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Evaluation and Training Plan for a Safer Workplace


Submitted By Lacey2014
Words 1300
Pages 6
Evaluation and training plan for a safer workplace
By Laura Leyland

I have previously worked for a Chinese restaurant of which I was manager. The restaurant is owned by a couple, the husband being the head chef and the wife managing the business side, along with their daughter to manage the bar and the four kitchen hands and chefs, also family members, this is a tightly run family business. The eight causal waitresses were mainly high school students and only two over 18 year olds to manage the bar. The waitresses’ duties included customer service, setting tables, dishes, phone orders for takeaway, dining in orders, serving drinks and food, checking on and clearing tables.
The business is singularly run. The restaurant prides itself on serving authentic Cantonese cuisine within their relaxed, comfortable dining environment. The restaurant could hold around 60 guests with the option of an over flow room, if not having been hired out for a function, could also hold another 50 guests. Open for dinner six nights a week, and Sunday lunch. The restaurants environment is set as fun for all the family while the working environment could get to be more stressful than necessary.
Lengths of shifts could range from two-seven hours depending on how busy the night got. Although shifts barely went longer than five hours, breaks for staff were something that was not managed well. Waitresses complained that the owner did not respect them or take responsibility if she was the one to order something incorrectly she would blame the staff member and not apologized later when she realised she was in the wrong.
To place and pick up orders meant walking through the kitchen to place the paper order along the order line and picking up the takeaway boxes or dining plates both of which could be very hot or very heavy. The floors were sometimes slippery, especially on

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