...Forensic test and evidence Name: Institution of affiliation: Course: Lecturer: Date: Introduction Paint may be left at the scene of an assortment of occurrences, including vehicle attempt at manslaughter, breaking and entering, attacks, and so forth. Paint may be left as chips or spreads on apparel, vehicles, or questions, or detached at the scene. Also, cross exchanges of paint between two vehicles, a vehicle and an item, or two articles may happen. The physical evidence bulletin is a rule planned for law authorization orgs for the gathering and submission of confirmation to BFS laboratories. Physical evidence bulletins are not planned to be utilized within lieu of preparing in the accumulation of confirmation. Investigation and comes about that may be acquired The bureau of forensic services (BFS) gives logical backing to law implementation organizations through the examination of paint proof. Paint proof happens as moves in an assortment of unlawful acts, including vehicular hit-and-runs, ambushes, and thefts. Sorts of paint confirmation that is normally experienced incorporate auto, engineering, and upkeep paints. Paint investigation can additionally incorporate different coatings and polymers. In instances of attempt at manslaughter, other proof, for example, broken lenses or other vehicular body parts may be recouped. Paint chips and different things of confirmation found at the scene can some of the time structure a physical fit with comparing paint...
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...OVERVIEW: Done. ASK: 1. What are the common types of physical evidence? 2. What is class characteristics? 3. What is product rule? 4. What is Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) and when was it created? 5. What is crime scene reconstruction? READ: Done. WRITE: 1. What are the common types of physical evidence? a. Blood, semen and saliva. b. Documents. c. Drugs. d. Explosives. e. Fibers. f. Fingerprints. g. Firearms and ammunition. h. Glass. i. Hair. j. Impressions. k. Organs and physiological fluids. l. Paint. m. Petroleum products. n. Plastic bags. o. Plastic, rubber, and other polymers. p. Powder residues. q. Serial numbers. r. Soil and minerals. s. Tool marks. t. Vehicle lights. u. Wood...
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...Reference……………………………………………..………….6 1. Introduction Crime laboratory is one of the most valuable tool for a crime investigator. It is a scientific lab using primarily forensic sciences for the purpose of examining evidence from criminal cases. It provides answers to some or all the questions asked such as how the crime was committed, who committed it, and can also determine whether a crime has been committed or not. The crime laboratory seek answers for the questions mentioned above through scientific analysis of physical material collected primarily from the scene of a crime, suspect or the person affected. It provides an even more integrated approach to the analysis of exhibits and the presentation of expert evidence. Generally the aim of the crime laboratory is to effectively prevent and combat crime. 2. History and background of crime laboratory The Forensic Science Laboratory of the South African Police Service was formed on 15 January 1971 with the Biology, Chemistry and Electronics Units. A new building complex was occupied in March 1987 when the Ballistic and Question Document Unit, which before this had resorted under the SA Criminal Bureau, were amalgamated with the FSL. Early in 2000 a decision was made to amalgamate the Explosive Investigation Service with the FSL, which realized...
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...On Paper Wings In Oregon in the year of 1945 a pregnant woman and five kids were killed by a balloon bomb they found in a forest. This balloon bomb was made in a factory in Japan by Japanese girls and women. The women were unaware of what happened once the paper they were making left the factories. Forty years after they began working in the factories a few of the women found out information regarding one balloon bombing and their reactions surprised me. These women were compassionate, courageous, and forgiving. The Japanese women had found out that their forty years of effort had on only killed six people. They were shocked that that's all they had killed, but what surprised me were their reactions once they figured out the information on those six people. Forty years after they had started working in the factories the women were finally getting information back from the United States. John Takeshita had written them a letter revealing the profiles of these six people. It came to my surprise that despite the fact that the United States had killed and wounded over one hundred fifty thousand Japanese people in Hiroshima these women were able to put that aside and feel bad for the six Americans that were killed. I was surprised to find out that the women who were contacted by Takeshita had the courage to visit Bly not knowing if the town resented them or if the people would welcome them or even be welcome at all. Though these women didn't create the bombs alone and weren't...
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...A GUIDE IN FORENSIC CHEMISTRY Forensic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the application of chemical knowledge, principles, and procedures to matters involving civil or criminal law and to all questions where control of chemical compounds, products, or processes is involved. Forensic Chemistry is an interdisciplinary field of Chemistry tasked to solve cases that can only be explained or resolved by applying analytical methods of investigation and instrumentation with chemistry as the main core of discussion. Forensic chemistry is a broad and diversified field of science. It includes all branches of chemistry and the application of its principles to solve crimes when it arise in the administration of justice. Significantly, Forensic chemistry is vital in crime detection when the components or chemical composition, structure of physical evidence/s collected from the scene of the crime are needed to support in the speedy solution of crime. Application of forensic chemistry is legally applied to the following: 1. Primarily, Forensic Chemistry deals in the recognition, identification, preservation, packaging & transportation of physical evidence collected at the crime scene. 2. In crime detection, it is applied in the identification of poisons, blood, semen, feces, urine, saliva, and other body fluids whether fresh or dried. It also include other stains of interests from ob-gynecological origin, mineral stains, fruits and/or vegetable stains. 3. It is...
