...Your Name UNV 104 Date Instructor Name The Title of Your Essay: Five Paragraph Essay Example This is an example of what your essay should look like and how to set it up. Make sure your essay is in Times New Roman, 12 point, is double-spaced, and that you indent all of your paragraphs. Moreover, your first paragraph, which is your introduction paragraph, needs to include your thesis statement. Your thesis statement must include your topic and three subtopic points about the topic. Your thesis statement will more often than not, be the last sentence of your introduction paragraph. For example, if I were going to write an essay about buying a home, my thesis statement will look like the following. When deciding to purchase a home one must find a real estate agent, choose a lender, and determine a particular location. Each following paragraph after your introduction paragraph needs to start with a topic sentence. “A topic sentence has several important functions: it substantiates or supports an essay’s thesis statement; it unifies the content of a paragraph and directs the order of the sentences; and it advises the reader of the subject to be discussed and how the paragraph will discuss it” (Indiana University, 2011, para. 3). Therefore, the topic sentence for this paragraph, which will be the first sentence of the paragraph, will be about finding a real estate agent. This topic sentence will be about finding a lender. Make sure you have credible sources to add value...
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...being un-supervised. Other people in the community speed over the limit posted and children play there and may be hit or injured. Even though the children play in the street it cause a safety risk to drivers that don’t speed or drive wreck less do to the children running in and out of the streets without looking for cars. The children are our future and they need to be protected. When a person is looking to buy a future home they want to see a nice neighborhood that looks respectable and not as if it’s a bad neighborhood. The appearance of a home in my belief can say a lot about the people who live there. Someone who takes care of their home for example pressure washing, not trash in yard, paint nicely applied. Also there are some resident that don’t have the money but the residents should do as much as they can. To give an example of this a resident in my neighborhood has fixed the garage door which is tilted half way closed and it’s not very appealing. The appearance of a residents lawn as well as home its self make a community. A yard or lawn care should at the minimum have the grass mowed. The plants should be not over grown or deceased. Living in Florida the grass isn’t always...
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...The poor people usually depends of this places for basic things like food or sleep,without that help some of them don`t survive winter. Most of these institutions exist thanks to donations made it by average people and not government assistance. Every day there is more people living on the streets and the help is simply not enough, even when these kind of institutions exist. The people which suffer of poverty even when we see them like a kind of dog in the street, they are human and they want a decent life like normal people. Is normal to say that those poor people are living on the streets by their own choice, but like I said before, that is ignorance. That people suffer a lot of things, even things that we never going to feel, for example the hungry . The sad of these situations is that most of these people is...
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...An Example of an Essay Written in APA Style October 15, 2014 (Full Title followed by name of writer and affiliation, if applicable. Some instructors also want the class name and Instructor name to appear here. All lines should be centered horizontally and appear on the top half of the title page) EXAMPLE APA ESSAY 2 Abstract (DO NOT INDENT): An abstract is a short but comprehensive summary of main points that are made within the essay. The abstract is generally about a paragraph long, should be between 150 and 250 total words, and should not be indented. The abstract allows the reader to quickly understand the contents and purpose of the essay. Since the abstract is the first part of the essay that most readers will see, it is important to make sure that it is well-written and does a comprehensive job of summarizing the essay. If you have the fortune of having your paper published, the abstract will become particularly important in allowing potential readers to find and evaluate your essay. EXAMPLE APA ESSAY 3 An Example of an Essay Written in APA Style (title, centered, not bolded or italicized) Even though APA requires a title page, the title of the essay should still appear on the first page of the text. As the paper is written, all sources should be cited within the text. APA in-text citation requires the use of the author’s last name and the year that the information was written or presented (ex. Merk, 2010). This is different than MLA format, which...
