Premium Essay

Exercise and Eating Right


Submitted By wilson14
Words 1083
Pages 5
Exercise and Eating Healthy Statistics show that two-thirds of the adults in the United States are overweight or obese (Flegal et al., 2012). Obesity rates have more than doubled in both adults and children since the 1970s’ ( This trend has got to stop or one’s quality of life will be greatly shortened. People need to make eating right and exercise a daily occurrence in order to reverse this trend. Many people believe that by either eating right or exercising alone they will lose weight; but it needs to be a combined effort. Many will find that losing weight can be extremely difficult for people; if they do not make eating right and exercising a part of their daily life.

The effectiveness of exercise and healthy eating on weight loss are limitless. One can begin to see the results fairly quickly if they combine both of these into their daily life. One needs to realize that exercise is only part of a weight loss plan, and that exercise does improve one’s health. It will not be sufficient by its self. People that normally eat a healthy diet which consists of many fruits and vegetables are generally overall healthier than those who eat junk foods. Most junk foods do not have any nutritional value to them. When exercise and eating healthy are done together they have the ability to make an individual stay on the right track. If one would commit to just 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily; they would be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. One needs to eat a low fat diet which consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products. To get the required protein one should consume more seafood and poultry, as well as lean meats, eggs, beans, peas, seeds, and nuts. Both exercise and healthy eating can aid one in their ability

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