...Discuss two or more definitions of abnormality (12 marks) One definition of abnormality is “deviation from social norms” and under this definition a person’s thinking or behaviour is classified as abnormal if it violates the unwritten rules about what is expected or acceptable behaviour in a particular social group. Behaviour may be incomprehensible to others or make others feel threatened or uncomfortable. For example, someone would be classified as being abnormal if they laughed at a funeral, as this is socially unacceptable. A weakness of this definition is that it lacks cultural relativity as social behaviour varies when different cultures are compared. For e.g. it’s common in south Europe to stand much closer to strangers than in the UK. As well as this voice pitch and volume, touching, directions of gaze and acceptable subjects for discussion have all been found to vary between cultures. This means what is considered deviant or abnormal varies considerably across cultures, thus weakening this definition. Another limitation of deviation from social norms is that it lacks time validity. This is because social norms change over time; behaviour that was once seen as abnormal may be acceptable and vice versa. For example, drink driving was once considered acceptable but is now seen as socially unacceptable whereas homosexuality has changed the other way. Until 1980 homosexuality was considered a psychological disorder but is considered acceptable today. This is a weakness...
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...Discuss two or more definitions of abnormality (12 marks) One definition of abnormality is “deviation from social norms” and under this definition a person’s thinking or behaviour is classified as abnormal if it violates the unwritten rules about what is expected or acceptable behaviour in a particular social group. Behaviour may be incomprehensible to others or make others feel threatened or uncomfortable. For example, someone would be classified as being abnormal if they laughed at a funeral, as this is socially unacceptable. A weakness of this definition is that it lacks cultural relativity as social behaviour varies when different cultures are compared. For e.g. it’s common in south Europe to stand much closer to strangers than in the UK. As well as this voice pitch and volume, touching, directions of gaze and acceptable subjects for discussion have all been found to vary between cultures. This means what is considered deviant or abnormal varies considerably across cultures, thus weakening this definition. Another limitation of deviation from social norms is that it lacks time validity. This is because social norms change over time; behaviour that was once seen as abnormal may be acceptable and vice versa. For example, drink driving was once considered acceptable but is now seen as socially unacceptable whereas homosexuality has changed the other way. Until 1980 homosexuality was considered a psychological disorder but is considered acceptable today. This is a weakness because...
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...assumption of the behavioural approach is that only behaviour is important and that this behaviour is learned through experience. The processes of this learning include classical conditioning where associations are made between one thing and the other. Operant conditioning where abnormal behaviour is reinforced or the social learning theory (SLT) where abnormal behaviours are learnt vicariously. For example, a child may observe its mother obsessively cleaning the house and being praised by the father for doing so. This consequence (e.g. praise) may be enough to initiate the same abnormal behaviour (e.g. OCD) in the child. The behaviourist approach assumes that abnormal behaviours that have been learnt can be unlearnt using the same processes (operant conditioning, classical conditioning and SLT). So, undesirable or abnormal behaviour e.g. a phobia, can be replaced with more desirable or normal behavior using therapies such as systematic desensitisation. One strength of the behavioural approach is that therapy can focus directly on the client's maladaptive behaviour. For example, if a patient suffers from arachnophobia then the treatment can be directed solely towards getting rid of the fear of spiders instead of referring to the client's previous or medical history. This shows that changing the behaviour from maladaptive to adaptive is sufficient for a cure. One limitation of the BM is that only behaviour is considered, the thoughts and feelings of cognition...
