...! University of Illinois at Springfield Journal Article Review By Sadanand Patil. Instructor: Hamed Saremi. ABSTRACT: In this paper we are going to review three journal articles based on Business Process Modeling and Simulation. These articles explain the importance of business process modeling and simulation in business processes. Authors discuss how modeling and simulation is done. We start with some information about the business processes explained by the authors then we will discuss business process modeling and methods of modeling. We will also go through how simulation modeling helps to evaluate alternate business process strategies. We will also discuss benefits of simulation of business process modeling. The purpose of this paper is to give readers idea about the journal articles, whether they are worth reading and importance of these articles and how these articles will help to understand Business Process Modeling and Simulation. INTRODUCTION: Ray J. Paul, Vlatka Hlupic and George M. Giaglis explained in their article that due to increasing competition, organizations need to make major changes in their each step of business process. BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) helps an organization to enhance the business process and also creates new ways in order to gain a competitive edge in a real market. BPR helps to redesign the business system for the enhancement of an organization. Many organizations faced a failure because of many factors...
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...Karla J. Murphy Pedagogy, Volume 4, Issue 2, Spring 2004, pp. 337-343 (Article) For additional information about this article http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/ped/summary/v004/4.2murphy.html Access provided by SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY (29 Dec 2014 03:14 GMT) The Pedagogical Possibilities of Covering Gilman’s Wallpaper Karla J. Murphy In his introduction to The Pedagogical Wallpaper, Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock notes how the pedagogical diversity of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wall-Paper” prompted him to collect essays for this book. He goes on to explain that “given the ubiquity of the text within various academic settings, I was also struck by the absence of attention to the text within pedagogical contexts. Despite the large (and steadily growing) body of criticism to the story, very little of it explicitly addresses its importance as a tool to facilitate learning or various ways in which to make use of the text in the classroom” (3). As a collection, Weinstock’s The Pedagogical Wallpaper contains informed, detailed, and diverse analysis that attempts to shore up the absence of “pedagogical possibilities” concerning Gilman’s transgressive short story (9). Among the contributors are a MOO space specialist, a Gilman scholar, a queer theorist, an existentialist, a formalist, and several reader/student-response theorists. Because each essayist presents a distinct critical perspective on Gilman’s text, each essay is likewise concerned with “how the narrative...
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...What is a PEST analysis? PEST analysis is also known as: STEP, PESTEL, PESTLE, PESTE, PESTLIED, SLEPT, STEEPLE, STEEPLED, LE PEST C and LEPEST analysis. Introduction In analyzing the macro-environment, it is important to identify the factors that might in turn affect a number of vital variables that are likely to influence the organization’s supply and demand levels and its costs (Kotter and Schlesinger, 1991; Johnson and Scholes, 1993). The "radical and ongoing changes occurring in society create an uncertain environment and have an impact on the function of the whole organization" (Tsiakkiros, 2002). A number of checklists have been developed as ways of cataloguing the vast number of possible issues that might affect an industry. A PEST analysis is one of them that is merely a framework that categorizes environmental influences as political, economic, social and technological forces. Sometimes two additional factors, environmental and legal, will be added to make a PESTEL analysis, but these themes can easily be subsumed in the others. The analysis examines the impact of each of these factors (and their interplay with each other) on the business. The results can then be used to take advantage of opportunities and to make contingency plans for threats when preparing business and strategic plans (Byars, 1991; Cooper, 2000). Kotler (1998) claims that PEST analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction...
