...Research Project: E-Waste 1. What are the environmental issues associated with e-waste? E-Waste (electronic or electrical) is generated from any equipment (running on electricity or a battery) that isdiscarded by the original user (still in working or non-working condition). The processes of dismantling and disposing of electronic waste in the third world lead to a number of environmental impacts as illustrated in the graphic. Liquid and atmospheric releases end up in bodies of water, groundwater, soil, and air and therefore in land and sea animals – both domesticated and wild, in crops eaten by both animals and human, and in drinking water. One study of environmental effects in Guiyu, China found the following: * Airborne dioxins – one type found at 100 times levels previously measured * Levels of carcinogens in duck ponds and rice paddies exceeded international standards for agricultural areas and cadmium, copper, nickel, and lead levels in rice paddies were above international standards * Heavy metals found in road dust – lead over 300 times that of a control village’s road dust and copper over 100 times The environmental impact of the processing of different electronic waste components: E-Waste Component | Process Used | Potential Environmental Hazard | Cathode ray tubes (used in TVs, computer monitors, ATM, video cameras, and more) | Breaking and removal of yoke, then dumping | Lead, barium and other heavy metals leaching into the ground water and...
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...Fact "In just three years, Ontarians have diverted over 100,000 tonnes of old electronics from landfills." Visit the Ontario Electronic Stewardship HYPERLINK "http://www.ontarioelectronicstewardship.ca/" http://www.ontarioelectronicstewardship.ca/ website. Explain the purpose of the OES. "We are pleased to be a participant in a program that encourages the recycling of items that previously ended up in our landfill and provides us with the opportunity to divert approximately 500 cubic meters of materials on an annual basis." - Bob Moore, Public Works Assistant, Township of Drummond/North Elmsley Click on "Electronics We Accept" and list 6 different electronic items that are part of the program: Floor standing printing devices including printers, photocopiers, multi-function devices Scanners, typewriters Telephones and answering machines Cellular phones and pagers PDAs Audio and video players and recorders (eg. MP3, cassette, digital) Cameras (web, digital, analog) Equalizers/(pre)amplifiers Radios Receivers Speakers Turntables Video players/projectors, digital frames Video recorders Personal hand held computers From the Home page of the OES site click on the “About Environmental Handling Fees”. These fees are collected at the time of purchase of equipment by the consumer. The supplier/steward is responsible to forward these fees to the recycling companies to cover the costs of properly recycling or disposing of the electronics...
Words: 522 - Pages: 3
...Home Government Market Regulation in Developing Countries There is no doubt in my mind and nothing said in the counterpoint argument that leads me to believe that home governments should regulate marketing in developing countries. Globalization is fairly new and businesses will need guidance on how to conduct their marketing ethics in developing nations. It is very important for a standard to be set so that companies know their boundaries. Home government regulation should be the minimum standard, and the government where the marketing is conducted should be additional regulation. The reasoning behind this is that a home country is not going to be as familiar with culture and other key aspects of a foreign country. Although marketing may be the same worldwide, there are differences from country to country. A perfect analogy is that you can't tell your kid how to behave when he or she sleeps over at a friend’s house, but you can set the minimum ground rules that will be punishable by you even if the friend's mom said it acceptable. In addition, it is important to ensure that a company does not take advantage of any lighter regulation, education, or other standards. Companies may not be aware of the education levels, decision making capabilities, and ease of unethically altering priorities of the consumers in these developing nations. For this reason, the companies will need guidelines from their home governments. The nations that are mutually a target market for these companies...