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...Compare and contrast psychological and biological explanations of schizophrenia. Jessica F Smith University Of Sussex Schizophrenia has been termed a heterogeneous group of disorders with varied etiologies (Walker, Kestler, Bollini, & Hochman, 2004) which includes biological, social, cognitive and psychodynamic perspectives. To progress knowledge of schizophrenia, this essay focuses on how the biological and psychological explanations are independent and interdependent and how they may differentiate from one another. This includes: how our biological predisposition, neuro transmitter dysfunction and genetic inheritance, affects how people with schizophrenia respond to social environments, the importance of socio-economic factors and their ability to shape psychotic symptoms, and how people with schizophrenia have faulty cognitions, which arguably develop from social influence and upbringing. The overruling theory, that is important in explanations of schizophrenia, is known as the Diathesis Stress Model (Davey, 2011), which identifies that psychotic symptoms arise from a combination of both biological predisposition and environmental stress. Servan-Schreiber, Bruno, Carter, & Cohen, (1998) alleviate that dopamine is an important neurotransmitter with a function in regulating movement and guiding attention. The dopamine hypothesis suggests that the dysfunction of movement and attention in those with schizophrenia may be a result of excess dopamine due to an increase...
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...THE BIOLOGICAL APPROACH TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Approaches to psychopathology are based on different views of the CAUSE of abnormality. The models have different views about how abnormality comes about in the first place Assumptions of the biological model • Abnormality is caused by physical factors – as all behaviour is associated with changes in brain function, abnormal behaviour will be caused by changes in either the structure or function of the brain. - For example in terms of the structure of the brain (neuroanatomy) a damaged hypothalamus has been linked to anorexia - In terms of the function of the brain, neurotransmitters and hormones have been linked to psychopathology, e.g. low levels of serotonin have been lined to depression. • Abnormality is inherited – the genetic view is that there are abnormal genes that are inherited, i.e. passed down from parents to children, even though they may not be shown in every generation. Family, twin and adoption studies are used to establish concordance rates (this shows the extent to which members of the same family share a particular characteristic) to test for genetic predispositions as an explanation of abnormality. - For example Holland et al (1988) found a 56% concordance rate for identical twins (MZ) and only a 5% concordance rate for non-identical twins (DZ) in anorexia nervosa which supports the idea of a genetic basis for abnormality. Evaluation of the biological model Strengths ...
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...Abnormal Psychology LAQs 1. Discuss validity and reliability of diagnosis. Paragraph 1 (Introduction): ● Classification system is said to be reliable when it is possible for 4 different clinicians, using the same system, to arrive at same diagnosis for same individual ● Examples: DSM-4, CCMD, ICD-10 ● Though diagnosis systems use more standardized assessment techniques and more specific diagnostic criteria than in the past, classification system is far from perfect ● Classification system said to be valid when it is able to classify a real pattern of symptoms, which can lead to an effective treatment ● However, problem with this is that the classification system is descriptive and doesn’t identify any specific causes for disorders Paragraph 2 (Study 1): Sane or Insane-Rosenhan (1973) Aim: test reliability of psychiatric diagnosis Procedure: field experiment Part 1 ● 8 healthy people (5 men, 3 women) gained admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals ● Complained of hearing unclear, unfamiliar voices of same sex repeating words “thud” and “empty” ● Participants said they felt fine after admission to hospital (no more symptoms) Part 2 ● Rosenhan told staff at psychiatric hospital that pseudopatients will try to get admitted ● No pseudopatients were actually sent Results: Part 1 ● 7 diagnosed with schizophrenia ● Took average 19 days for discharge and were classified as “schizophrenia in...
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...SAJ DEVSHI (C) AQA Psychology (A) Psya2 A* Students Model Essays The A* Students Handbook For More Psychology Resources visit: www.Loopa.co.uk C HAPTER 1 A little about me Firstly thank you for purchasing this book for AQA Psychology Psya2 (Paper 2). A bit about me: My name is Sajan Devshi and I was a private student that self-taught myself AQA Psychology from 2011-2012 and I received my certificate in January 2013 Achieving an A* Grade. The certificate you can view on my website http://www.loopa.co.uk - You can also get my other A* model essay answers from there too for the other topics I did. I achieved an A* grade overall scoring two A’s in Psya1 and Psya2 as well as 100% in both my A2 exams (Psya3 and Psya4) My final score was 373/400 ums points. (You only needed 90% in A2 and 320 for an A* grade). So basically I didn’t just beat the boundary - I absolutely smashed it. How did I do it? It wasn’t easy and I am by no means some savant genius. I made great notes and essays that simplified things for me as I had no teachers and it is these notes I share with you now for Psya2 and the essay questions that can be asked for it. If your curious to know more about me you can visit my website at http://www.loopa.co.uk There it tells you more about me, how I self-taught myself as well as contact me directly for help and advice as well as get my other essay answers there instantly. Theres also great resources there too with more added on a weekly basis...
