... An ethical dilemma is when a situation arises and causes an individual to question how he/she should react towards a certain situation and how they should make an informed decision based on what they believe is right or wrong. It’s the principal of having to show moral character especially when faced with a complex condition presented by a person or society. Furthermore, a special case of a dilemma involves justice issues when there is not enough supply of a needed resource or service (Purtilo, Doherty 2011). Ethical dilemmas are unforeseen, unpredictable and often times can be very multifaceted. Nurses are always faced with an ethical dilemma, no matter what department or unit they work in. Beneficence, justice, autonomy, veracity and respect for persons are characteristics, which all nurses must have in order to be ethical. Nurses must always show compassion and prioritize the needs and safety of their patients first. Patients must always be able to maintain autonomy by being able to make decisions for themselves and health care workers must respect their decision despite their personal convictions. This is especially difficult when the patient’s beliefs and values are in conflict with our own personal values and opinions. Patients sometimes may make decisions that are unsafe, such as refusing treatment for their baby, or may refuse medication or life saving procedures. These types of real life situations will have nurses finding themselves tied up in an ethical dilemma...
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...Many situations can raise ethical concerns, particularly in the face of disagreement and conflict between parties. However, not all situations of an ethical nature result in values conflict or constitute an ethical dilemma. Explain the characteristics of an ethical dilemma. How do they differ from other situations resulting in disagreement between conflicting preferences, needs or expectations? Ethical dilemma happens all the time from our day to day activities; in our job places, in our homes, in our families etc. According to Puritilo & Doherty,2011, “Ethical dilemma occurs when a moral agent is faced with two or more conflicting course of action but only one can be chosen as the agent attempts to bring about an outcome consisting with the professional goal of a caring response. ( Purtilo, Ruth B. Ethical dimensions in the health professions/Ruth B. Purtilo, Regina F.Doherty.-5th ed. p.; cm) Also form BrainMass , “Ethical dilemma is a situation in which there is a conflict between two otherwise valid ethical concepts”. For instance, in a situation where a child requires an emergency blood transfusion due to their religious beliefs. Conflicts arises between the parents decision for the child and obligation of the medical community to provide life saving treatment. Both concepts valid in their own ways but are conflicting in this case. An ethical solution is never straightforward there are so many ways to to go about it and it involves the collaborative effort of...
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...Interpreting * Evaluating * Judging * Importance of Thinking Successful problem solving and issue analysis require factual knowledge, factual knowledge is already known so to be a successful problem solver, you will need both * Brain and Mind at Work Thinking occurs in patterns that we can study and compare to determine objectivity, validity, and effectiveness The very structure of the brain implies integration between the two hemispheres Right Hemisphere-governs the non-verbal, symbolic, and intuitive responses Left Hemisphere-governs the use of language, logical reasoning, analysis, and performance of sequential tasks The mind has two distinct phases: * Production Closely associated with creative thinking and produces various conceptions of the problem, various ways to deal with the problem, and possible solutions Good Thinkers: * Adept at using a variety of techniques * See the problem from many perspectives * Consider many investigative approaches * Produce many ideas before turning to judgment * More willing to take intellectual risks * Are more adventurous and consider unusual ideas * Use their imaginations Poor Thinkers: * see problem from limited perspectives * take the first approach that occurs to them * judge each idea immediately * settle for only a few ideas * are overly cautious in their thinking * unconsciously make their ideas conform to the...
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...provide you the foundations of organizational behavior whether you intend to work in any field of interest. Organizational behavior offers both challenges and opportunities for managers. It recognizes differences and helps managers to see the value of workforce diversity and practices that may need to be changed when managing in different countries. It can help improve quality and employee productivity by showing managers how to empower their people as well as how to design and implement change programs. It offers specific insights to improve a manager’s people skills. In times of rapid and ongoing change, faced by most managers today, OB can help managers cope in a world of “temporariness” and learn ways to stimulate innovation. Finally, OB can offer managers guidance in creating an ethically healthy work climate. Managers need to develop their interpersonal or people skills if they are going to be effective in their jobs. Organizational behavior (OB) is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within an organization, and then applies that knowledge to make organizations work more effectively. Specifically, OB focuses on how to improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and turnover, and increase employee citizenship and job satisfaction. OB studies three determinants of behavior in organizations: individuals, groups, and structure. OB applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure...