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...baffling how a five-year degree can take so long to complete. When going to school, many extenuating circumstances caused a five year degree to take almost eight years. Much of this was balancing work, school, and a family. However, there were other circumstances that made completing college a problem. Two of the most common challenges that plagued my progress, and still seem to be a problem for students today, are motivation and procrastination. Motivation is complex, as it entails both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is how one values and takes pride in learning while extrinsic motivation is solely based upon the external reward such as grade, graduation, and eventual employment (Brownlow & Reasinger, 2000). A good example of extrinsic motivation is in a study by Dunwoody and Frank (1995) who found that students dropped courses for reasons such as not being happy with their grade, not liking the professor, or not finding the subject of interest. These reasons for not continuing a course are all based on the extrinsic motivation of grade completion that shows a lack of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation begins at a very young age with parents teaching children to take pride in their own work. As children grow older and begin school, these motivators must continue to be instilled as the children start to enter into extrinsic motivators such as token economies and grades (Brownlow & Reasinger, 2000). Parents need to continue to encourage their children...
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...List three once-prevalent beliefs about infant abilities that have been overturned since the mid-20th century. - Doctors in the 1930s believed that babies had such a diminished consciousness that they had no sense of pain, so did not need anesthetic if undergoing surgery. - In the early 1980s, babies were thought to be blind at birth 2. Briefly explain three problems Spelke and her team face when doing studies of infant cognition. - The youngest babies have a wondering gaze so the team have to try and complete each experiment within 10 minutes - Infants often lurch backwards to look up at their parents or pull off a sock/fiddle with a button - Infants fall asleep 3. Describe how direction of gaze and frequency of sucking are used as measures in Spelke et al's experiments. - Babies get bored when they look at the same thing over and over again but gaze more intently when they see something that confounds their expectations or that doesn’t make sense. - ‘Smart’ dummies are used for the youngest infants whose gazes wander endlessly, these are wired to a computer and help Spelke measure their levels of excitement. A lot of sucking means a lot of interest. 4. State four areas of cognition that Spelke et al have investigated. - Object and facial recognition - Motion - Spatial navigation - Numerosity (rough grasp of numerical relationships) 5. Explain the conclusions Spelke et al have drawn about early infant abilities. - We are natural-born mathematicians, e.g. 6 month...
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...used to accomplish organisation goals. In this article it is discussed in detail about the relationship between the early management innovators ideas and theories towards the modern management thinking. In the early days the concept of management was followed in different ways but when we compare it to the existing modern management ideas and practices it can be seen that they been created a long back by the early management pioneers. Early management pioneers have a lot of contribution to the current management ideas and practice followed in any kind of organisation. (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coultor, 2006, pp-6-20) Construction of pyramids and the existence of the major economic trade centre in the 1400’s in the city of Venice are good examples of early management prevalence. (Bartol, Tein, Mathew, & Sharma, 2007, p-40) Bartol et al says new ideas however do not emerge from nowhere. They normally arise from a foundation of established ideas. He also stated that history is important and knowing the origins of particular ideas and theories helps to understand the foundation for emerging ideas and theories in the modern management. Some of the preclassical pioneers responsible for the foundation of the modern management ideas and thinking will be discussed throughout this article. Early contributors for the management theory Bartol et al examined the work of the early pioneer’s contribution and classified them as preclassical management contributors. Some of the contributors...
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...Ekonomi Ketagihan alkohol di kalangan masyarakat masa kini telah menimbulkan banyak kesan negatif kepada ekonomi antaranya ialah hilang pekerjaan, sumber kewangan tidak mencukupi, kemalangan di tempat kerja dan kemalangan jalan raya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh minuman alkohol yang boleh menyebabkan peminumnya tidak sedar apa yang berlaku disekelilingnya atau boleh diketegorikan sebagai mabuk. Kesan negatif yang pertama ialah hilang pekerjaan. Hal yang demikian berlaku kerana individu yang minum minuman yang beralkohol mempunyai masalah disiplin seperti lambat datang kerja, lambat menyiapkan tugasan dan tidak menepati masa. Contoh yang dapat dikaitkan dengan situasi ini ialah apabila seseorang minum alkohol, individu tersebut akan mengambil masa yang lama untuk sedar kembali ke keadaan normal dan ini akan mempengaruhi juga prestasi kerja dan disiplin individu tersebut. Kesan seterusnya ialah tiada sumber kewangan. Selepas dibuang kerja, individu tersebut sudah semestinya tiada lagi sumber pendapatan untuk diri sendiri dan juga keluarga. Hal ini akan menyebabkan keluarga mempunyai masalah kewangan untuk membeli barang keperluan rumah dan turut akan menganggu pelajaran anak-anak yang mana memerlukan wang untuk membayar yuran, membeli buku rujukan dan peralatan menulis. Perkara ini akan bertambah teruk jika individu tersebut terus dengan tabiat untuk terus minum minuman beralkohol walaupun dalam keadaan kesempitan wang. Keadaan ini akan menyebabkan individu ini dan keluarganya...
