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Examples Of Latin American Colonization

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After the expeditions of Christopher Columbus and other sailors, chapter 2 “Empires and Colonies” focuses on Europeans nations , like Spain, Portugal and England, who followed Columbus example to embark and conquer the New World. From around 1565 to 1640 centuries colonization and conquest began in United States as well as in other Latin American regions. The two themes that stand out for me were: religion and greed and power. Spain and England became rival nations when their desired of colonization began, mostly for the land in North America. The Spanish Empire started the colonial era by establishing in Florida and New Mexico. England had established their colonies in North America since around 1607. Their fist population was established …show more content…
Spain and England, were not the only nations who came to the United States not just to discover new lands, but to seize the land , implement their ideologies and will, and to take over all the natural resources, like tobacco plantations, or gold and silver, that would enrich them and give them power. “in 1581, a small group of friars and soldiers arrived and renamed the region New Mexico...visions of the conquest of Mexico motivated Onate. his father was the first European to discover the Zacatecas silver mines. new Mexico had had few of the riches that Mexico did, plotted mutiny. Onate wanted to reach the Pacific because the Spain were considering a California outpost to facility trade with East Asia”(Schaffer and Schulzinger, 20). Even though the nations that colonized brought so much new knowledge and technologies for the natives in order to grow and become an active region, the greed of other countries to become more powerful lead to invasions. Moving into religion, religion has always been a practice that mainly influences the actions of the people. Religion was a much influencer into the past that nowadays. In times of colonization one of the main practices also to gain power in the terroritory that people were establishing is

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