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Examples Of Xenia In The Odyssey

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The epic poem, The Odyssey by Homer, shows how ancient Greeks relied on strangers and others to be well treated when visiting. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus had to travel to get home, but in doing so, they had to get help by others. Odysseus would arrive to get help and the host would show Xenia. Xenia is a translation of hospitality, where the host has to give food and something to drink, and it was not polite for the guest to be question before he/she is treated. The extreme value of Xenia to the ancient Greeks is a recurrent theme in The Odyssey, as shown through the examples of Telemachus with Mentes, Alcinous with Odysseus, and Penelope with the beggar.
The first example is when Telemachus offers his home to Mentes. It shows how …show more content…
In this case, Odysseus is in disguise as a beggar to go into his home to kill the suitors and regain what is rightfully his. The beggar has information about Penelope’s husband, so she says to her servant, “‘Tell the stranger to come at once. /I’d like to give him a warm welcome/...I'll dress him in shirt and cloak, in handsome clothes. /” (17.56,563, 612) Penelope shows her hospitality when she offers nourishment and clothing to the beggar. The beggar lives in poverty and being given these resources is a lot for a beggar. While Penelope does not know that Odysseus is the beggar but still shows Xenia by welcoming him and giving the beggar his needs.
In conclusion, Xenia is significant to the ancient Greeks, shown through the characters of Telemachus, Alcinous, and Penelope. These examples prove that it is important to show Xenia, because not only did it help others in need, but it showed that one was respectful and caring. Also, in return of performing hospitality one could receive payment or luxuries especially in Homer’s time period. Meaning it could be a god, and travelers didn't have anywhere to stay. Plus, some mortals didn't have enough resources to live. This is why Xenia was and extreme value to the ancient

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