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...Ali Tohami Dr. Marteinsdottir English 01PA 30 October 2013 The Ongoing Struggle It just past 5:00 pm on a dreary Wednesday when I was going to HUB 269, on my way to the very first general meeting of the group called SJP. SJP stands for Students for Justice in Palestine, have met here every Wednesday since their founding in 2006. HUB 269 is on the third floor of the HUB, and is a very common dwelling spot for various clubs and organizations across UCR. I was accompanied by a friend of mine, and as we entered the room we immediately noticed that almost every seat was filled. The place was moderately big and in the front there was a projector, large podium, and a table with about 4 chairs, presumably for the board members. The people sitting were as diverse as UC Riverside, and it was quite obvious that not everybody there was Middle Eastern. Nonetheless, the amount of individuals gathered to show support was staggering to say the least. My friend and I sat in the back of the room patiently waiting for the meeting to start. I wasn’t quite sure what I was in for, especially since all I knew about the club was what the acronym of the group stood for. After about 10 minutes in my seat, the room was silent. The president of the club stood up on the podium, ready to give her presentation. She was wearing a bright blue hijab, a headscarf worn by Muslim women all over the globe. She was a relatively fair height, petite, and had dressed modestly and professionally. She had a serious...
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...examples Literature – Henrik Ibsen Abstract: In this essay, Ibsen’s plays, The Wild Duck, and Ghosts are considered in relation to themes of illusions and realities. In both plays, families are held together by illusions, yet torn apart by truths that have been concealed to protect the children. Ibsen’s use of artistic realism is an ironic art form where illusions and realisms are contradicted to reveal the deeper conflicts of ordinary lives. Ibsen presents the complicated realities of ordinary lives and emphasizes the fact that there are always many realities -- just as there are many illusions. Title: Illusions and Realities in Ibsen’s Plays The Wild Duck and Ghosts Introduction In Ibsen’s The Wild Duck, illusions and reality are set into a conflict within the story of a son’s personal desire to confront idealism. Throughout much of the play, the son, Greger, argues the value of truth with the reluctant Dr. Relling. Relling insists on the importance of illusions, but fails to discourage Greger’s intentions and a play that begins as a comedy quickly turns into a tragedy because of these conflicts. At the heart of the illusions in this play are the ways that people assume many roles in a family, impersonating multiple ideals as ways for managing their relationships. This theme of impersonation is also developed in Ibsen’s Ghosts, where family relations are slowly undone as the illusions and deceptions are stripped away. In both plays, deceptions are...
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...Middle Ages essay sample Foreign Direct Investments essay sample Sample essay about the plague Stress essay sample Archimedes essay writing tips Essay sample on marine degradation Casinos essay sample American dream essay topics How to revise a research paper What is over-quoting? Writing an argumentative essay Sample essay on 1984 'The Death And Life Of The Great American School System' sample book report Purchasing essays online Argumentative essay on capital punishment Structuring your essay Proofreading is vital Becoming a custom essay writer Buying customized essays Descriptive essay: basics Great essays to buy Child abuse paper sample A list of essay writing hints Selecting an unusual term paper topic Analysis essay on A&P MLA style essays Barn Burning summary example Narrative essay topic ideas Essay sample on GSCM How to be specific Essay writing tips Scottish curriculum essay sample Sample essay on mathematics and music Experienced paper writers Accounting essays Choosing a history essay topic How to order a customized essay Persuasive essay keynotes Cheap essay writing services Who can write your essay Expert essay assistance Creating outstanding 250 word essays Compare and contrast essay tips Write an essay in 48 hours Choosing a professional assistant IKEA essay sample 5 tips for writing an essay The End of The New World Order essay sample Essay example about children with ADHD What is a reflective essay? Help with...
