...Examine the main trends in birth and deaths since 1900(24 marks) Sociologists use the idea of birth rates to measure how many births have been occurring. It is usually described as the number of live births per 1000 of the population per year. The trend highlights that the birth rate since 1900 has been fluctuating. In addition the fertility rates have decreased as well. From 1918 to 1946 birth rates in the U.K. fell significantly. An explanation to support why this occurred is because of World War 1 and 2. During this time period, many men had left their wives to join the war. This lead to a decrease in births as males were not present in their home country. This occurred in many countries not just Britain. Britain became more female orientated. This especially occurred in the more urban areas. The reason birth rates started to increased after 1950 was through the introduction of the NHS. This service, because it was free helped to save many lives. Births increased as more men were being treated and also the wars had ended therefore decreased the death rates heavily. Furthermore the TB vaccination was also brought in 1953. Tuberculosis was a very dreadful disease to catch, killing 2,200,500 people approximately before the 1950's. After that the deaths reduced dramatically to 600,000 since the vaccination. In the 60's the death rates increased. This was because of the diseases of affluence. This term describes diseases and health conditions thought to be a result of increasing...
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...Examine the main trends in birth and deaths in the United Kingdom since 1900 A01 – 14 marks knowledge and understanding 1 ½ side A02 – 10 marks analysis – evaluation – 1 side A4 A01 – describe the main trends in birth/death rates. Into – give an opening statement that answers the question – definitions of key terms – death/birth rate – dependency ratio - dependents (aged 0-14 and over the age of 65) to the total population (aged 15-64). births – fall of death rate (1900 was 28.7, 2007 was 10.7) | Birth rate – number of live births per 1000 of the population per year. | Was high in 1900 due to baby boom after the war. | Total fertility rate in 1964 – 2.95.| 2001 – 1.63. | 2006 – 1.84. Fertile = how many kids they can have. | More women reminding childless, waiting longer to have children. | Child bearing (age 15-44) older women = less fertile so they produce fewer children. | Death – death rate is number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year. Remained stable since 1900 at around 600,000 per year | world wars raised numbers of death. | Influenza epidemic 1918 brought death to a record of 690,000 | 1900 death rate = 19 | 2007 = 10 | A02 – explain causes. Reasons women is waiting longer to have kids – legal equality with men, increased educational opportunities, easier access to divorce, changes in family life ( women work ), access to abortion. | 2006 – 1 in 5 women aged 45 was childless. | Smaller family sizes, means women can go out and work and...
Words: 351 - Pages: 2
...Examine the main trends in births and deaths in the United Kingdom since 1990. There has been a long-term decline in the number in the number of births since 1990. In that year, England and Wales had a birth rate of 28.7, but by 2007 it had fallen to an estimated 10.7. Similarly, the death rate has fallen since 1900. The death rate is the number of deaths per thousand of the population per year. In 1900, the death rate stood at 19 000, whereas by 2007 it had almost halved, to 10 000. For the birth rate, there have been fluctuations in births, with three “baby booms” in the 20th century. The first two came after the two world wars (1914-18 and 1939-1945), as returning servicemen and their partners started families that they had postponed during the war years. There was a third baby boom in the 1960s, after which the birth rate fell sharply during the 1970s. The rate rose during the 1980s, before falling again after the early 1990s. One reason for the decline in the birth rate is the changes in the position of women. During the 20th century there were major changes for women. For example, women gained legal equality with men (including the right to vote), increased educational opportunities, laws outlawing unequal pay and sex discrimination, access to abortion and reliable contraception and easier access to divorce. As a result of these changes, women now see other possibilities in life apart from the traditional role of housewife and mother. Many are choosing to delay childbearing...