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...ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR MBA 1.2 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR SYLLABUS UNIT 1 Introduction to Organisational Behaviour, Meaning; Elements; Need; Approaches; Models; Global scenario. UNIT 2 Individual Behaviour; Personality; Learning; Attitudes; Perception; Motivation; Ability; Their relevant organizational behaviour. UNIT 3 Group dynamics; Group norms; Group cohesiveness; Group Behance to organizational behaviour. UNIT 4 Leadership Styles; Qualities; Organisational communication; Meaning importance, process, barriers; Methods to reduce barriers; Principle of effective communication. UNIT 5 Stress; Meaning; Types; Sources; Consequences; Management of stress. Power and Politics; Definition; Types of Powers; Sources; Characteristics; Effective use of Power. UNIT 6 Organisational Dynamics; Organisational design; Organisational effectiveness; Meaning, approaches; Organisational culture; Meaning, significance; Organisational Climate; Implications on organizational behaviour. Organisational Change; Meaning; Nature; Causes of change; Resistance of change; Management of change; Organisational development; Meaning; OD Interventions. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behaviour, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1995. 2. Stephen P. Bobbins, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall, 1997. 3. Keith Davis, Human Behaviour at Wor/c,.-M.cGraw Hill Book Co., 1991. 4. Gregory Moorehead and R.S. Griffin, Organisational...
Words: 54737 - Pages: 219
...Organizational Behavior, 15e (Robbins/Judge) Chapter 14 Conflict and Negotiation 1) ________ is defined as a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is about to negatively affect something the first party cares about. A) Problem solving B) Assessment C) Conflict D) Negotiation E) Collective bargaining Answer: C 2) Conservationists have had a perpetual conflict with the government of the United States over the fast and rampant depletion of the earth's natural resources. They argue that the United States must reduce its consumption level significantly to rectify this problem. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conservationists' argument? A) The United States has been conserving forests for several years. B) Most countries have not taken any measures to reduce their consumption levels of natural resources. C) There are several countries that have more requirements for resources than the United States. D) The United States accounts for one-third of the total world resource consumption. E) New resource deposits are constantly being discovered. Answer: D 3) According to the traditional view of conflict, all conflict is ________. A) harmful and must be avoided B) natural and helps generate discussion C) necessary and improves creativity of a group D) healthy and improves productivity E) rational and cannot be avoided Answer: A 4) According to the ________ view of conflict, conflict can be a positive force in a group and some...
Words: 41308 - Pages: 166
...Chapter 1 The Nature of Negotiation Fill in the Blank Questions 1. People ____________ all the time. Answer: negotiate Page: 2 2. The term ____________ is used to describe the competitive, win-lose situations such as haggling over price that happens at yard sale, flea market, or used car lot Answer: bargaining Page: 3 3. Negotiating parties always negotiate by ____________. Answer: choice Page: 6 4. There are times when you should _________ negotiate. Answer: not Page: 6 5. Successful negotiation involves the management of ____________ (e.g., the price or the terms of agreement) and also the resolution of ____________. Lewicki/Barry/Saunders, Negotiation, 6/e 1 Answer: tangibles, intangibles Page: 8 6. Independent parties are able to meet their own ____________ without the help and assistance of others. Answer: needs Page: 9 7. The mix of convergent and conflicting goals characterizes many ____________ relationships. Answer: interdependent Page: 10 8. The ____________ of people’s goals, and the ____________ of the situation in which they are going to negotiate, strongly shapes negotiation processes and outcomes. Answer: interdependence, structure Page: 10 9. Whether you should or should not agree on something in a negotiation depends entirely upon the attractiveness to you of the best available _________. Answer: alternative Page: 10 – 12 10. When parties are interdependent, they have to find a way to ____________ their differences. Answer:...
