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Professional Sports Research Paper

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The True Impact of a Professional Sports Team on a City The United States of America contains many forms of social entertainment for its citizens such as the arts, theatre, and musical concerts. However, one of the most popular forms of social entertainment within the nation throughout the past century has been professional sports. Many large cities around the country have multiple professional sports franchises. For example, the city of Buffalo contains two professional sports teams, the Buffalo Sabres for hockey, and the Buffalo Bills for football. Over the years, however, sports franchises in numerous cities have relocated to other cities throughout the country. Such relocated teams have continued remain in their new host cities today. …show more content…
The analysis of these numbers helps draw the conclusion that the relationship between the cost of building a professional sports teams’ facility and the number of jobs created as a direct result of the introduction of the sports franchise is quite weak. The millions of taxpayer dollars that are used to construct the city’s professional sports stadiums do not match up to the amount of net jobs created within the stadium to help provide an economic boost for the city. The amount of jobs created that involve the sports team is far less than the cost to build the facilities for the …show more content…
Sports teams also provide a psychological impact on their fans, and on the residents of their host city. This psychological impact can be demonstrated through the appreciation, support, and rallying from the fans and city itself around the sports team. “While difficult to measure, the contribution of a sports franchise to quality of life may exceed more traditional job creation and tax revenue benefits. If so, when quality-of-life benefits are included in the calculation, public spending may not appear to be such a bad investment for some metro areas” (Rappaport and Wilkerson, 2001: 56). The psychological benefit gained by the city and fans is the factor that contributes greatly to the sports team’s impact on its city. The overall presence and success of the sports team allows the city and their fans to experience a psychological sense of pride for the team. By their very presence, the sports team in a way represents the city and its fans, providing them with a sense of pride and a strong relationship. If the sports teams experiences success, the city and the fans will also associate with the team and feel success as well. Having a sports franchise present in a city may serve to be beneficial for cities based on the significant psychological benefit that they can bring, despite the actual cost of having the team present in the

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