Words: 776 - Pages: 4
...divorce and marriage. Sociologists have different views on the impact of these policies and laws on families. For example, feminists argue that social policies assume that the ideal family is a patriarchal nuclear family, and that government policies and laws therefore favour this sort of family. On the other hand, the New Right argue that the benefit system undermines traditional nuclear families by actively encouraging lone parents. 0 6 Explain what is meant by the ‘dual burden’ (Item 2A). (2 marks) 0 7 Explain the difference between the expressive role and the instrumental role (Item 2A). (4 marks) 0 8 Suggest three ways in which the differences between children and adults are becoming less clear in society today. (6 marks) 0 9 Examine the reasons for, and the effects of, changes in family size over the past 100 years or so. (24 marks) 1 0 Using material from Item 2B and elsewhere, assess sociological views of the impact of government policies and laws on family life. Item 2A Over the past 40 years or so, there has been a decline in the number of first marriages in the United Kingdom. One of the reasons for this decline is the change in the role of women in society. In order to develop their careers, women may be rejecting the notion of marriage altogether and remaining single. Over the same period, there...
Words: 5042 - Pages: 21
...Examine the main trends in births and deaths in the United Kingdom since 1900 The birthrate in the UK has been in a long-term state of decline since 1900. In 1900 the birthrate in England and wales was 28.7, but by 2007 it had fallen to an estimated 10.7. However there have been three fluctuations in the birthrate of the UK, these are know as the three ‘baby booms’ in the 20th century. The First two came after the two world wars (1914-18 and 1939-45), as returning service men and their partners started families that they postponed during the war. There was a third baby boom in the 1960s before sharply declining again in the 1970s. The rate then rose in the 1980s and fell in the 1990s, it has recently increased since 2001. There were major changes in the position of women in the 20th century. In the 20th century women gained legal equality with men including the right to vote. Women now also have increased educational opportunities and girls now do better at school than boys. There are now more women in paid employment, plus laws outlawing unequal pay and sex discrimination. As well as changes in attitudes to family life and women’s role and an easier access to divorce. As a result of these changes, women now see other opportunities in life apart from the traditional role of the house wife mother. Many are choosing to delay childbearing, or not have children at all in pursuit of a career. For example in 2006 on in five women were childless at age 45, double the number of...
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...Name: SCLY 1: Families and Households Revision Notes 2011-12 By the end of this unit you should be able to * answer any question on families and households ! Key definitions: A family is usually a group of people related by marriage or blood. A household is a person living alone or a group of people living together who may or may not be related. Theories of the family From the specification: The relationship of the family to the social structure and social change * Functionalist views: the importance of the nuclear family, the universality of the family, changing functions, how the nuclear family ‘fits’ modern society. * Marxist views: the family as part of the ideological state apparatus, as an agent of social control. * Feminist views: patriarchy; liberal, radical and Marxist feminism. Consensus/Positive views of the family | Conflict/critical views of the family | * Functionalist theories: the family performs positive functions for individuals and society * New Right theories: the family is the cornerstone of society, but it is under threat | * Marxist theories: the family provides important functions for capitalism * Feminist theories: the family reinforces gender inequality and patriarchy | Functionalist theories GP Murdock | Evaluation | Murdock argues that the family is a universal institution (it exists everywhere) that performs four major functions: * Stable satisfaction of the sex drive with the same partner, preventing the...
Words: 16472 - Pages: 66
...plans for as they are still relevant. However there are a few key differences: * The question you will answer will be worth 20 marks not 24 marks. * You will have 30 minutes to write a 20 mark answer. * The essays will consist 4 paragraphs and a conclusion containing new information. How to use this document: * Use the extract from the mark scheme and examiners’ advice to create essay plans of the questions. * You may not have heard of all of the concepts in the mark scheme but there should be at least some that are familiar to you. * The examiner’s advice usually outlines bad, moderate and good answers to the question so pick out the ways in which you can achieve top band and incorporate this into your plan. June 2015 Examine the impact of government policies and laws on family life. [24 marks] From the mark scheme: Concepts and issues such as the following may appear: patriarchy; familism; surveillance; ideological control; gender regimes; marital breakdown; family structure; family diversity; welfare dependency; underclass; reserve army of labour Policies/laws on abortion; divorce; contraception; reproductive technology; marriage; adoption; pensions; benefits; taxes; education; childcare; child protection; sexuality; immigration may be discussed Analysis and evaluation may be developed, for instance by comparing the impact of different policies/laws or by discussing perspectives on social policy and the family (eg New Right, feminist, functionalist etc) From...
