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Experiences as a Writer


Submitted By EFIGUEROA85
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In the past 5 years, I have been using my opportunities for writing in my work environment. I work in a Mini Medical Health insurance company where I have to communicate with not only my co-workers but the clients. A lot of my writing is done through emails and billing. I also write letters to our patients who are also members, notifying them of any problems regarding their insurance. Another form of writing I do through out the week is discussion questions for my English class and my Math class. The discussion questions are usually about what we learned that week. One example of the discussion questions would be, “How would I improve in my writing”? Another example would be, “How does mathematics affect our lives?” Also, I would respond to one of my classmate’s answer and give them my feedback on what they wrote.

I know that writing is used a lot in the business world and that I need to improve in it because I am not very good at writing. It is hard for me to come up with ideas and conclusions. Writing also sometimes is confusing for me when it comes to using certain words in writing. An example would be remembering when to use the words” there” and “their”. One is talking about a place and the other about a group of people, but sometimes I use it incorrectly in my writing. What I would do in that situation is look it up in a dictionary to make sure I use the correct word in the sentence.

There was once a time when I wrote an email to my boss and I did not proof read it before sending it to her. Needless to say, I was called into her office and she had talked to me about my writing. She had said that, “We work in an environment where not only one person may read your emails but other co-workers too. You should always proof read before sending any emails”. I took my managers feed-back about my writing into consideration. Listening to her helped me improve my writing at work. Once a year, we receive what is called a review at work. The review addresses any issues or concerns the management team or employer may have with an employee or sometimes it can be good. When my work review came for the year my boss told me that my writing was getting better and to keep it up. I feel that by proof reading my emails and letters I wrote at work, helped me improve in my grammar and in writing.

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