...Explain the difference between moral absolutism and relativism (25) There are two different ways in distinguishing whether something is right or wrong within ethics. Absolutism is a deontological theory, which determines whether an action is intrinsically right or wrong. Whereas relativism is a teleological theory, which determines whether an action is right or wrong based on the outcomes of the action, on its consequences, this is linked with situation ethics and consequentialism. They are two different ways in approaching ethics. Absolutism is a moral command that is objectively and universally right or wrong for all people, in all times, places and cultures. It can be said to be deontological and so something is either right or wrong intrinsically (in itself) and therefore consequences have no bearing. Whereas, relativism is a subjective theory and believe that all truth is relative and dependent upon the values of an individual or society or even situation. Relativism is a teleological approach and therefore takes into account the consequences of a situation. Therefore there are many differences between moral absolutism and relativism. An example of absolutism would be the Ten Commandments, that Natural Law portrays, which are absolute, ‘do not murder’, as this is a law that applies to everyone. Therefore an absolutist would say that it is always wrong to murder in every, and any situation. In contrast, a relativist might argue that in some situations, given the outcome...
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...a) Explain the differences between absolute and relative morality. (25) To start, it is necessary to define the terms 'absolute' and 'relative' with reference to morality. Absolute means any theory in which the rules are absolute: they are unchanging and universal. Relative means any theory in which something is judged in relation to something else and is therefore open to change. Absolute laws or rules of morality will never change. Another way of putting this is that they are objective. Objective means that I am not bringing in any personal opinions or bias, so the rules that I work out are rules that anybody else would rationally come up with. We may come to work out these rules by use of reason and so any rational human being would be able to use his/her reason to come up with the same set of rules. For example, I may, using reason, work out that it is wrong to lie. An absolutist would think that it is therefore always wrong to lie, in any situation and in any culture. So it is just as wrong for me to lie about cheating on my boyfriend as it is to lie about the fact that Santa isn't real. And I can never think it is right to lie, even, to use Kant's famous example, if there was a murder at my door enquiring as to the whereabouts of my friend. If I knew my friend was hiding in my house, I would have to tell this to the murderer. In this situation, Kant would say that if I had lied to the murdered, and then in some strange coincidence my friend had left my house and was...
Words: 1932 - Pages: 8
...a) Explain the differences between absolute and relative morality. (25) To start, it is necessary to define the terms 'absolute' and 'relative' with reference to morality. Absolute means any theory in which the rules are absolute: they are unchanging and universal. Relative means any theory in which something is judged in relation to something else and is therefore open to change. Absolute laws or rules of morality will never change. Another way of putting this is that they are objective. Objective means that I am not bringing in any personal opinions or bias, so the rules that I work out are rules that anybody else would rationally come up with. We may come to work out these rules by use of reason and so any rational human being would be able to use his/her reason to come up with the same set of rules. For example, I may, using reason, work out that it is wrong to lie. An absolutist would think that it is therefore always wrong to lie, in any situation and in any culture. So it is just as wrong for me to lie about cheating on my boyfriend as it is to lie about the fact that Santa isn't real. And I can never think it is right to lie, even, to use Kant's famous example, if there was a murder at my door enquiring as to the whereabouts of my friend. If I knew my friend was hiding in my house, I would have to tell this to the murderer. In this situation, Kant would say that if I had lied to the murdered, and then in some strange coincidence my friend had left my house and was met...
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...Introduction Ethics is the systematic study of the fundamental principles of morality. It is an attempt to explain moral principles. It is concerned with the question of right or wrong in human behavior. It explains how men ought to behave and why it is wrong or right to behave in a certain way. Ethics weighs human actions or inactions on a moral scale to determine whether the action is morally good or morally bad. Thomas Hobbes on ethics explained it as the science of “virtue and vice.”1 Morality and ethics cannot be divorced. Morality is the basis of ethics, the latter is the explicit reflection on, and the systematic study of the former (Joseph Omoregbe 1993 p.3)2. How then do we decide what is morally right? Is it based on universal laws or divine instructions? Are laws truly universal? If they are not, how then can the rightness or wrongness of culturally divergent societies be determined? Philosophers agree and disagree in varied proportions on answers to these questions. It is normal if you disagree too. For the purpose of this paper, an attempt will be made to look into the concept of ethical relativism, its importance and areas of deviation from ethical absolutism. History of Ethical Relativism Though moral relativism did not become a prominent topic in philosophy or elsewhere until the twentieth century, it has ancient origins. In the classical Greek world, both the historian Herodotus and the sophist Protagoras appeared to endorse some form of relativism. The early...
