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Example Of Thanatology Research Paper

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Thanatology is the study of death and dying. During our late adult hood we fear death and we worried about getting sick and leave our love ones behind. Death is a painful thing to experience but we can’t live forever. To kick it off, there are three phase we go through before we disappear. The first phase, is the agonal phase, during that phase the patient experience a lot of pain and struggling to breath. Next phase is clinical death; is when our heart stop beating but we could still be save if it’s possible. The final phase is mortality; which is when you are permanent death. There is two type of death, brain death and persistent vegetative state. Brain death is when your brain stop working and the brain stem (which controls reflexes) stop working too. Persistent vegetative state is when your cerebral cortex no longer work but brain activity is active. Next, we all have different attitude toward death. Death anxiety is when someone fear death. This occur more often in middle adulthood then late adulthood. You could also have a strong relationship with God to reduce death anxiety. …show more content…
Whenever we get bad news about our health, we go through the first stage which is denial. We question the doctor and don’t believe it until you start see the symptoms. The next stage is anger, which is when we get anger about the situation and start complaint about not having enough time to enjoy their life. After that we start the new phase which is bargaining. We start begging god to length our life and we start saying we are going to change if we get better. Then we get really depression and sad. The last phase is acceptance, we finally accept our faith and wait for our time to come. We also need to have a great support group to get thought this last stage of our life. Having a supporting friend or family could also decrease of our chance dying early and getting better from an ugly

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