Premium Essay



Submitted By Yemifasheun
Words 634
Pages 3
Executive Summary Memorandum

The role of The State of Maryland information and information technology systems are critical assets of the State and are vital in delivering resources to Maryland citizens. These assets are important to the services that agencies provide to businesses, educational institutions, citizens as well as to local and federal government entities. All information produced with State resources for the operation of the State belongs to the State of Maryland. All employees, agencies and contractors of Maryland are responsible for safeguarding such information from modification, unauthorized access, disclosure and destruction. This Policy provides a minimum level of security requirements that will provide the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Maryland IT asset, when implemented.
For this reason a comprehensive Information Security standard and system ought to be implemented so that there can be suitable management of security across all the present functions and to provide the required security and guarantees with the regards to information requirements. This would include aspects of confidentiality, integrity, and availability which are crucial aspect of any security standard. A comprehensive review of the Information Security implementation within the State of Maryland will make it possible to establish how this has been impacted by the set forth security standards in addition to changes introduced by legislative developments and processes. In essence, this will deliver the outcome of a comprehensive cyber security profile with respect to MD.

Recently there have been several legislative adjustments introduced as a result specifically to the changing nature of Information Security inside the political environment with the administration accepting that vital national infrastructure be sustained by the most suitable security

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