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Evangelization Talk Analysis

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After giving my evangelization talk for the first time in class on Monday, I have learned many ways in which I can improve the delivery of my speech and make the message much stronger. In reflecting on my talk, the student assessments, the video, and looking back through my notes all proved to be helpful tools in improving the effectiveness my talk can have. I was quite hesitant to watch my video for the first time, but after getting over my initial embarrassment of being filmed I was able to distinguish some of the areas in which I needed to improve the most. The first thing I noticed when watching the video is that I need to use my notes less. When I watched the example videos in class, they were much more effective in drawing the audience in and I think this is largely due to the fact that they did not stand behind a podium and read off of their notes like I did. I think the podium acted as an unnecessary barrier between the …show more content…
A few people had the same thought and told me to put more emphasis on the Bible story or to connect it more to my personal story. I think this is a good area for me to improve since the whole point of the talk is to foster conversion and Christ is at the center conversion. I went back and watched my talk again after coming to the conclusion that i needed to strengthen the Bible passage in my talk. After doing so, I realized that I skimmed over the general similarities between the passage, the main point, and my personal story. In doing this, I believe that the effectiveness of my talk suffered. I think I had good intentions of fostering conversion when I was planning my talk, but it turned out to be less effective than I had envisioned it in my head. I now know that I need to expand more and spend the same amount of time on the Bible passage as I do on my personal

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