Words: 21741 - Pages: 87
...PYC4802/101/0/2015 Tutorial letter 101/0/2015 Psychopathology PYC4802 Year module Department of Psychology IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Turorial material ....................................................................................................... 4 2. PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ......................................... 4 2.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Outcomes ................................................................................................................ 4 3. LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................ 6 3.1 Lecturer(s) ............................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Department .............................................................................................................. 7 3.3 University ................................................................................................................. 7 4. MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ....................................................................... 7 4.1 Prescribed book.....
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...Close family members have 10-15% risk of developing OCD which stands as a strong evidence. Another study has concentrated on the twins both identical and fraternal. The twins that were studied where selected based on if one had definitely OCD and they looked if the other twin had it too. The results showed that the second twin had 53-87% risk of developing OCD. With the fraternal twins the risk was smaller at 23-43%. To fully understand OCD psychological factors that could trigger OCD need to be taken into consideration too. Regression to an anal stage is an example of psychodynamic explanation for OCD. It is when potty training takes place. If taken too strictly it could result in child becoming anxious about not making a mess. In adulthood stressors can cause regression to an anal stage and OCD is usually associated with fear of contamination and it makes anal stage relevant here. Another explanation is the cognitive one where irrational belief and thoughts play a major part. In...
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...Abnormal Psychology - Models of Abnormality Behavioral Model Taking over psychology in the first half of this century, particularly in the USA, the behavioural model focuses on the observable behaviour of a person. Its assumptions were that behaviour is primarily the result of the environment rather then genetic and so the behaviourists reject the view that abnormal behaviour has a biological basis. the focus is on reinforcing positive behaviors and not reinforcing maladaptive behaviors. Maladaptive behaviours can be un-learnt by changing the environment. Behaviourists have a deterministic view believe that our actions are based on life experience. This model is completely opposite to the biological model. Classical conditioning is behaviour learned through stimulus-response association. Stimulus being the environment and response being the reaction given. This is an early form of behaviourism pioneered by Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov (1897) demonstrated classical conditioning by using dogs. the dogs would salivate every time meat was put before them he then rang a bell. Eventually the dogs learned to associate the sound of the bell so when they heard the sound of the bell they would salivate even though there was no meat present. Watson and Rayner (1920) proposed that children learn phobias through paired associations. It is suggested that through classical conditioning people can learn to associate an unconditioned response with a neutral stimulus. Therefore resulting...
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...The aim of this literature review is to explore factors that will determine whether race increases the frequency in diagnosis of schizophrenia or not and will look at factors that influence the diagnostic procedures. It will firstly provide the rationale of undertaking literature review. 1.2 Rationale The researcher’s interest in the topic is personal as a person from Black African background and from her observations during clinical placements. The researcher observed that a high proportion of Black services users had diagnosis of schizophrenia. A day spent on PICU ward made her realise that indeed there was indeed an over presentation of black service users especially males. From the previous numerous studies about the disparities in mental...
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...Q(a): Explain in your own words what is meant by a 'model of abnormality'?[2] A: Models of abnormality each offers a different explanation for the origins of mental disorders. They are basically the conceptual models, each research and treatment adopted according to it. (b): Describe models of abnormality. [8] A: There are four type of models: Medical model (or Biological method), Psychodynamic model, Behavioral model and the Cognitive model. Medical model (or Biological model) is a view of abnormality that sees mental disorders as being caused by abnormal physiological processes such as genetics, brain damage and chemical imbalance. Abnormality according to this model is seen as an illness or disease. They treat mental disorders with the help of chemotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy and psycho surgery. According to Psychodynamic model, abnormal behavior is caused by underlying psychological forces of which the individuals is probably unaware. It focuses on unconscious mind primarily and according to Sigmund Freud, if a child does not successfully complete any of the psychosexual stages, it will cause abnormality. It is treated by talk therapies and test like the rorshack and free-word association. The Behavioral model has a view that abnormal behavior are maladaptive, learned responses in the environment which can be replaced by more adapted behaviors. These disorders emerge due to classical conditioning, operant conditioning or social learning. It can be...