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...Test Bank, Business Ethics by Shaw – Test Bank A+ Graded Chapter 1—The Nature of Morality MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following characteristics distinguishes moral standards from other sorts of standards? a. moral standards are purely optional b. moral standards take priority over other standards, including self-interest c. moral standards cannot be justified by reasons d. moral standards must be set or validated by some authoritative body 2. Choose the statement that gives the most accurate description of etiquette: a. the rules of etiquette are a fundamental branch of morality b. conformity with the rules of etiquette is sufficient for moral conduct c. etiquette refers to a special code of social behavior or courtesy d. the rules of etiquette are backed by statutory law 3. Our relationship with the law is best described by which of the following? a. To a significant extent, law codifies a society’s customs, norms, and moral values. b. The law is a completely adequate guide to the moral standards that we should follow. c. The law makes all immoral conduct illegal. d. Violating the law is always immoral. 4. Which of the following is not one of the four basic kinds of law? a. statutes b. constitutional law c. common law d. contractual law 5. A proper perspective of religion and morality is a. only religion can tell us what is right and wrong b. it’s not true that morality must be based on religion c. religion never influences people’s moral beliefs d...
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...Source: CHRYSSIDES, GEORGE D. and KALER, JOHN H. (1993). An Introduction to Business Ethics. London: Chapman and Hall. Pages 79−106, 143‒146. [The text is derived from a publisher’s proof, and may differ slightly from the finished book. If quoting, it is best to cite the relevant WOLF page.] CHAPTER THREE ETHICAL THEORY In the previous chapter we looked at the role of values in business and considered how business ethics was becoming part of the professionalization of business. But what exactly are ethical judgments, and how do we justify them? At first appearance this may seem a needless difficulty. After all, is it not obvious what is happening when we make ethical decisions? Do we not do so almost every day of our lives in fact? It is one thing to engage in an activity, but often quite another to state what exactly is going on when we do it. For example, someone may have a tremendous gift for selling goods to people, but may not necessarily be aware, until he or she is taught, exactly what is going on when a successful marketing strategy is put into operation. One can instinctively put into operation the classical ‘three Ps’ of marketing (attention to Product, Price and Packaging), but yet be unaware, until this is pointed out, that these are the key features of selling. In a similar way, we can make moral judgments, but yet find some difficulty in explaining exactly what is taken place when we do so. In the case of ethical judgments, the situation is...
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...his philosophy. I systematically, though indirectly, interconnect the cognitive and moral aspects of his thinking. Second, I present an interpretation of the Kantian ethics, taking as my point of departure, the concept of the categorical imperative. Finally, I show how the categorical imperative is given a dialogical interpretation by Jürgen Habermas in his approach, usually referred to as discourse ethics. I argue that the dialogical approach taken by discourse ethics is more justifiable and therefore more usefuli. I The Synthesis of Rationalism and Empiricism The philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is in the main inspired by two different schools of thought. Classical rationalism and classical empiricism. The basic difference between classical rationalism and empiricism is that they have opposing views on questions concerning the prime sources of knowledge and the constitutive role of reason. Rationalism traditionally maintains that it is possible to obtain knowledge by reason alone, that everything is in...
