and social responsibility as critical parts, inherent components of strategic plan. Ethical and social responsibility should be considered as part of the strategic process in profit decisions in order to receive the maximum benefit, of corporate profits. This paper analyzes what ethics and social responsibility are, how each applies to a company’s strategic planning, and the overall impact on stakeholders when ethics and social responsibility is considered in strategic planning.
The Role of Ethics in Strategic Planning
Reflecting critically and actively on ethical issues is an obligation of every professional. Ethics guarantee that an organization accomplishes its mission, vision, goals, and objectives in a manner that will give a business a sense of direction and framework. Ethics ensure guidelines are created that bind the entire organization into one common thread, govern the action of the organizational employees, and avoid deviation from the desired strategic path. Ethics ensure that strategic plan is prepared as per the best interest of all a company’s stakeholders, whether employees, vendors, customers or even the society in which the organization operates.
Adhering to the highest possible ethical standards, and integrating these ethics into their strategic planning, can build a good corporate image in front of all the stakeholders of the organization. Integrating and planning goes beyond compliance problems and disciplinary policies in order

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