...Causes and Effects – College Stress There are many different things that seem to cause stress on college students. College students do not seem to get a break from the workload. Even when they are not physically doing the work it still happens to be on their mind. Many college students have to battle with work, school, and even children at home. It may seem like it isn’t a lot to deal with but it can be very stressful. Increased Responsibility and Independence During college change is a very big factor in a freshman’s life. Deal with change for many people can be very difficult. For many people leaving home and going to college is a sign that they are now on their own. They are now adults and have to make decisions for themselves to better their future. Being faced with making very important decision that could affect the rest of your life can be stressful. Overachieving Other college students are stress out because simply because they are being pushed by their parents to be the best that they can be. They are pushed to get into the finest schools so they acquire the best career. Even though it is not a bad way of thinking it can cause a boat load of stress. Students seem to take on more than they can handle. Many try to maintain a certain grade point average. Trying to please themselves, their parents, and professor can be extremely overwhelming. Organization . Stress can be caused by many...
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...Immigrant College Student Stress Immigrant College Student Stress Mario Velasquez Teacher: Gorge Castillo Miami Dade College 04/01/2010 Abstract The primary purpose of this exploratory investigation was to determine disadvantages related to stress which are some of the characteristics of immigrant female college students in the Miami Dade County area. Some questions related to the theme were answered through direct interviews with immigrants and American female college students. These questions were the instrument used to find out the truth about immigrant experiences and their disadvantages related to stress, such as acculturative stress and coping style as well as psychological functioning adjustment in comparison with American female college students. According to the interview results, psychological dysfunction and high stress level is affecting the academic efficacy. Keywords: Acculturative stress, coping styles, immigrant female college students Psychological functioning adjustment. To become a successful immigrant female college student in Miami Dade Florida individuals have to learn how to master stress, however, it is not enough the desire to become a successful student. Research studies have demonstrated that immigrant female college students in Dade County experience disadvantages related to stress like acculturative...
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...Stress amongst College Athletes & Non-Athletes Jeff Bennett University of Mount Union Abstract Athletic participation and academic stress has been a challenging topic and one that has made many question about. With all the extracurricular activities that students have, they don’t realize that their stress could be affecting them more than they may know. This study examines the stress level results amongst 10 college student athletes and 10 non-athletes. The results present a rare finding regarding stress amongst the students. Stress has become an on-going issue that has affected the college satisfaction of a student. Many people don’t realize that they have stress and it’s affecting them in some sort of way or some may know they have stress but don’t want to take any type of action towards getting help. Possible explanations for the findings and implications for stress amongst athletes and non-athletes of the University of Mount Union are provided. Introduction Stress has been a rising issue concerning not only college students but also college athletes. With all the extracurricular activities the students take on in college along with the academic part of it have led to very high stress level. Controlling time and having an organized schedule is the main fix to this problem. Whether you’re a college athlete or just a normal college student, everyone has stress or has experienced stress. The purpose of this study was to figure out whether or not there is a significant...
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...How Do Students Cope with Stress: Stress Factors, Source of Stress, and Effects of Stress Introduction The issues pertaining to a student's stress status is extremely important due to the devastating consequences it may have. Students who experience a high level of stress may experience drug or alcohol abuse, perform poorly in school, or suffer from depression. It is important to address the issues of depression as it is a mental illness that can be both financially costly and harmful to the sufferer's personal health. Depression often leads to increased work absenteeism, temporary disability, and overall decreased productivity. It can also have harmful effects on the course and outcome of common chronic conditions, such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, and obesity. According to the National Institution of Mental Health, depression can also be a major risk factor for suicide. (NIMH 2007) Therefore, it is crucial to analyze the consequences that depression may have on a student, as it may not only affects a student's current health condition, but may also result in a student having suicidal thoughts. According to the CDC 2009 report on the twenty leading causes of death among those of age 10 or above, suicide is ranked as the tenth leading cause of death in the Unites States, accounting for 36,891 deaths (CDC 2009). In a more narrow and specific research, the National Institution of Mental Health reported that suicide was the third leading...
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...Stress is not something strange to our daily life nowadays. According to Grohol, you cannot escape stress because it is normal in everybody’s life. Everybody may feel stress when they are facing bad situation. Generally, in social science research, the word stress has been used since Selye, a well-known medical expert pioneered the research for psychological stress in 1950’s. According to Cox & Brockley (1984), stress is a perception phenomenon which exists from a comparison between the command given and ability of a person to execute he task successfully. Unbalanced situation in this mechanism will lead into stress experience and ultimately into stress reaction. Stress level is the level of tangential or hoop stress, usually expressed as a percentage of specified minimum yield strength. College students cannot escape stress. If you think about what many college students are going through, you might possibly say that it is really a big thing. Stress is the individual’s response to the demand for change. When you are already in a college campus, you are continually bombarded with demands to change your behavior, academic performance, values and major choice or career. Stress is not bad, in fact, it is also essential in learning. There is one study or research which shows that learning takes place under conditions of moderate stress. So, your goal is to maintain this stress at a moderate level (Landino, 2006). Many students were able to control or keep their stress at a moderate...