Words: 7021 - Pages: 29
...whole. Undernutrition is, by the same logic, devastating. It blunts the intellect, saps the productivity of everyone it touches and perpetuates poverty. Stunting - or low height for age - traps people into a lifelong cycle of poor nutrition, illness, poverty and inequity. The damage to physical and cognitive development, especially during the first two years of a child’s life, is largely irreversible. A child’s poorer school performance results in future income reductions of up to 22 per cent on average. As adults, they are also at increased risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) period from birth to two years of age is the “critical window” for the promotion of good growth, health, and behavioral and cognitive developmentmothers are empowered to initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth, breastfeed exclusively for the first six months and continue to breastfeed for two years or more, together with nutritionally adequate, safe, age appropriate, responsive complementary feeding starting at six months. Maternal nutrition is also important for ensuring good nutrition status of the infant as well as safeguarding women's health. . The Deadly Opposition to Genetically Modified Food Vitamin A deficiency has killed 8 million kids in the last 12 years. Help is finally on the way. By Bjørn Lomborg nally, after a 12-year delay caused by opponents of genetically modified foods, so-called “golden rice” with vitamin A will be grown...
Words: 10134 - Pages: 41
...WORKBOOK ANSWERS AQA AS Sociology Unit 1 Families and Households This Answers book provides some possible answers that might be given for the questions asked in the workbook. They are not exhaustive and other answers may well be acceptable, but they are intended as a guide to give teachers and students feedback. The responses for the longer essay-style questions are intended to give some idea about how the exam questions might be answered. Again, these are not the only ways to answer such questions but they can be treated as one way of approaching questions of these types. Topic 1 Functionalist and New Right views of the family How have functionalist and New Right thinkers explained family life and the relationship between families and social change? 1 The organic analogy refers to the extended comparison made by functionalists between the human or other living body and society, with the organs of the body equivalent to institutions and structures in society. 2 Primary socialisation refers to the first and most important stage of the socialisation process by which young children absorb the norms and values of their culture, mainly from their parents. Note: make sure your answer explains both ‘primary’ and ‘socialisation’. 3 One way in which the nuclear family is more suited than other types of family to modern industrial society is that it allows for geographical mobility; it is easier to move a nuclear family to a new area for, say, a...
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...SUBJECT: PRODUCT MANAGEMENT “A STUDY ON THE “VIRTUAL BRANDING”” | | | | | | | | | VIRTUAL BRANDING The paper places emphasis on two aspects of the future of branding: 1. The ultimate limit of branding, that the authors have baptised as V-Branding (Virtual Branding), and 2. The development of a framework, process and assessment tool that allows companies to evaluate and steer their brand(s). The assessment tool, denominated as the RIB matrix-graph (Real-Imaginary Branding matrix-graph) can be used in 2D format (with Awareness and Degree of Diffusion forming the two axes or dimensions) and 3D format i.e. with an additional dimension such as age group, social status, period, time frame etc. Tool applicability stretches from the small business to transnational companies and from products to services. The paper also looks at the transition from lifestyles to mindstyles, the evolution of the consumer and how these link to branding evolution INTRODUCTION The chapter proceeds to describe the influence of brands on the buying process, and the importance of customer satisfaction...
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...Does the "New Economy" Measure up to the Great Inventions of the Past? Robert J. Gordon Stanley G. Harris Professor in the Social Sciences, Northwestern University Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research April 28, 2000 draft of a paper for the Journal of Economic Perspectives _____________________ This research is supported by the National Science Foundation. I have benefitted from discussions on these topics with many people, especially Erik Brynjolfsson, Joel Mokyr, Jack Triplett, and the late Zvi Griliches. "The invention of the semiconductor transistor set in motion a technological revolution that is arguably even more impressive and pervasive than that of the Great Industrial Revolution of the last century." -- Flamm (1997, p. 1) "The chip has transformed us at least as pervasively as the internal-combustion engine or electric motor" -- Fortune magazine, June 8, 1998, pp. 86-87. The miracle of U. S. economic performance in the late 1990s was a source of pride at home, of envy abroad, and of puzzlement among economists and policymakers. 1 The Federal Reserve presided over rates of output growth believed only a few years earlier to be unachievable even for a few quarters, much less over the four glowing years 1996-99. As the unemployment rate inched ever lower, the Fed reacted with benign neglect, so that early in the year 2000 short-term interest rates were no higher than they had been five years earlier and long-term interest rates were considerably...