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...Facebook’s 8 Fundamental Hooks and 6 Basic User Types: A Psychographic Segmentation. David Evans Nora Robertson Tenille Lively Linda Jacobson Mariana Llamas-Cendon Heidi Isaza Sam Rosenbalm John Voigt Kevin Michael Martin Evans, D.C., Robertson, N., Lively, T., & Jacobson, L., Llamas-Cendon, M., Isaza, H., Rosenbalm, S., & Voigt, J. (2012). Facebook’s 8 fundamental hooks and 6 basic user types: A psychographic segmentation. The Four Peaks Review, 2, 36-54. The authors would like to thank Eden Epstein, Nicholas Mattos, Bibianna Cha, Christina Seong, Parinaz Ejlali, and Sara Degruttola for their assistance with earlier versions of this study. Please address correspondence to David C. Evans Ph.D. at david@psychster.com . Evans et al., “Facebook Segmentation,” 37 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Understanding the different types of Facebook users is the first step to effectively communicating with them and providing appropriate features. Psychographic segmentation is a statistical procedure that first identifies the fundamental value-propositions or “hooks” of a technology, and then derives the user types who respond similarly to those hooks. Partnering with Psychster Inc., students in the University of Washington Master of Communication program in Digital Media (MCDM) applied this method to 236 Facebook users who rated the importance of 90 value-propositions via an online survey. The 6 user types that were found can be remembered by the acronym FBSIGN: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fans join...
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...Subject: Analysis of a Professional Journal Date: Mar, 31, 2016 Introduction I am evaluating a journal article titled: Algorithmic accountability. The article was published in Digital Journalism, in November 7, 2014. The author of the article is Nicholas Diakopoulos from College of Journalism, University of M aryland . Evaluation This article focuses on the concept of “Algorithmic Accountability Reporting” as a way of investing biases and influences employed by algorithms in todays society and how new age computational journalists should approach it. This article is directed at journalists who are scrutinizing algorithms to understand biases and false analysis portrayed by algorithms. The article is well structured. Text is organized in coherent sections which logically connects the entire article. The article starts with the brief introduction which outlines the points which will be covered in the article. Introduction also answers the questions of – what is this article about, who is the target audience, what are the current issues faced in journalism and how methods described in this article will help address those issue. Author, then mentions few real world examples of software companies which collect user data and then build ingenious algorithms to classify, group and eventually target people for their benefits – and how in doing so – they often open risks and flaws. The author exposes potential flaws by raising very valid questions about the decisions made...
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...“Bowling for Columbine” Film Analysis On April 20, 1999, many people’s lives drastically changed. An incident that occurred in Littleton, Colorado created a jaw dropping event that disrupted all of America. It also stopped Michael Moore right in his tracks. Not long after the incident, Michael Moore decided to make a documentary called “Bowling for Columbine,” a film that acknowledged many important points that are usually ignored and overlooked. This documentary focused on a school shooting that never should have happened. This tragic incident lead Moore to ponder many questions and create an extremely interesting documentary. Michael Moore has been in the film industry for quite some time. He’s created numerous documentaries that have received a large amount of public attention. He is also a filmmaker, author and political activist that not only knows how to work a camera, but also an audience (Deming). In his documentary “Bowling for Columbine”, Moore uses facts, interviews, and personal stories to really get the viewers undivided attention. He also uses multiple statistics to prove his points throughout the documentary. In 2002, Moore won an Oscar for the Best Documentary Film for “Bowling for Columbine” (Ecksel 1). This film not only touched the hearts of many Americans, but also created an argument for several businesses and associations that were involved. On April 20, 1999, the halls of Columbine High School changed forever. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris altered...
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...Third grade Title for content learning objective: Descriptive Character Analysis Title for language learning objective: Comparing and contrasting the two stories using a Venn diagram b) Content learning objective lesson plan Title: Comparing and contrasting the two stories using a Venn diagram Subject(s): Language Arts/Literature Grade level: Third grade Standard: 3.RL.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books form a series). Goals: Using a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two versions of a story. Objectives: The students will have prior knowledge of the story “The Three Little Pigs” and some of the students may know the sequel “The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf”. Attitude(s): The students may be curious as to what the sequel to “The Three Little...
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...BUS101 Introduction to marketing and Communications (MID-TERM ASSIGNMENT) General Instructions Your first formal assessment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material from the marketing management part of the module (up to and including communication). The task requires you to address a short fictional case. In addressing the assignment topic you must draw explicitly on the chapters and articles noted on QMPlus. You do not need to do reading beyond the module reading list and you should not do any research into the industry, market, product, etc (just make any assumptions clear). Assignment Brief and Backstory You have been lucky enough to secure an internship at Once Dodgy Consultants LLP (ODC), the most prestigious and expensive of all strategic management consultancies, but also a very publicly spirited firm that spends most of its income from commercial activities helping charities and social enterprises reduce poverty and illness. One day, you are working in your cubicle and sense a disturbance in the office, your colleagues rapidly start to disappear muttering “CEO” and “MBC file”. You look up and are surprised to see the CEO of the consultancy leave the elevator and head to your divisional manager’s office, a red file marked “MBC BRIEF TOP SECRET” held distastefully at at arm’s length. The CEO leaves shortly afterwards. You see your divisional manager look forlornly around the office, note you as the only remaining member...