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...PEOPLE IN ORGANISATIONS Level 7 I. ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1.1. The meaning of organizational behaviour We live in an organizational world. Organizations of one form or another are a necessary part of our society and serve many important needs. The decisions and actions of management in organizations have an increasing impact on individuals, other organizations and the community. It is important, therefore, to understand how organizations function and the influences which they exercise over the behaviors of people. 1.2. The behavior of people Organizational Behaviour is concerned with the study of the behavior of people within an organizational setting. It involves the understanding, prediction and control of human behavior. There is a close relationship between Organizational Behaviour and management theory and practice. The behavior of people, however, cannot be studied in isolation. It is necessary to understand interrelationships with other variables which together comprise the total organization. To do this involves considerations of interactions among the formal structure , the task to be undertaken , the technology employed and the methods of carrying out work, the process of management and the external environment . The study of O B embraces therefore the understanding of : * The behavior of people , * The process of management ; * The organizational context in which the process of management takes place ; * Organizational processes...
Words: 30172 - Pages: 121
...The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture Michele J. Gelfand Jeanne M. Brett Editors STANFORD BUSINESS BOOKS The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture Edited by miche le j. ge lfand and jeanne m. brett Stanford Business Books An imprint of Stanford University Press Stanford, California 2004 C Stanford University Press Stanford, California C 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Stanford University Press. Printed in the United States of America on acid-free, archival-quality paper Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The handbook of negotiation and culture / edited by Michele J. Gelfand and Jeanne M. Brett. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 0-8047-4586-2 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Negotiation. 2. Conflict management. 3. Negotiation—Cross-cultural studies. 4. Conflict management—Cross-cultural studies. I. Gelfand, Michele J. II. Brett, Jeanne M. bf637.n4 h365 2004 302.3—dc22 2003025169 Typeset by TechBooks in 10.5/12 Bembo Original printing 2004 Last figure below indicates year of this printing: 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 Contents List of Tables and Figures Foreword Preface xi xv ix ...
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...he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career. When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed over the house key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said, “it is my parting gift to you.” What a shock! What a Shame! If only he had known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he built none too well. (Modified from LIVING WITH HONOUR by SHIV KHERA) Do we find ourselves in similar situations as the carpenter? Moving through our work hours fast paced, driven to “get the job done”, without much thought to moral values. How do we regain our focus as individuals and organizations? This is the challenge for the employee and the employer. Ethics are fundamental standards of conduct by which we work as a professional. VALUES Values are individual in nature. Values are comprised of personal concepts of responsibility, entitlement and respect. Values are shaped by personal experience, may change over the span of a lifetime and may be influenced by lessons learned. Values may vary according to an individual‟s cultural, ethnic and/or faithbased background. “Never change your core values.” In spite of all the change...
Words: 25613 - Pages: 103
...you will be able to: 1.1 Understand the basic concepts of human resource management (HRM). Explain what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process. Provide an overview of functions of HRM. Describe how the major roles of HR management are being transformed. Explain the role of HRM in the present millennium. Introduction Human beings are social beings and hardly ever live and work in isolation. We always plan, develop and manage our relations both consciously and unconsciously. The relations are the outcome of our actions and depend to a great extent upon our ability to manage our actions. From childhood each and every individual acquire knowledge and experience on understanding others and how to behave in each and every situations in life. Later we carry forward this learning and understanding in carrying and managing relations at our workplace. The whole context of Human Resource Management revolves around this core matter of managing relations at work place. Since mid 1980’s Human Resource Management (HRM) has gained acceptance in both academic and commercial circle. HRM is a multidisciplinary organizational function that draws theories and ideas from various fields such as management, psychology, sociology and economics. There is no best way to manage people and no manager has formulated how people can be managed effectively, because people are complex beings with complex...
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...2 BUS520 Week 11 Final Exam 1 and 2 BUS520Week 11 Final Exam 1 and 2 Download Answer Here http://workbank247.com/q/bus520-final-exam-1-and-2/6911 Question 1 According to the Ohio State leadership studies, a leader high in __________ is sensitive to people’s feelings and tries to make things pleasant for the followers. • Question 2 __________ make(s) a leader’s influence either unnecessary or redundant in that they replace a leader’s influence. • Question 3 According to the path-goal leadership theory, a manager is showing a participative leadership style when he/she __________. • Question 4 According to __________ approaches, individual behavior is constructed in context, as people act and interact in situations. • Question 5 Meindl referred to the phenomenon whereby people attribute almost magical qualities to leadership as _____________. • Question 6 The __________ that are driving organizations of all types and sizes can be found in organization-environment relationships, the organizational life cycle, and the political nature of organizations. • Question 7 The decision to construct a new overseas plant can be considered to be a(n) __________. • Question 8 Which of the following, refers to altruistic love? • Question 9 __________ is intentional and occurs as a result of specific efforts by a change agent. • Question 10 Another name for incremental change is __________. • Question 11 To begin understanding...
