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Everyone Should Every American Go

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Toussaint 1Lukes ToussaintProfessor Arlene OlsonENC 110212 February 2018Should Every American Go?The economy of the United States is rapidly being influenced by globalization. In this new era, it seems that success can only be attained and sustained by taking the higher education route. Opportunities, higher salary, and wages lie only within the higher education path. Is it truly the only way to compete with other members of society? Success and Accomplishments can be achieved through many ways rather than only education. The question that continues to boggles everyone’s mind is should every American go to college? There are many ways to accomplish success and happiness, higher education (college education) does …show more content…
Therefore, not every American should go to college.With this in mind, if every American was granted the ability to go to college, the United States economy would suffer. Pharinet states that if we tell everyone to pursue a college degree, then we decrease the workforce that keeps the U.S. functioning properly. Allowing everyone to attain a college education would possibly destroy the lower class of America because no one with a college degree would want to become a housemaid, janitor or even a garbage collector. A major part of the U.S. workforce would disappear and as mentioned above, the menial jobs will not be filled. As a result, the economy would suffer from high inflation because every American would want a higher pay which will lead to the increase of prices of the goods due to people having more money. Majority of Americans should have …show more content…
Another key point is that a college education does not benefit everyone and it is not for everyone. Majority of students enter universities being debt-free; but after earning their bachelor degree, most of those students would end up stuck with a huge student debt which will take years and possibly decades to pay. Is the degree really worth it when it leads you to a lifelong debt and the pay is not the best. Pharinet states, “many students find themselves in desperate financial situations...” (Pharinet, para. 3). A college education is extremely expensive yet people are rapidly hurrying to plunge themselves into a huge debt disaster. Murray states, “...a four-year college education teaches advanced analytic skills and information at a level that exceeds the intellectual capacity of most people” (Murray, para 4). Murray claims that you need to have an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 115 or higher to succeed in college but most students who are going to college do not have the capability to succeed (Murray, para 5). Pharinet also claims that every school does not have an open admission policy due to the fact that not everyone should attend college (Murray, para. 4). Higher education requires students to have advanced analytical and reasoning skills. Majority of the populace would say that college is there to help students become smarter and develop those skills; however, the courses that college education offers require students to already possess some

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