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Expectations for College


Submitted By paigetaylor
Words 464
Pages 2
I expect for my college experience to be different than what my high school experience was. It is a clean slate, I am able to explore my interests. And it isn’t all about being the social butterfly. For me being on campus means meeting college-level expectations and doing well in my classes. It means being more independent when it comes to asking for help and it means being responsible for keeping up with your schoolwork and preparing for tests which I did not do in high school.
My grades are very important to me. I want to earn a 4.0 in college. I know it is hard but I know that I can do it. I am taking English 090 because I did not test into college level English therefore it will pretty much just be a refresher course. So I know that I can get an A in his class. I am taking AAA for allied health students. I know I will succeed in this class because I am very motivated to become a nurse. I want to learn all about my field if study. Also, I am in psychology 101 for an elective. I am sure I will be able to get a 4.0 in hat class because the brain and it functions are very interesting to me, and when something fascinates me I always excel.
Grades are the measure of college success, like the salary at a job, so in order to get good grades I intend to do many things. I will take responsibility. College isn't like high school. There's no teacher or parent to remind you every day of what you need to do, so I will have to take charge. I will study. At college, you're expected to prepare an hour or two for each class. I will not just blow this off because they wouldn’t tell students this to make their lives miserable it will help me succeed. Lastly, I will take advantage of my resources. There are many different tools at aims to help me be successful.nMy goal is to always participate in class because that is how you get the most out of the class. If your brain is active

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