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Examples Of Daisy In The Great Gatsby

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In the final chapter, Nick describes Tom and Daisy as “careless people.” I believe that they are careless people based as they are unethically and lack morality. Ethics and be defined as moral principles that govern a person's behavior. Morality can be defined as the difference between right and wrong. Based on the story Tom and Daisy lack these key principles.
To commence, Tom is married to Daisy, his wife, however, he is known to have affairs with other women. Cheating on a spouse is morally wrong, knowing this Tom continues. One includes Myrtle Wilson who is Tom mistress in New York. “As for Tom the fact that he had some woman in New York” (Fitzgerald 25). His continuous actions with Myrtle lead to her unfortunate death at the end of the story. …show more content…
Tom taking action by hitting Myrtle in the nose, breaking it. “Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!” shouted Mrs. Wilson. “I’ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Day--- “ Making a short deft movement Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand” (Fitzgerald 41). Unless for self-defense hitting someone is morally wrong
In the story, Daisy can also be viewed as a careless person like her husband Tom. Daisy has an affair with Gatsby even tho she is married to Tom. This affair leads to the death of people who did not deserve to die.
In conclusion, Tom and Daisy are careless people. In the story, there are countless examples of where they take actions that are morally or ethically wrong. Tom is an abusive man who has cheated on his wife multiple times. Daisy also cheated on her

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