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Explain How Theories, Such as Dependency Theory and World Systems Theory Can Contribute to an Understanding of Changing Patterns of Global Power (15 Marks)


Submitted By katiesullivan
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Pages 3
Explain how theories, such as Dependency theory and World systems theory can contribute to an understanding of changing patterns of global power (15 marks)
The changing global power of countries can be difficult to understand as there are a variety of views and theories used in order to explain the shift. The recent developments of BRIC countries has an influence upon this and may be a reason as for why theories such as the Dependency theory and The Worlds system theory are not in line with the current patterns of global power and why they may be considered as over simplistic and ‘outdated’.
Dependency theory was out forward by A.G Frank and is used in order to explain how countries maintain power through neo-colonialism- this term refers to ‘new colonialism’. This is where countries such as Ghana remain under the control of the wealthier countries, even though they are supposedly independent. Dependency theory suggests that the capitalist core, for example the USA and the UK keeps the periphery in a state of underdevelopment by exploiting its cheap resources and taking their trained skilled workers. This is often referred to as a ‘brain drain’ whereby the skilled workers are not given any opportunities in their home country; as a result they migrate to the core in order to get a job therefore resulting in a shift of knowledge from the core to the periphery. Additionally by selling expensive manufactured goods.
The developing world effectively helps the developed world to become wealthier as the developing world is forced to sell its resources for very little as result of unfair competition from the core countries mass production. The USA is an example of a core country that use technology to mass produce products, this drives down the costs of the exports therefore not allowing the periphery to increase there costs and gain a profit. As a result countries such as Ghana are stuck in the vicious cycle of poverty.
Frank’s ‘two tiered model’ suggests that it is impossible for the periphery to move towards the core, however there are many exceptions. The rise of the NICs such as the Asian Tigers argues against dependency theory as they have been able to develop. Countries such as South Korea and Japan were able to do so because of the large amounts of investment they received from the USA who wants to develop capitalist economies in Asia to contain the communist China. Therefore no investment was made in the periphery for example in many parts of Africa.
As a result an alternative theory was introduced by Wallersten- the Worlds systems theory. This moves away from the two-tier core and periphery and towards a three tier system with a semi-periphery- this refers to NICs such as China and India. The semi-periphery however may still be exploited as a work shop to produce cheap high-tech goods for the core. However this theory is more dynamic than dependency theory as it allows for development and change to take place, it is considered as having a more realistic view of the world with the rise of BRIC countries. Globalisation and transport links allow for the core and hegemony to swing and move around the globe. However, this theory unlike dependency theory fails to explain development around the globe. It is simply and observation.
As a result of industrialisation and globalisation, the changing global patterns of power are significantly more complex than ever before. It is too simplistic to view the world as a two-tier system and the rise of the emergent economies is evidence for this.

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