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...of Stress in College Students Tracy Thomas Professor Evans ENG 115 March 20, 2014 "The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Burden of Disease Survey estimates that mental disease, including stress-related disorders, will be the second leading cause of disabilities by the year 2020" (World Health Organization: 1990). In today's fast paced society it is common for people to experience stress in various aspects of their lives. Due to the ever evolving and increasing amounts of responsibilities the average college student has to manage on a daily basis, there is an urgent need for appropriate stress management skills in the following main causes of stress in a college student’s life: personal, academic, and financial. Let's further clarify these areas. Personal - balance of family and social life; academic - challenge of maintaining mandatory GPA; financial - stress of the cost of education and the need to garner and maintain gainful employment to cover these costs. Academic success is contingent upon the student's ability to properly manage these top causes of stress by implementing a regiment of academic time management, dietary and social health wellness routines, and by consistently harnessing available resource networks. Let’s consider how the effects of stress impact the economy. Although the term "stress" is used in a wide variety of contexts, it has consistently been proven that individuals with stress and...
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...literature and studies from other researches relevant to the present study. Related Literature Many researches have been conducted to know what stress is all about and its effects to human if it exceeds beyond our control. Selye as cited by Berry (1997) defined stress in physiological terms as a non-specific or generalized bodily response. This response results when any demand is made on the body, whether it is an environment condition that we must survive or a demand that we make ourselves in order to accomplish a personal goal. Selye distinguished between two forms of stress. Distress is the response to negative events and eustress (euphoria) is the response to positive events. Stress is good and will motivate people to succeed, but too much stress can affect one’s performance (http://www.chow.com). Greener as cited by de Jesus (2010:p.22) opined that most people can cope with and even need a certain amount of stress to perform to the peak of their ability but when demands for dealing with it outstrip resources, strength or time, it becomes dangerous. Feldman (2005) said that stress is a normal part of life and not a necessary a bad part of life. However, it is also clear that too much stress can take a toll on both physical and psychological health. According to Stuthers (2000), stress is what people feel when they are worried or uncomfortable about something. This worry in the mind can make the body feel bad. They may feel angry...
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...Cluster Analysis of College Students Coping With Stress Jeanette Meadows Professor: Guy Vitaglione Psychology of Adjustment March 3, 2013 The article I’ll be discussing is Coping Profiles and Psychological Distress: A Cluster Analysis which was written by Chris Eisenbarth a professor at Weber State University. Professor Eisenbarth used cluster analysis which is a statistical method used to group variables or observations into strongly mutually related subgroups. The purpose of the article is to explain how college students deal with stress and how combining coping skills can be useful in reducing stress. Coping is all of the different things we do to try and manage the stress we deal with from problems and issues that happen in our lives. People cope with stress in their own way. Some people focus on what is causing them to be stressed out while other people may express how they feel rather forcefully and then others may deal with the stress by finding someone to talk to. Eisenbarth used college students because there is no denying that rising tuition, class workload and worrying about finding a job after graduation can be pretty stressful. Both male and female subjects were used in this study. The majority of the subjects in the study...
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...Physical Activity and Stress in College Students Shaye Sedotal University of New Orleans Abstract The purpose of this study is to measure the relationship between physical activity and stress levels among college students. The sample comprised of 27% males (N=18) and 73% (N=48) females with a mean age of 23.6 years and an age range of 19 to 54. 51% (N=34) of the participants were Caucasian, 22% (N=15) were African American, 9% (N=6) Hispanic, and 7% (N=10) were of other ethnic backgrounds. 0% (N=0) were freshman, 8% (N=5) were sophomores, 36% (N=24) were juniors, and 56% (N=37) were seniors. Participants completed questionnaires about stress and physical activity. Results indicated that the relationship between physical activity and stress levels among college students were significantly correlated. The benefits of regular physical activity have been shown to positively affect wellness by reducing stress in college students. This research contained limitations such as small, non-random sample size and limited amount of questions pertaining to the study in the survey. The Association of Physical Activity and Stress in College Students The transition into young adult hood, which is often marked by beginning college, can be a particularly stressful time. Having to balance classes, test, projects, extra curricular activities, and work can increase stress levels in any student. Stress that is caused by college is unavoidable but there...
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...Stress the Monster that plagues the unsuspecting College Student EGN 115 May 26, 2014 Suicide is the second leading cause of death amongst college students enrolled in four year institutions in the United States, Sonya Weisburd, the senior manager for Active Minds states that this statistic exists particularly because; our society tells students that ‘college is the best time of your life,’ while in reality, college life is significantly more complicated. The stress of college definitely contributes to increased rates of psychiatric distress. Stress is a normal factor of life but not all stress is good for you. The average college student has to juggle a fulltime course load, work, extracurricular activities, and social activities; though it is considered normal to experience stress with the combination of all these activities it should not be a way of life. Stress is defined by the National Health Ministries as being simply the body's non-specific response to any demand made on it. Stress is not by definition synonymous with nervous tension or anxiety. Stress provides the means to express talents and energies and pursue happiness; it can also cause exhaustion and illness, either physical or psychological; heart attacks and accidents. The important Thing to remember about stress is that certain forms are normal and essential. Stress has been further defined as “the process by which we appraise and respond to events that disrupt or threaten to disrupt, our physical or...