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...1. Barricaded- a. Obstruct passage of persons, vehicles or flying materials b. Mandatory c. In the judgment of the inspector the operator has demonstrated extraordinary effort above and beyond that which would normally be expected to abate the situation d. None of the above 2. Defect- a. A rope or suitable for supporting one person to which a lanyard or safety belt is attached b. Recommended c. Any characteristic or condition which tends to weaken or reduce the strength of a tool object of structure of which it is a part d. None of the above 3. Safety Belt- a. A device usually worn around the waist which by reason of its attachment to a lanyard and lifeline for a structure will prevent a worker from falling b. A rope or suitable for supporting one person to which a lanyard or safety belt is attached c. A and B d. None of the above 4. Imminent Danger- a. An event at a mine which causes bodily injury to an individual which requires such individual to be admitted to a medical facility overnight for reasons other than strains, sprains, or observation as determined by a physician b. The existence of any condition or practice on a surface mine which could be expected to cause death or serious physical harm before such condition or practice be abated c. Which fits and has the qualities or qualifications to meet a given purpose, occasion, condition, function, or circumstance d. None of the above 5. What...
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...THE BLAST IN CENTRALIA NO. 5 (Assignment #1) By Kareen Tompkins; July 2013 Class: PAD 500 (STRAYER UNIVERSITY) (MODERN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) Dr. Shelley Taylor In 1947, One hundred eleven men were killed in an explosion that took place at the Centralia No. 5 mines located in the state of Illinois. The explosion was caused by highly explosive coal dust that was ignited by an explosive charge. During that time, Driscoll Scanlan was one of l6 Illinois state mine inspectors, appointed by Governor Green. He was given the responsibility of policing the mines as well as the operators. Additionally, it was his duty to make sure that the company was in compliance with state mining laws and followed all safety regulations. Mr. Scanlan had a reputation of being stubborn, righteous; was considered to have fierce integrity and took his job very seriously. He considered the Centralia No. 5 Mine to be the worst in his district. He reported numerous safety code violations, both minor and major and made several recommendations to assist the company with solving the problem. Mr. Scanlan did report this problem to Robert Medill, Illinois Director of the Department of mines and minerals. At the time, believing he could get the company to clean up the mine, he informed the Director that he talked the officers of the local union out of bringing charges against the mine manager, Mr. Brown and not have his certificate canceled. Mr. Scanlan should have let the union continue...
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...Chemistry Of Powder And Explosives Name: Institution: Professor: Chemistry Of Powder And Explosives Introduction An explosive can be defined as a chemical compound that can be ignited by friction, heat, shock or impact when detonated to release rapid heat and pressurised gas. The energy released by the gases causes rock displacement, rock fragmentation, ground vibration and massive air blast. Thexplosivs theory states that detonation usually produces a high-velocity vibration and shock waves which in turn causes cracks in rocks. The common properties of explosives include: they are exothermic, spontaneous, produces heat and once initiated, they sustain the process on their own. Explosives are referred as energetic materials used to be known as black powder or gun powder (Thompson, 1940). At the onset of development of explosives, black powder was used in mines, drilling boreholes, propellants, military explosives and guns. This research will examine briefly the chemistry behind explosives. Background and theoritical framework The contents of explosives are classified as: Explosive-bases- This is a liquid or solid compound that breaks down rapidly into gaseous products and heat energy upon application of shock or heat.An example of such a compound is Nitroglycerine(Burtsell, 1943).. Combustibles – These are compounds that combine with vast excess of oxygen to attain an oxygen balance and inhibit the formation of toxic nitrous oxide fumes and lower heat (Thompson...
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...Nitro-glycerine, with the molecular formula C3H5(ONO2)3, has a high nitrogen content (18.5 percent) and contains sufficient oxygen atoms to oxidize the carbon and hydrogen atoms while nitrogen is being liberated, so that it is one of the most powerful explosives used. Nitro-glycerine is extremely sensitive to shock and to rapid heating; it begins to decompose at 50 to 60 °C and explodes at 218 °C. nitro-glycerine has a high freezing point (13 °) and the solid is even more shock-sensitive than the liquid. This disadvantage is overcome by using mixtures of nitro-glycerine with other oxynitrates. A mixture of nitro-glycerine and ethylene glycol dinitrate freezes at −29 °C. It was first prepared in 1846 by the Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero (1812–1888), who nitrated glycerol using a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. Sobrero, who was injured in an explosion doing his research, realized the compound’s danger and abandoned work on nitro-glycerine. Twenty years after Sobrero’s discovery, Alfred Nobel (1833–1896) developed its use commercially. The explosive power of nitro-glycerine is related to several factors. Each molecule of nitro-glycerine contains three nitrate groups, which serve as oxidizing agents for...
