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Ethics and Law


Submitted By miasartiff
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The Ethical Dilemma Regarding ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders.

Whilst on placement on an Adult Rehabilitation Ward, I observed an ethical dilemma. The patient concerned was issued with ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (D.N.R.) order. This decision was reached after the consultant, named nurse, patient and the patient’s family discussed together and based their decision on the patient’s age, condition, quality of life and wishes. The UKCC ‘Code of Professional Conduct’ (1992) states that every registered nurse, midwife, and Health Visitor should act, at all times, in such a manner as to … promote and safeguard the interests and well-being of patients and clients [and to] ensure that no action or omission on your part, or within your sphere of responsibility, is detrimental to the interests, condition or safety of patients and clients.
Therefore, how does withholding life-saving treatment, comply with the ‘Code of Professional Conduct’? The decision not to resuscitate conflicts with this clause of a document that aims to define and develop professional standards to protect the public and offer direction regarding the suitable conduct of the profession (Kenworthy et al, 1999). The conflict arises because the decision not to resuscitate could be seen as not promoting the well being of the patient and an omission on the nurse’s part, causing detrimental consequences (Rumbold, 1999). On the other hand, clause seven of the ‘Code of Professional Conduct’ states that a nurse should “recognise and respect the uniqueness and dignity of each patient and client and respond to their need of care” (UKCC, 1992). The nurse who does not comply with a patient’s wish to die with dignity and not to be resuscitated, could be seen as violating this clause (Rumbold, 1999). There are several viewpoints regarding the use of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (C.P.R.). One such viewpoint is that it is never morally acceptable to withhold C.P.R. This view stems from the principle of the ‘sanctity of life’, whereby the value of life is essential and the respect of life is of overriding importance (Tschundin, 1993). Another viewpoint regarding C.P.R. is that there are some morally acceptable grounds for decisions to give a D.N.R. order. These include the age of the patient, the patient’s condition, the patient’s quality of life and the patient’s wishes. Whether such reasons are sufficient enough to place a D.N.R. order in a patient's medical notes, and who should make this decision, are questions that need to be addressed, however, is there a right or wrong answer ? (Tschundin, 1993) A reason for considering age as a morally acceptable reason, is that resuscitation attempts may not result in a good outcome. However, research suggests that age does not have an influence on the prognosis for survival after C.P.R. on its own (Bayer et al, 1985, cited in Tschundin, 1993). Another reason for age as grounds for a D.N.R. order, is the assumption that the elderly do not want to be resuscitated. This is a generalisation of the elderly as a population, however, this cannot be applied to the elderly patient as an individual. There is research to suggest that the elderly should not have C.P.R. withheld (Gunasekera et al, 1986, cited in Tschundin, 1993). Bayer et al (1985, cited in Tschundin, 1993) found that thirteen patients who had been successfully resuscitated, all expressed no regrets. Age, alone, cannot be used as an acceptable foundation for a D.N.R. order. Another possible reason could be the patient’s quality of life. Perhaps a D.N.R. order would mean a merciful release from pain and suffering for the patient. This then moves towards the question what factors affect quality of life enough to withhold life-saving treatment? Who makes the judgment? (Tschundin, 1993). The patient’s condition refers to the disease, is it in the early stages or is it advanced? Is there hope for a cure? Blackwell (1987, cited in Tschundin, 1993) suggests that “survival after C.P.R. is related to the underlying illness that leads to the arrest and that patient’s with certain conditions rarely survive”. This can be supported by research undertaken by Bedell and Debanco (1984), Peatfield et al (1977), Johnson et al (1967) and Murphy et al (1989) all cited by Tschundin (1993). However, the fact that research suggests that some patient’s “rarely” survive after C.P.R., depending on their underlying condition, tends to suggest that some do survive, Wachter et al (1989), cited in Tschundin, 1993) proposes that there is subjective bias regarding certain conditions and the decision not to resuscitate. It was found that patient’s with AIDS or lung cancer tended to have more D.N.R. orders than those with cirrhosis or congestive cardiac failure. Research suggests that the patient’s wishes are not always sought (Candy, 1991, cited in Tschundin, 1993). This may be due to a communication difficulty, such as the patient is anxious or depressed, or has been intubated. The patient may be a baby or a young child, or have a learning disability. There are also difficulties because of the very nature of what is to discussed (Tschundin, 1993). Discussion could cause anxiety, depression or fear in the patient (Schade and Muslin, 1989, cited in Tschundin, 1993) and perhaps the patient would prefer that the burden of deciding be taken away from them (Tschundin, 1993). Who decides who has a D.N.R. order? The UKCC ‘Code of Professional Conduct’ states that a nurse should “work in a collaborative and co-operative manner with health care professionals”, however, how far this can be implemented in practice and how appropriate this is regarding C.P.R. depends on many factors: the personality, attitudes and beliefs of the consultant; the scope for the use of the view’s of all members of the multi-disciplinary team; and the policy of the hospital can all influence this clause of the ‘Code of Professional Conduct’. The ward on my practice placement has a ‘Statement of Good Practice’ regarding resuscitation: The resuscitation status of a patient is based on medical and nursing evidence that attempts at resuscitation would be fruitless. All decisions regarding resuscitation must be clearly communicated between all members of the multi-disciplinary team and where appropriate the patient and the family.
The ward also has guidelines regarding resuscitation. These guidelines follow the some of the morally acceptable grounds for a D.N.R order. For example, where appropriate, the patient and the patient’s family are to be consulted (as mentioned previously, it is not always appropriate to do this) and a full and frank explanation may be required. Also, as previously discussed by Tschundin (1993) and the UKCC (1992), all members of the multi-disciplinary team on the ward are to be involved in the decision, this is also recommended by Aaron and Beeching, (1991, cited in Rumbold, 1999) and the decision to be documented in the patient’s medical and nursing notes. In conclusion, with an ethical dilemma such as D.N.R., there is no right or wrong answer. As a professional nurse, one can only follow the guidelines, as that is what they are, guidelines, and not hard and fast rules never to be broken. These guidelines are there to validate the moral and professional judgment of the individual nurse, to act in the best interests of the patient. Perhaps, sometimes the ‘rules’ need to be broken.


Kenworthy, N. et al. (1999) Common Foundation Studies in Nursing. Second Edition. London: Harcourt Publishers Limited.

Rumbold, G. (1999) Ethics in Nursing Practice. Third Edition. London: Harcourt Publishers Limited.

Tschundin, V. (1993) Aspects of Nursing Care. Middlesex: Scutari Press.

UKCC. (1992) Code of Professional conduct. Third Edition. London: UKCC.

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