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Examples Of Paganism In Beowulf

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Fate was an entity for the tribal Germanic people. This was the force that controlled the direction of their very lives. The Fates were three women who wove the lives of the people with thread. In contrast, the poet gives “dread loom” into the hands of God (Raffel 696).Hrothgar gives a speech on the sovereignty of God, his control over everything (Raffel 1724-1731). God is said to ordain everything. At his will, “all the world turns when he spins it” (1738-1739). Yet, fate is called upon and referred to though the entire epic. The tug of war over fate is yet another illustration of the war between Christianity and Paganism.
Though many things define a culture, the Germanic people of Beowulf’s time were defined by the warrior code. This was

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