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...I'm sure we could use some hypotheses about e-waste. Perhaps something like: Without laws that prevent export of e-waste, it will be exported to countries that lack effective environmental laws/regulation. Processing of e-waste without effective environmental regulations leads to serious toxic pollution by substances like mercury, lead, and dioxins. Burning of e-waste to retrieve metals causes lung disease in the people who do the burning. Smelting e-waste in family cooking pots causes hazardous levels of lead in the family food Many other possible hypotheses about pollution and health impacts in poor and poorly governed populations, since most of the impacts are not in the developed countries that use the electronics. But there is also this Export of electronics that are to be processed into metals leads to eventual import of products made with metals that are contaminated by toxins - i.e. the children's jewelers from China that was contaminated with lead was made from metals smelted from US electronics that were exported to China. Concerning the experimental design Experimental design is used to establish which variables influence in the positive or negative sense the efficiency of the decoloration process. A model waste water, polluted with a reactive . examine how people deal with e-waste, and which electronic devices, if any, are most likely to be recycled. If you made a pile of all the electronic devices (cell phones, computers, stereos, televisions...
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...| E-waste: A Deep Dive and Potential Business Opportunities | MRS PROJECT- Group 7 | | | Abhishek Pal | B14003 | Harish VVK | B14025 | Meenhaz Ahmed | B14034 | Shoutik Chakrabarti | B14051 | Snehanshu Gupta | B14054 | Arunava Ray | B14137 | | | Introduction Technology is in literal terms going to waste. In terms of electronics the world is progressing by leaps and bounds. However the recycling and handling of old, discarded and outdated electronics has not been able to keep pace. A startling fact- It is approximated that 87.5% of the world’s e-waste is not recycled! In India 40% of old, outdated and discarded electronic items languish in homes and warehouses. India is expected to have an 11% share in the global consumer electronic market by 2015. One of the biggest complaints by many environmentalists is that companies price replacement parts and repair services at unattractive rates so that consumers would prefer buying no products. This has added to the e-waste conundrum. We have discussed later an example of Nintendo breaking away from this clutter Fig. Device explosion globally Fig. The World’s highest gross e-waste producers Fig. The World’s highest e-waste Producers per Capita Fig. EPA data from “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling and Disposal in the US, 2012 ,” India is not far behind, generating 13,00,000 tonnes of e-waste annually. Fig. Projection of e-waste generation in India Quite obviously, it were...
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...computer, the interpretation of key presses is generally left to the software. Workplace Policy For The Correct Disposal Of Used Consumables Used Consumables such as toner cartridges commonly used in printers contain hazardous chemical waste. It is important that you follow an environmentally safe procedure for disposal of used toner cartridges. You can contact the company that produces the product; most of the manufacturers have plans in place on recycling old and used cartridges. Other tips on disposing cartridges in an appropriate facility, for a work office or college, you will most likely locate a facility where you can drop of your used toner cartridges. Ewaste stands for Electronic waste, it describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. Ewaste is all old electrical appliances, it is vital that ewaste...
Words: 386 - Pages: 2
...Poverty and Pollution Case Study Pollution is an issue that has been discussed for at least 40 years at summits with the United Nations. The response has been slow in the past. This year he summit will be called “What We Want”. The past 4 decades the U.N. has been concerned for the “green” issues. They have moved closer to the fashionable concerns of rich Westerners and away from the legitimate concerns of the majority of Earths People. (Lomborg News Week Magazine) Signs of global warming becoming prominent; with waste and pollution over the top, there is a great need for more stringent laws. It is the responsibility of every person on earth to do what is necessary to keep our environment clean. Pollution is more commonly known from factories. Factories, which pollute our air and streams of what was clean, water. Corporations produce chemicals that are too dangerous to produce in First World find a market in Third World Countries. There are no regulations in Third World Countries. Most of the time Third World countries have to decide on food or a clean environment. Their government cannot restrict or have regulations because it would be too costly to their country more specifically their people trying to make a living. Now we are dealing with pollution from other things such as computers. Computers that people were once owners of are being dumped in third world countries because they have given them to companies to properly get rid of them. Those companies are...