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...“Islamic Accounting : Their Position in International Standard Harmonization” Rendy Anggita Putra “Islamic Accounting : Their Position in International Standard Harmonization” 1. Abstract According to (Susela, 1999) said the development of accounting theories is are affected by several factors including political and economic interests of certain people or group in community. Therefore, it can be also called if the accounting is a significant tool to illustrate the interests and perspectives of the various stakeholders. Islamic industry of finance has obtained tremendous growth in last few years, both in number of assets that manage by industry and in the diversity of financial products. A global system that can rule the industry will become significantly important for the Islamic finance sector in order to meet the needs of continued growth (Vinnicombe, 2012). Harmonization of Shari’a accounting standards has continue to be made by the AAOIFI as it is also done by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for conventional accounting harmonization. In its development, financial reporting in Islamic accounting adds some different additional reports than conventional accounting to accommodate the unique transactions of Islamic economics. In that regard, this paper have objective to explore the main important values of Shari’a accounting and reporting standards of Islamic Accounting and try to find the answers of Islamic accounting positions among the process...
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...of Management Journal 2013, Vol. 56, No. 4, 1002–1023. http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amj.2010.0960 POWER, MORAL CLARITY, AND PUNISHMENT IN THE WORKPLACE SCOTT S. WILTERMUTH University of Southern California FRANCIS J. FLYNN Stanford University We propose that power increases how severely people punish transgressors. Further, we argue that this greater severity stems from an increased sense of moral clarity instilled by the psychological experience of power. We investigate the linkages among power, moral clarity, and punishment across multiple studies. Individuals with an increased sense of power advocated more severe punishments for transgressors than did those with a diminished sense of power. Further, moral clarity mediated the link between power and severity of punishment. We discuss the implications of these findings for managers in organizations and researchers interested in punitive reactions to moral transgressions. Ethical standards of professional conduct often are implicit or tacitly held (Flynn & Wiltermuth, 2010; Haidt, 2001; Turiel, 2002), making it difficult for members of organizations to know which types of behavior are permissible and which are not (Treviño, 1986). Although many employees can and do seek guidance on moral matters from colleagues (Treviño, 1990), the advice they receive often varies according to whom they ask. Coworkers can send mixed signals about what constitutes morally appropriate behavior. Indeed, the viewpoints expressed by top management...
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...characteristics describes the importance of integrity in decision making except for: A. Acting out of moral principle B. Being loyal to one's superior C. Having the courage to do the right thing D. Not subordinating professional judgment to others Each of the following describes the behavior of Cynthia Cooper in the WorldCom fraud except for: A. Persistence B. Competence C. Integrity D. Hesitance The ancient Greeks thought of the virtues as characteristics of behavior that: A. Could lead to a good life B. Make up the "six pillars of character" C. Support the rights theory D. All of these Each of the following elements make up an integral part of what is meant by "ethics" except for: A. Accepted standards of behavior B. Knowing the difference between right and wrong C. Always following the...
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...ETHICS 101 A COMMON ETHICS LANGUAGE FOR DIALOGUE Compiled by the Ethics Across the Curricula Committee DePaul University Institute for Business & Professional Ethics 1 E. Jackson Blvd, Ste 7000 Chicago, IL 60604 http://commerce.depaul.edu/ethics bf 208592 ETHICS 101 A COMMON ETHICS LANGUAGE FOR DIALOGUE Compiled by the Ethics Across the Curricula Committee ©2007 IBPE. All Rights Reserved Chaired by Patricia Werhane, Director, Institute for Business & Professional Ethics, DePaul University. A subcommittee of the Ethics Across the Curricula Committee created this document. The members include: Andrew Gold, Professor, College of Law; Laura Hartman, AVP & Professor of Business Ethics, Department of Management; Karyn Holm, Professor, Department of Nursing; Scott Paeth, Asst. Professor, Religious Studies Department; Charles Strain, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs; Marco Tavanti, Asst. Professor, Public Services Graduate Program; David Wellman, Asst. Professor, Religious Studies Department. This guide draws from various resources prepared by others including copyrighted materials reprinted with the permission of the Markkula Center for a Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University (www.scu.edu/ethics), from Larry Hinman, Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory, 3rd edition (Belmont CA: Thomson Learning, 2003), from Marco Tavanti, “Thinking Ethically” (unpublished), David Ozar, “A Model for Ethical Decision-Making.” (unpublished)...