Words: 78022 - Pages: 313
...Knowledge Area Module VI Contemporary Issues and the Ethical Delivery of Health Services Student: Harold Taitt, harold.taitt@waldenu.edu Student ID # A00293212 Program: Ph.D. Health Services Specialization: Health Management and Policy Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Hoye, robert.hoye@waldenu.edu Faculty Assessor: Dr. Jim Goes, jim.goes@waldenu.edu Walden University May 10, 2013 Abstract Breadth Component In this age of rapidly evolving technological advances, many of the legal and ethical issues that are challenging the delivery of health care and the health care profession are new. As we confront the legal, moral, and ethical aspects of health care, we are seldom faced with decisions that require or are resolved by simple right or wrong answers (Edge & Kreiger, 1998). In the Breadth component of KAM VI, I focus on several ethical theories and how those theories influence the way ethical issues and concerns are addressed and managed in the allocation and delivery of health care services. I critically assess and evaluate those theories, concepts, and derivative principles as they impact important decisions and the implications of those decisions within the context of social change and with special emphasis on health care management and policy. In addition, I discuss the key assumptions on which the selected theories are constructed, compare and contrast the writers’ interpretations across theories, and conclude by providing a critical commentary on the merits of the selected...
Words: 34918 - Pages: 140
...Robert J. Greenleaf Training Management Corporation Princeton Training Press • Princeton, New Jersey MANAGING ACROSS CULTURES NEGOTIATING ACROSS CULTURES NEGOTIATING ACROSS CULTURES Published by: PRINCETON TRAINING PRESS Princeton, New Jersey a division of TRAINING MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 600 Alexander Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540-6011 USA Tel: Fax: Web: Email: (609) 951-0525 (609) 951-0395 www.tmcorp.com info@tmcorp.com Editor-in-Chief: Series Manager: Writer: Cover Design: Interior Design: Monique Rinere-Güven, Ph.D. Talia Bloch Robert J. Greenleaf Donna Lukis Bonnie Jacobs © 2000 TRAINING MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. Managing Across Cultures Series: Negotiating Across Cultures All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 1-882390-911 The Cultural Orientations Indicator®, COI® and TMC’s graphical depiction of our Cultural Orientations Model are registered trademarks of Training Management Corporation; Registration: 2,329,085 and 2,361,803. 4 Training Management Corporation TABLE OF Preface OF CONTENTS TABLE CONTENTS iii Introduction 1 Negotiation Defined Negotiating Across Cultures Chapter One: The Impact of Culture on...
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...Part Two • The Individual Chapter 3 Foundations of Individual Behavior 80 Chapter 4 Perception and Individual Decision Making 130 Chapter 5 Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction 172 Chapter 6 Basic Motivation Concepts 210 Chapter 7 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 250 Part Three • The Group Chapter 8 Foundations of Group Behavior 292 Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams 344 Chapter 10 Communication 374 Chapter 11 Leadership 410 Chapter 12 Power and Politics 460 Chapter 13 Conflict, Negotiation, and Intergroup Behavior 502 Part Four - The Organization System Chapter 14 Foundations of Organization Structure 548 Chapter 15 Technology, Work Design, and Stress 588 Chapter 16 Human Resource Policies and Practices 634 Chapter 17 Organizational Culture 678 Part Five - Organizational Dynamics Chapter 18 Organizational Change and Development 714 CHAPTER I • WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR? What Managers Do Let’s begin by briefly defining the terms manager and the place where managers work—the organization. Then let’s look at the manager’s job; specifically, what do managers do? Managers get things done through other people. They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct the activities of others to attain goals. Managers do their work in an organization. This is a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. Based on this definition, manufacturing and service...
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