Words: 2006 - Pages: 9
...Case Study 2 Closing Case Two “Two Hacker Hunters” 1. What types of technology could big retailers use to prevent identity thieves from purchasing merchandise? There are couple thing that would help big retailers from identity thieves. One thing is the authentication and authorization technologies such as biometrics. Another way is detection multiple transactions from different location. There should be a red flag if unusually large order or purchases in a short time. Last, retailers could notify the customer directly if they found unusual transaction and verify with the real customer if they truly buying something big. 2. What can organizations do to protect themselves from hackers looking to steal account data? Organizations can protect themselves from hackers by installing antivirus software for early detection and response. Have a content filtering, encryption and firewall. They must also have security people safeguarding against insiders or worker from stealing customer and clients information. 3. Authorities frequently tap online service providers to track down hackers. Do you think it is ethical for authorities to tap an online service provider and read people’s email? Why or why not? I personally don’t believe authorities have the right to go inside other people personal email to track down hackers. That mean we are losing our right of freedom. This is like spying on the very law abiding citizen’s personal space. I believe privacy is...
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...Running header: E-WASTE IN INDONESIA 1 E-Waste in Indonesia: Implementing Clear Standards and Integrating the Informal Sector Donald P. Santoso ERM 428 Spring 2015 Arizona State University 2 E-WASTE IN INDONESIA Abstract While economic development gives rise to markets of emerging technologies, it also creates an emerging global issue in the management of the electronic waste (e-waste) it generates. Unfortunately Moore’s Law, which articulates that technological advancements follow an exponential upward growth every year, does not apply to the innovation in recycling that technology. E-waste is a term for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). These products and components can range from home appliances to consumer electronics; they are defined as e-waste once they reach the end of life, and no longer retain value through its intended function. The European Union (EU) estimates that the amount of global WEE increases 3-5% annually, equivalent to three times the growth of other categories of solid waste (Schwarzer, 2005). Electronic products have become extremely affordable in today’s economy, making it increasingly cheaper to replace these goods rather than fix them. Interval updates in the electronic sector also encourages pre-mature obsolescence of many products (Agamuthu et al., 2012). These factors contribute to a high turnover rate of electronics in the market. As a consequence, there is little incentive for both the industry and...
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...technology changes have led to increasingly large e-waste surpluses. Electronic devices, particularly older units in use today or in storage, contain a host of hazardous constituents such as lead, mercury, or chromium, as well as plastics treated with brominated flame retardants. The presence of these constituents has led to end-of-life (EOL) management concerns from state and federal environmental agencies, environmental organizations, and some Members of Congress. E-waste is essentially unregulated at the federal level—meaning it can be disposed of with common household garbage in municipal solid waste landfills (the primary disposal method) or incinerators. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that landfill disposal of ewaste is safe. However, EPA’s preferred method of EOL management is reuse or recycling. Further, state and local waste management agencies have expressed concerns regarding the potential cumulative impact to human health and the environment of landfilling millions of pounds of e-waste. As a result, individual states have begun to enact their own e-waste management requirements. To date, 23 states and New York City have enacted some form of e-waste management law. Those laws include provisions such as restrictions on landfill...
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...SUSTAINABILITY CONSUMPTION AND WASTE; Marketing to Change Societal Impact through Education for Lifestyle Change By George L. Gonzales SUB 6520 Sustainable Marketing Alliant International University Marshall Goldsmith School of Management Dr. Ute Jamrozy "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." - Greek Proverb Marketing to Change Societal Impact through Education for Lifestyle Change I will attempt to describe the amount of material waste in relation to economic consumption, and through educational marketing implicate the societal impact of current consumption lifestyles, leaving one conclusion - to change consumption patterns. Awareness-building, as a behavioral change mechanism that questions individual self awareness of how an individual’s thinking and activities affect the climate, natural environment and social well-being. Increasing knowledge and understanding on global warming and ecological degradation and social and political distress should influence people to take a positive position on sustainability issues and take action. Doppelt, (2008). The action must come from the stakeholders at risk; the citizen-consumer, industry and government. Awareness-building is a proactive behavioral change mechanism that can be manifested with an organized marketing effort. In problem solving, “a basic level of understanding of the problem and solutions...