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...within the day? If you answered yes, then you have experienced some kind of stress. Stress is your body’s response to events that makes you feel threatened about your life in some way. There are many things that cause stress for all ages and many people experience stress, but college students have the most amount of stress to deal with. According to the dictionary stress is the importance, significance, or emphasis placed on something. According to Walker and her Teenagers in Distress Series people may experience stress when they become very busy, have deadlines to make, or do not have enough time to finish everything they wanted. People may stress about simple things like flying and animals, but many people experience stress from the fear of failing, being humiliated, or experiencing a death of a family member. Stress centers around two important times for teenagers, when they are home or at school. “In a survey of sixty young people the primary sources of tension for teens were: relationships with friends and family, the pressure of expectations from self and others, pressure at school from teachers, coaches, grades and homework, financial pressures, and tragedy in the lives of family and friends.” (Walker, 7) More causes of stress for teenagers include breaking up with their significant other, arguments with parents, trouble with siblings, and trouble with classmates. Most teens respond to stress by relaxing, positive problem solving, or seeking friendship where they will...
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...Stress Tolerance People define stress in many different ways. There are also various reasons why people get stressed out. The time a person is in college is proven to be one of the most stressful eras in someone’s life. A study was done in 2009 concerning the cause and effects of stress. “The purpose of this study was to identify lifestyle habits and coping strategies that may be significantly associated with high or low stress tolerance among millennial college students.”(pg.362) There were different methods the professors used to test their purpose. Some of the stated causes of stress on college students were moving away from home, finding your identity, making new friends, and being in a new environment. Stress can be a major issue for a college student. When dealing with “academic, social, and personal changes” (pg.362), college student may get discouraged and become stressed. College students have pressure put on them to do well and adjust quickly. Whether it is from a professor or a parent, there is still an expectation to do well. Another stress causing aspect is the fact that your parents/guardians are no longer supervising every move you make. This can cause lots of stress, especially if you are used to someone making you do your schoolwork or forcing you to study. Some students get to college and have a hard time adjusting to all the freedom they have. In the study, they inability to cope with stress showed to harmfully impact health behaviors. This...
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...Today, first generation college students are characterized as students who have parents that have never attended college. These students are often stressed out due to the unfamiliarity with college and how to obtain higher education. “As with many other major developmental shifts, the college transition can be a period of stressful life change for young adults” (Sy, Fong, Carter, Boehme, & Alpert, 2011, p. 384). Many of these students experience physiological stress by trying to maneuver around an unfamiliar setting. They often lack social support from family or friends, which is a crucial part of transitioning into college. Having a support system during this vital stage can help these students deal with these hardships of transitioning into...
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...College Student Stress Steve Cameron ENG115 Evanita Wallace-Lewis Abstract When it comes to the subject of stress, most people have encountered it in some form or fashion. Some people do not realize they are under stress but show every sign and symptom of being stressed out. Stress is a condition that can come about from a vast amount of causes and can effect everyday life. Stress can start at a very young age, depending on the situation. For college students, stress can start almost instantly, as soon as the school year starts. The main causes for a college student to stress out would be finances and academic performance; and these causes can have personal and even an economic effects. Stress is not a good condition for any one person to have because it can effect themselves, others around them, and even on a global level. Going to college is an experience that can never be forgotten. Most people go to college fresh out of high school, thinking it is going to be a fun and joyous experience, which it is; but it can also be a very stressful and a somewhat problematic time in life, also. A major cause of stress in college students has to do with finances. Most students who first enter college are just entering into a state of independence that one may never have thought they would have entered into. They may be used to their parents fully supporting them financially and getting what they need with no hassle. Most colleges have a very high cost to attend. Things that are expensive...
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...Sources of stress among college students Amina Iftikhar M.Phil Kinnaird College for women Lahore Abstract: The present study is conducted to investigate the sources of stress among college students. The hypothesis “determines what sources of stress are the most prevalent among college students, and to examine the nature of these stressors.” The manifest anxiety scale was used to obtain the scores of male and female students. The sample consists of 100 students 50 males and 50 females from different colleges of Lahore. Data was gathered from Queen Mary College Lahore, Kinnaird College Lahore, Forman Christen College Lahore, and Punjab College Lahore. In Western countries the vast amount of researches has been conducted on this issue. More researches are needed to investigate the nature of theses stressors for college students and which stressors are most prevalent in college lives. However these researches are not applicable in Pakistan due to cultural, economic, and educational variations. The main objective of current research work was to study the sources of stress among college students. The research used to determine the major sources of stress among college students and also find out the most prevalent stressor in college life and study the nature of these stressors. The Taylor manifest anxiety scale was used Anxiety scale was originally designed by Taylor (1895-1953). The scale is used to identify subjects with high and low anxiety level. In order to study the affects...
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