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Examples Of Allusion In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the 1920's slavery by then was abolished, but the racism still stood there tall and arrogant. In Harper Lee's Novel, To Kill a Mockingbird there is a trial held for a white man against a black man. But being white made you so much better. So through the use of the mockingbird and allusion, Lee proves that being an African American in the late 1920’s to early 1930’s was exhausting to capture. In the novel a mockingbird portrays an innocent, beautiful bird who was set out to do nothing but sing. In chapter 10 Atticus gifted the kids with guns. But explained to them to not shoot any birds especially mockingbirds because they don't hurt any part of human nature. Then again later in the story, after Tom Robinson's trial, he tried to escape prison because he lost all hope of winning. Tom Robinson is a symbol of a mockingbird because in this novel he only set out to ever work for his family and help those who needed it. But unfortunately back in the 1920's African Americans were never favored, mockingbirds were …show more content…
For example, in Chapter 1 when Scout is explaining a little bit of how the Finch Landing was founded, she said " Simon would have regarded with impotent fury the disturbance between the North and South, as it left his descendants stripped of everything but land." This shows the treatment of African Americans was terrible. The North abolished slavery, and kept all people equal. While the South never wanted them to be treated as people, after having them for slavery for so long. Later on in the story during the trial Atticus explained that all men were created equal. This is a false statement because they are in the South and, the South especially mistreats African Americans because they were never a human in their eyes. Thus us how the use of allusion helps show that in the 1920's African Americans were never favored, especially in the

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