Words: 9404 - Pages: 38
...mTELECOURSE STUDY GUIDE FOR The Examined Life FOURTH EDITION author J. P. White Chair, Department of Philosophy Santa Barbara City College contributing author Manuel Velasquez Professor of Philosophy Santa Clara University This Telecourse Study Guide for The Examined Life is part of a collegelevel introduction to philosophy telecourse developed in conjunction with the video series The Examined Life, and the text Philosophy: A Text with Readings, tenth edition, by Manuel Velasquez, The Charles Dirksen Professor, Santa Clara University. The television series The Examined Life was designed and produced by INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, Netherlands Educational Broadcasting Corporation (TELEAC/NOT), and Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (UR) Copyright © 2007, 2005, 2002, 1999 by INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications, 150 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 300, Pasadena, California 91105-1937. ISBN: 0-495-10302-0 Contents Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Lesson One — What is Philosophy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Words: 78103 - Pages: 313
...OF URBAN ABSOLUTE POVERTY ON YOUNG WOMEN: A CASE STUDY OF EPWORTH BY MASARA WIRIRANAI. B. (R121680Y) FACULTY OF SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY 2015 A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS DEGREE IN SOCIOLOGY (SUPERVISOR Ms CHOGUYA) 1 Dedication I dedicate this research work to my late mother. You influenced every aspect of carrying out this study. It’s sad though that you are not around to witness who I have become. You may be gone but you are never over! 2 ACRONYMS ADB Asian Development Bank CSO Central Statistics Office DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division ESAP Economic Structural Adjustment Programme FPL Food Poverty Line HDL Human Development Index MPSLSW Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare NGO Non-Governmental Organizations PASS Poverty Assessment Study Survey PDL Poverty Datum Line PICES Poverty and Income Expenditures Survey PRD Parliament Research Department PRFT Poverty Reduction Forum Trust TCPL Total Consumption Poverty Line UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNESASD United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Statistic Department UN-Habitat United Nations Human Settlement Programme USA United States of America Zimstat Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency 3 Abstract The study focused on identifying, measuring and assessing the nature and extent of impacts of urban absolute poverty...
Words: 12395 - Pages: 50
...R outledge Revision: Questions & Answers Jurisprudence 2011–2012 Each Routledge Q&A contains approximately 50 questions on topics commonly found on exam papers, with answer plans and comprehensive suggested answers. Each book also offers valuable advice as to how to approach and tackle exam questions and how to focus your revision effectively. New Aim Higher and Common Pitfalls boxes will also help you to identify how to go that little bit further in order to get the very best marks and highlight areas of confusion. And now there are further opportunities to hone and perfect your exam technique online. New editions publishing in 2011: Civil Liberties & Human Rights Commercial Law Company Law Constitutional & Administrative Law Contract Law Criminal Law Employment Law English Legal System Routledge Q&A series Equity & Trusts European Union Law Evidence Family Law Jurisprudence Land Law Medical Law Torts For a full listing, visit http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/revision R outledge Revision: Questions & Answers Jurisprudence 2011–2012 David Brooke Senior Lecturer in Law and Module Leader in Jurisprudence at Leeds Metropolitan University Fifth edition published 2011 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the U S A and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2011...
Words: 105136 - Pages: 421
...Running head: ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1 Facing Ethics in Criminal Justice Through a Christian Worldview Jordan Kopko A Senior Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation in the Honors Program Liberty University Spring 2011 ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE 2 Acceptance of Senior Honors Thesis This Senior Honors Thesis is accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation from the Honors Program of Liberty University. ______________________________ Stephen Parke, J.D., L.L.M. Thesis Chair ______________________________ Charles Murphy, Ph.D. Committee Member ______________________________ Shelah Simpson, M.A. Committee Member ______________________________ Brenda Ayres, Ph.D. Honors Director ______________________________ Date ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE 3 Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to express the need for young men and women in law enforcement to endure ethical dilemmas through a Christian worldview. Ethical dilemmas and moral struggles in the criminal justice field are described in detail throughout the thesis. In the decision-making process during an ethical dilemma, an officer with a Christian worldview should make better decisions with the added guidance from the Holy Spirit. This thesis delves into the different aspects of ethics including reasons why some police officers make immoral decisions. The ethical issues in criminal justice have been a problem in law enforcement...
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