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Evidence Based Intervention Paper

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My example of a research or evidence-based intervention in my practice setting is from when I worked in oral and facial surgery. The office I worked at combined both a clinic office as well as an outpatient surgery center. The surgeries completed were usually tooth extractions, such as wisdom teeth and extremely decayed or fragile teeth, biopsies of the head and neck, dental implants, and some cosmetic procedures. Procedures were done either under local anesthesia or IV sedation. We were ready to move into a brand-new office, so we had choices to make as far as what equipment we thought was necessary for our patients. One of the first items on our list were two blanket warmers; one for blankets and one for IV fluids. We kept our operating rooms cold, and patients would often be cold coming in for their procedure as well as when they woke up. Patients would verbalize being much colder after their IV was started, so we …show more content…
The nurses are the ones starting the IV, monitoring IV therapy during the procedure, and then caring for patients in recovery, so we saw how cold they could get. We honestly didn't look at research when we pushed for the change in our office, but there is research to back up the intervention. The only barrier that comes to mind with this intervention would have been money. The doctor I worked for had a lot of pull when it came to the new facility though, so it didn't end up being an issue to spend the extra money on two blanket warmers. One way the process could have been implemented differently would have been to place blanket warmers in each operating room as opposed to outside of them. Our operating rooms were not sterile, so some of our supplies were collected outside of the room and then brought in individually for each case. This would have made getting a new bag of fluid or blanket

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