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...Marine Pollution Bulletin 66 (2013) 117–124 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Marine Pollution Bulletin journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/marpolbul Impacts of marine debris on wild animals in the coastal area of Korea Sunwook Hong a,f, Jongmyoung Lee a,f,⇑, Yong Chang Jang a, Young Jun Kim b, Hee Jong Kim c, Donguk Han d, Sang Hee Hong e, Daeseok Kang f, Won Joon Shim e a Our Sea of East Asia Network, 722 Leadersvill 1570-8, Jukrim, Gwangdo, Tongyeong, Gyeongnam 650-826, South Korea Chungnam Wild Animal Rescue Center, 1 Dehoi, Yesaneup, Yesan County, Chungnam 340-702, South Korea c Migratory Birds Center of National Park Research Institute, Hongdo, Heuksan, Shinan, Jeonnam 535-916, South Korea d PGA Wetland Ecology Institute, 240-2, Dejang, Deokyang, Goyang City, Gyeonggi 412-250, South Korea e Oil & POPs Research Group, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, 391 Jangmok-myon, Geoje 656-834, South Korea f Pukyong National University, 45, Yongso-ro, Nam-Gu, Busan 608-737, South Korea b a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Marine debris Entanglement Ingestion Threatened species Recreational fishing gear a b s t r a c t Over the last decade, marine debris has become a major factor affecting the coastal ecosystem of Korea. This study compiled information regarding how marine debris impacts wildlife in Korea. Cases of marine debris impacting wildlife were collected from experts of various fields and from local...
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...THE MEANING OF 'INDEPENDENT WOMAN'' IN MUSIC MiA MOODY Introduction Rapper Roxanne Shanté's 1989 rendition of "Independent Woman," explored relationships and admonished women not to dote on partners who do not reciprocate or to buy into the fairytale dream that a man would always take care of them. The definition of an "Independent Woman" in the Urban Dictionary, a predominantly African American written and defined Web site, is "A woman who pays her own bills, buys her own things, and does not allow a man to affect her stability or self-confidence. She supports herself on her own entirely and is proud to be able to do so." Another depiction of independence is found in Tina Portis' video clip titled the "Deception of the Independent Woman" posted to YouTube in 2010. Portis, an entrepreneur and former single mother, offers her opinion on statistics showing 42% of U.S. black women have never been married and are "independent" because they focus on achievement, often waiting too long to compete for the small number of black men who are equal in status (Johnson, 2010). In the video, she asserts that independent women do not need a pat on the back for doing what grownups are supposed to do: pay their bills, buy houses and cars, etc. She adds that independence discourages relationships as people begin to believe they can do everything alone, so they do not need a mate. Mia Moody, PhD, is a professor of journalism at Baylor University. She is the author of ...
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...This paper provides a review of the current evidence of such a relationship and offers suggestions for further investigation. An extensive review of the literature in terms of research findings from studies that have been trying to measure and understand the impact that individual HR practices like training have on employee productivity across various sectors. The focal point of our review is on training practices and employee productivity and their relationship. In conclusion, we can say that taken as a whole, the research findings are varied. Some studies have found a positive association, some negative and some no association whatsoever. The paper concludes with directions for future research by applying different level of analysis on exploring the impact of training practices on employee productivity. of these resources, training is one of the main activity in order to have qualified, flexible, and proactive employees (Bartel, 1994; Raghuram, 1994; MacDuffie and Kochan, 1995) and to achieve the correct running of each stage of the process of knowledge management (Alavi and Leidner, 2001; Bollinger and Smith, 2001). Organizations spend an enormous amount of time and money on training in order to assist employee's learning of job-related competencies (Cascio, 2000; Noe, 2006). As a result of the financial investments organizations make in training, it is important to provide results that training efforts are being fully realized (Casio, 2000; Dowling...