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...nurse whose remit is to work with those clients with serious and enduring mental illness, the majority of whom have a medical diagnosis of schizophrenia and related psychosis. Over the past 10 years there's been a growing movement towards diverse treatments for schizophrenia other than the acknowledged role of medication as a treatment modality (Birchwood and Tarrier 1993). Developments in psychological theory have led to a number of innovative psychological treatments drawn from human experimental psychology such as behavioural and social psychology and cognitive science. Therapies based on cognitive behavioural theory have been rapidly developing, initially for the so called ‘neurotic disorders’ but in recent years evidence has accumulated to suggest that these cognitive behavioural approaches can be effective for those people suffering from psychosis ( Williams 1995). The aim of this assignment is to explore the basis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and review its’ therapeutic application to schizophrenia. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is an evolutionary paradigm that came about a from the merging of the established paradigm of behavioural therapy and contemporary cognitive therapy (Clarke and Fairburn 1997). Behavioural therapy historically focused on anxiety, phobic and obsessional disorders. Treatments were aligned to the learning theories of Pavlov and Skinner, anxieties and phobias were conceptualise to be conditioned fear responses, passively...
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...CBT for Psychosis Introduction Psychosis (Psyche – Greek for the mind or soul; -osis referring to abnormal condition) is a general umbrella term for mental states traditionally characterised by a loss of contact with reality, during which sufferers may experience episodes of hallucinations and delusional thinking, distorted thoughts or behaviours, even personality changes. Current criteria for diagnosis includes experiencing one or more symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behaviour, negative symptoms; disturbed social cognition and functioning, bizarre behaviour, emotional labiality (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Traditionally treatment and conceptualisation of psychotic symptoms has been more the domain of psychiatry. The use of ‘psychosis’ as a term first emerged towards the end of the 1800’s as a new label for ‘madness’ and as a way of classifying illness of the mind. It wasn’t until the mid 1900’s there was a shift in the perception of psychosis and possible psychological processes contributing to psychotic experiences. Bentall (1993) further supported this by writing about understanding psychotic symptoms based on an individuals’ presenting distress/ difficulties rather than focusing on a medical model of psychosis treatment. Though Aaron Beck in the development of the cognitive approach to emotional disorders did explore the idea of adapting a cognitive model to psychosis in a paper in 1952, “Successful...
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...Health & Clinical Psychology Healthy Living Stress Dysfunctional Behaviour Disorders [pic] [pic] [pic] Contents • Objectives for the Health and Clinical Psychology module 6 • What is Health Psychology? Careers in Health Psychology 7 • Unit G543: Health and Clinical Psychology 8 • Exemplar exam paper 9 PART A – INFORMATION TO HELP EVALUATE STUDIES • Evaluation sheet for the theories/studies of Health Psychology 10 • Guide for answering part A & part B exam questions 11 PART B – HEALTHY LIVING • Introduction to Healthy Living 14 • Theories of Health Belief 17 • Compliance with a Medical Regime for Asthma (Becker 1978) 18 • Internal versus External Locus of Control (Rotter 1966) 21 • Analysis of Self-Efficacy Theory of Behavioural Change (Bandura and Adams 1977) 23 • Summary of the health belief theories 26 • Comprehension questions for theories of health belief 27 • Part A exam question 28 • Part B exam question 29 • Evaluation sheet of health belief theories/studies 30 Introduction to Health Promotion 31 • Theories of Health Promotion • Chip pan fire prevention (Cowpe 1983) 32 • Legislation-Bicycle helmet laws and educational campaigns (Dannenberg et al. 1993) 34 • Effects of Fear arousal (Janis & Feshbeck 1953) 37 • Summary of the health...
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