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...repeat certain themes, thoughts, and reflections; they talk of the powerful and often conflicting emotions involved in "the pain of grief and the spiral of mourning; [they refer to] the heartbreak at the heart of things...grief's contradictions"; they speak of parents devastated by grief (Moffat 1992, xxiii). It is frequently said that the grief of bereaved parents is the most intense grief known. When a child dies, parents feel that a part of them has died, that a vital and core part of them has been ripped away. Bereaved parents indeed do feel that the death of their child is "the ultimate deprivation" (Arnold and Gemma 1994, 40). The grief caused by their child's death is not only painful but profoundly disorienting-children are not supposed to die. These parents are forced to confront an extremely painful and stressful paradox; they are faced with a situation in which they must deal both with the grief caused by their child's death and with their inherent need to continue to live their own lives as fully as possible. Thus, bereaved parents must deal with the contradictory burden of wanting to be free of this overwhelming pain and yet needing it as a reminder of the child who died. Bereaved parents continue to be parents of the child who died. They will always feel the...
Words: 14595 - Pages: 59
...Abstract The aim of this work is to look into urbanization trend in Pakistan and its socio-economic implications. The study would examine the effectiveness of a range of remedies applied in Pakistan, and as to how other countries are dealing with the problems arising due to urbanization. Based on analysis of the case of Pakistan and cross-country experiences, an attempt will be made to suggest remedies based on regulatory framework and various economic instruments to resolve the urbanization related issues. Urbanization is generally considered as a means and an end towards development. In Pakistan as well, the transition of a substantial portion of population to a largely urban population and the development of mega-urban regions/centers is being viewed as an engine of economic growth in the Government’s ‘New Growth Framework’. The success of this Growth Framework depends, to a large extent, on the speed with which the urban centers are transformed into dynamic, knowledge-based, productive, healthy and efficient centers. Urbanization is the process of a country becoming more industrialized from a previously agricultural dominated society; it is a cyclical process involving three essential aspects: behavior, structure and demography. Table of Contents Chapter Page 1. Introduction • Urbanization...
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...Chapter 1 - Geography Matters: Definitions: * Human geography the study of the spatial organization of human activity and of people’s relationships with their environments * Cartography: the body of practical and theoretical knowledge about making distinctive visual representations of Earth’s surface in the form of maps * Map projection: a systematic rendering on a flat surface of the geographic coordinates of the features found on Earth’s surface * Ethnocentrism: the attitude that a persona’s own race and culture are superior to those of others * Imperialism: the extension of the power of a nation through direct/indirect control of the economic and political life of other territories * Masculinism: the assumption that the world is and should be shaped mainly by men for men * environmental determinism: a doctrine holding that human activities are controlled by the environment * globalization: the increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world through common processes of economic, environmental political and cultural change * ecumene: the total habitable area of a country. Sine it depends on the prevailing technology, the available ecumene varies over time. Canada’s ecumene is so much less than its total area. * Geodemographic research: investigation using census data and commercial data (i.e. sales data and property records) about populations of small districts to create profiles of those populations for market research ...
Words: 24912 - Pages: 100
...little easier to understand and use. Disclaimer Please note that the schools of literary criticism and their explanations included here are by no means the only ways of distinguishing these separate areas of theory. Indeed, many critics use tools from two or more schools in their work. Some would define differently or greatly expand the (very) general statements given here. Our explanations are meant only as starting places for your own investigation into literary theory. We encourage you to use the list of scholars and works provided for each school to further your understanding of these theories. We also recommend the following secondary sources for study of literary theory: * The Critical Tradition: Classical Texts and Contemporary Trends, 1998, edited by David H. Richter * Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide, 1999, by Lois Tyson * Beginning Theory, 2002, by Peter Barry Although philosophers, critics,...
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