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...Geography Programme, School of People, Environment and Planning ESSAY WRITING AND FORMAT GUIDE FOR GEOGRAPHY STUDENTS Essay Writing and Format Guide 2 Essay Writing and Format Guide Table of Contents Introduction: Why Write Essays? ........................................................ 4 Types of Essay........................................................................................ 5 Analysing the Question: Answering the Question............................ 5 Planning Your Essay ............................................................................. 8 Writing Your Essay................................................................................ 9 Introduction ..................................................................................... 10 The Body of the Essay.................................................................... 10 Concluding ....................................................................................... 12 Editing............................................................................................... 13 Writing Style ......................................................................................... 13 Spelling.............................................................................................. 13 Writing numbers.............................................................................. 14 Grammar: plurals and apostrophes .............................................. 15 Syntax: The...
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...Writing Essays 1. Getting started The worst part about writing an essay can be starting the process. Before you rush into doing a pile of reading, you need to be very clear what your essay is about and what you are actually being asked to do. Typical essay questions: a) How do organizations typically manage stress? Critically evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of stress management. b) Critically assess the extent to which a Conceptual Framework may guide the accounting standard-setting process. c) Identify and analyse significant developments in technology impacting on IMC. Discuss how such developments might affect international marketers and notions of the audience. The important thing to do when you approach an essay is carefully unpacking the essay question. For example, in question (a) above, you are being asked to do two things. First, to describe how organizations manage stress, and then to examine the evidence regarding the effectiveness of stress management. The first part of the essay, therefore, will be fairly descriptive, and you will be looking to read books and journal articles that discuss the ways that organizations manage stress. Don’t rely too heavily on one book or one particular journal article. Try to read as widely possible and make notes as you do so (see handout on reading and note-taking). The second part of the essay is rather more difficult, and it is here that many students fall down and lose marks. The key...
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...During this course, I been leaning to write with the help of different literary devices such as visual texts or books. For two of the major assignment for this course 1301 English I used images to write a rhetorical analysis about the negative side of Facebook and with the help of a book called The Intervention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd I wrote a literary analysis. Therefore, while reviewing those essays I found there are some mistakes with the structure of the essay, there are enough examples to support the main idea, and I need to improve grammatical mistakes. For a good essay the structure should include the three main parts an introduction, body, and the conclusion. On both of my essays I include those three parts, however the thesis statement...
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...Analysis of Formal Essay The essay “The Enduring Appeal of Agatha Christie” does a brilliant job on describing the uniqueness of Agatha Christie’s novels. The author of this essay really keeps their readers engaged by using detailed examples from Christie’s novels. Starting with the introduction, readers are introduced to some amazing works of fiction written by Canadian authors. Referring to Canadian authors gives the reader an idea about topic of the essay. For example the phrases, “Popular literature abounds with examples, ranging from the controversial work of Dan Brown to horrific work of Stephen King. On the beach, on the subway, people escape into the world of these authors.” helps the reader infer that essay will be on a talented author. From here the essay starts to be more specific. A thesis statement is added at the end of the introductory paragraph stating the overall argument. The author states a strong thesis by giving three clear reasons as to why readers appreciate Agatha Christie’s novels. The three points in the thesis are like a blueprint of the essay, specifying the points that will be discussed in the essay. Next, the reader is introduced to the first point of the essay through a topic sentence. This sentence states the main point that will be argued in first body paragraph and also creates a connection with the thesis statement. The topic sentence creates a link to the thesis, since it helps the first body paragraph to prove the first point stated in the...
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