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...CHAPTER 9 AUDITING COMPUTER-BASED INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 9.1 Since most organizations make extensive use of computer-based systems in processing accounting data, it is essential that computer expertise be available in the organization's audit group. Such expertise should include: * Extensive knowledge of computer hardware, software, and accounting applications * A detailed understanding of appropriate control policies and procedures in computer systems * An ability to read and understand system documentation * Experience in planning computer audits and in using modern computer auditing techniques. All internal auditors may not possess expertise in all of these areas. However, there is certainly some minimum level of computer expertise that is appropriate for all auditors. This would include: * An understanding of computer hardware, software, accounting applications, and controls. * The ability to examine all elements of the computerized AIS * The ability to use the computer as a tool to accomplish these auditing objectives. ...
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... |Date:3 April 2014 | |Length of Lesson: 45min |Time Required:1hr | |Number of Students: 22 |Number of Students: | |Subject/Topic/Theme: Health |Grade Level:9 | |Standard(s) of Learning: | |Behavioral Objective: (Select an objective at an appropriate level of difficulty and complexity, as determined through a task | |analysis, diagnostic testing, and/or congruence with Bloom’s Taxonomy.) | |The Student will be able to… | |1. The students will be able to list several types of cancer after lecture. | | | |2. The students will be able to identify causes of cancer after lesson by completing a guided worksheet. | | ...
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...at 1119 am Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire at... [Law enforcement] [Mateen, Omar] [United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation]. ARE WE SAFE? So far this year, there have been at least seven school shootings in the United States. That's more than one a week, more school shootings than many countries have ever had. Last month, for example, a 15-year-old killed two of his peers (and injured 18 others) at his high school in Kentucky. This is not an anomaly. The United States is suffering from a gun-violence epidemic, one that has been spilling into schools. Since 2000, there have been more than 188 shootings at schools and universities, my Washington Post colleague Philip Bump estimates. (It's hard to cite a definitive number, because the federal government does not study gun violence in the United States. The National Rifle Association has opposed any measure to fund research or accounting of America's gun epidemic.) More than 200 students have been killed. At least 200 more have been injured. But one statistic truly points out how unusual the problem is. A couple of years ago, the Academy for Critical Incident Analysis collected data on school violence around the world. They took a broad look at incidents where someone was killed, or a murder was attempted, and charted every one that had two or more victims. (Researchers left out "single homicides, off-campus homicides, killings caused by government actions, militaries, terrorists or militants." So, incidents like...
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...A Structured Analysis of PHISHING By Prasath Manimaran ID: 20038303 Table of Contents Chapter One – Introduction 1. Research Questions and Objectives……………….…………………………………………….5 Chapter Two – Literature Review & Definition of Phishing 2.1. Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………………………..8 2.1.2. Definitions of Phishing……………………………………………………………………..8 2.1.3. Outcomes of this Study…………………………………………………………………….16 2.2. Research Details 2.2.1. Scope of the Research……………………………………………………………………….17 2.2.2. Research Methodology……………………………………………………………………..17 2.2.3Inductive versus Deductive Study……..………………………………………………..20 2.2.4. Qualitative versus Quantative……………………………………………………..20 Chapter Three – Phishing in a Banking Context 3.1. Confidence in Internet Banking……………………………………………………………………22 3.1.1. Security Requirements………………………………………………………………………23 3.2. Threat Models……………………………………………………………………………………………….25 3.2.1. The Internet Threat Model……………………………………………………..25 3.2.2. Thompson Threat Model……………………………………………………….26 3.2.3. Viral Threaet Model………………………………………………………………26 3.3. The Phishing Threat Model…………………………………………………………………………..26 3.3.1. Identification of Internet Banking Components………………………………..27 3.3.2. Identification of Phishing Threats………………………………………………29 Chapter 4 – Analysis of Current Phishing Techniques 4.1. Modus Operandi………………………………………………………………………………………….…36 4.2. Roles of Adversary in Phishing………………………………………………………………………...
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