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...INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Of ACADEMIC RESEARCH LCC: T10.5-11.9 Vol. 2. No. 1. January 2010 E-CYLING E-WASTE: THE WAY FORWARD FOR NIGERIA IT AND ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INDUSTRY Prof. Dr. Oliver E. Osuagwu *, Charles Ikerionwu a a b b Coordinator of PG Programs, IP Vice-President, CPN Department of Information Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (NIGERIA) * E-mail: drosuagwu@yahoo.com ABSTRACT An average of 500,000 tons of obsolete Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE) are dumped into Nigeria monthly with its associated health and environmental hazards. E-waste includes computers, entertainment electronics, mobile phones and other items that have been discarded by their original users. While there is no generally accepted definition of e-waste, in most cases e-waste consists of expensive and more or less durable products used for data processing, telecommunications or entertainment in private households and businesses. Dumping of e-waste in Nigeria has negative health consequences such as leaching toxins into the soil, air and groundwater which later enter into crops, animals and human body systems causing contamination and pollution. Medical experts have warned that exposure to these substances can cause damage to blood and nervous systems, DNA, immune systems, kidneys and can lead o respiratory and skin disorders and lung cancer and can interfere with regulatory hormones and brain development. This is bad news for Nigeria and Africa...
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...Green computing 1 Green computing Green computing, green IT or ICT Sustainability, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. In the article Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices, San Murugesan defines the field of green computing as "the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems — efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment."[1] The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. Many corporate IT department have Green Computing initiatives to reduce the environmental impacts of their IT operations.[2] Research continues into key areas such as making the use of computers as energy-efficient as possible, and designing algorithms and systems for efficiency-related computer technologies. Origins In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched Energy Star, a voluntary labeling program that is designed to promote and recognize energy-efficiency in monitors, climate control equipment, and other technologies. This resulted in the widespread adoption of sleep mode among consumer electronics. Concurrently, the Swedish organization TCO Development launched the TCO...
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...Situation Analysis AWC Inc. is a small-scale Southern Ontario aluminum fabrication plant. AWC employs 100 people (Exhibit 1). It is employee friendly and also works for community welfare. Thus, AWC has a highly motivated and loyal workforce. Also, many of the present employees are the second-generation employees for AWC. Since there are more than 37 competitors operating in southwestern Ontario, slowdown in construction industry over 1989-1991 period has further added to the cut-throat competition and reduced the profit from earlier five to seven percent to only three percent. To survive the competition, Alex, President and owner of AWC, has reduced the workforce through attrition with much heartache, drastically cut prices, margins and profits, and increased efficiency. The implementation of Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement in the near future will further add to the competition in the aluminum fabrication industry because of the lower priced products offered by U.S. To counter the competition, AWC has recently developed a superior door design. Because of its lower price and higher quality with respect to comparable products, AWC had a significant increase in its sales. This new design has led to full-time usage of the welding line, requiring second-shift frequently although the production is done in one-shift most often. AWC now has to either move to second-shift on welding line or install a second one. Following are the issues with the implementation of second-shift: ...
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...Running head: WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER 1 Wireless Power Transfer: Past, Present, Future and the Impacts of Wireless Technology Running head: WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER 2 A common question asked of wireless power transfer is “Is it safe”. In the beginning, early press described this technology as being “electricity in the air” which contributed to heightening the fears of the public. The general public was under the assumption that wireless power could possibly expose them to huge amounts of dangerous electromagnetic fields when using these systems. Through proper design it is possible to keep stray electric and magnetic fields well within the same recognized human safety limits that regulate all electromagnetic consumer devices to include cell phones, wireless routers, Bluetooth headphones, etc. (Kesler, 2013). Safety limits for human exposure to electromagnetic fields is established through a continuous review of scientific evidence of the impact these fields have on human health (Kesler, 2013). In the near future, the World Health Organization is projected to issue its own guidelines for human exposure limits to electromagnetic fields. Until those guidelines are released, the majority of national regulations, including the World Health Organization, reference the human exposure guidelines set forth by the Institute of Electrical...
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