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...1)Introduction; Crime today is at an extreme high. However, forensic science has been there to help solve every crime committed Forensic science is the scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past. The word forensic comes from the Latin forēnsis, meaning "of or before the forum. The word forensic basically means the key to solve a crime.This is the technology used to help forensic teams to analyze and solve crimes.- This is especially important in law enforcement where forensics is done in relation to criminal or civil law,[1] but forensics are also carried out in other fields, such as astronomy, archaeology, biology and geology to investigate ancient times. Forensic Science is used to Identify Criminals Rape, murder, theft, and other crimes almost always leave a devastating mark on the victim. . In modern forensic science, the crime laboratories include photography section, Evidence storage section, identification section, chemistry section, General examination section, Fire arms section, instrument section and crime scene search section. 2)Origins of forensic science: In 16th-century Europe, medical practitioners in army and university settings began to gather information on the cause and manner of death. Ambroise Paré, a French army surgeon, systematically studied the effects of violent death on internal organs.[9][10] Two Italian surgeons, Fortunato Fidelis and Paolo Zacchia, laid the foundation...
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...The Relation between Forensic Science and Chemistry Isabelle Génier London Central Secondary School There is a great number of careers that involve chemistry; being a forensic scientist is one of them. What is a forensic scientist you ask? That is a very difficult question to answer. Generally they provide evidence in court to support the prosecution or defence in criminal and civil investigations. The evidence can be provided in the form of a written paper or the scientist might be called to testify during trials or hearings as an expert witness on evidence or laboratory techniques. There are different areas of forensic science such as chemistry (which involves crimes against property), biology (which involves crimes against people), and toxicology (which majorly involves drugs). Being a forensic scientist involves many tasks, they go to crime scenes to investigate and then plan what evidence they need to collect. Afterwards they return to compile, catalogue, and preserve evidence to help solve the case. They then do a sketch of the scene so that they can later reconstruct the crime scene to re-examine, test, and analyze the evidence. Now that the evidence has been assessed, it can be discussed between specialists and a report can be written based on their conclusions. The report is used during trials or hearings; however, the forensic scientist can also be called upon to personally testify as an expert witness. This career, which used to be an unknown field has now...
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...14 December 2014 Blood and Guns The world of Forensic Scientist is an amazing and fascinating place. There are so many aspects that go into forensic science but in this paper we are only covering bloodstain spatter patterns. Bloodstain spatter patterns are not solely used to solve crimes but I do feel it is one of the most important. Bloodstains never lie. A bullet is traveling at its fastest speed when it leaves the barrel of the gun. Bullets traveling after firing is said to be using kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy the bullet has due to its motion from the firing pin striking the gun powder causing an explosion that forced the bullet to discharge from the barrel. Now this bullet possess kinetic energy and will do harm to anything lying within its targeted path. (Kinetic Energy website) The kinetic energy given to bullets fried from rifles will be a higher velocity then that of a pistol or shot gun. Rifles barrels are longer and constructed to with stand more pressure and thus leading to a greater velocity of kinetic energy on a bullet (Warlow 67). Death can occur from firing a bullet straight up in the air. When the bullet is returning to the earth due to the gravitational pull it will pick up velocity. However the bullet can return either base or head side up (89). Powders also have different burning rates for different guns. When you have a longer barrel your burning rate of powder will be longer but if your barrel is shorter then you will have a faster...
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...U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice APR. 04 Special REPORT Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 810 Seventh Street N.W. Washington, DC 20531 John Ashcroft Attorney General Deborah J. Daniels Assistant Attorney General Sarah V. Hart Director, National Institute of Justice This and other publications and products of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice can be found on the World Wide Web at the following site: Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij APR. 04 Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement NCJ 199408 Sarah V. Hart Director This document is not intended to create, does not create, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any matter civil or criminal. Opinions or points of view expressed in this document represent a consensus of the authors and do not represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. The products, manufacturers, and organizations discussed in this document are presented for informational purposes only and do not constitute product approval or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Justice. This document was prepared under Interagency Agreement #1999–IJ–R–094 between...
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...Rebecca Walker Forensic Toxicology CRJ 311 Dawn George 4/22/2013 History Forensic science is defined as the application of science to the law. There are different types of forensic science, and each plays an integral part in the criminal justice system. Forensic biology usually involved DNA testing and its results. Forensic anthropologists examine human remains that have become skeletons in an attempt to determine how long the remains have been in a location and to try to determine a possible cause of death. Forensic toxicology falls into the category of forensic chemistry. Forensic toxicologists study toxins, drugs, poisons, alcohol, and other things found in the blood or tissues of crime victims or perpetrators. Forensic toxicologists study the blood and tissues of living people as well as deceased persons. The rapid advancement of technology in the last century and, in particular, the last three decades, has helped forensic scientists solve many crimes, even those that had been cold for decades. Technology is quickly changing and improving the methods by which crimes can be solved. The first evidence of scientific methods being used to identify people occurred in China in 700BC. Chinese artists used fingerprints to identify pieces of art they had produced. Of course, there was not computerized system to file or categorize these fingerprints. However, this is the first known instance of fingerprints being used for identification purposes. Clearly, things...
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...Welcome to Homicide Forensic Science is a fundamental component of the justice system. Forensic scientists use scientific techniques and knowledge to assist law enforcement in investigations and solving crimes. They collect and analyze numerous types of evidence, including blood, body fluids; DNA; and human tissue. Forensic scientists assist the decision makers by showing the prosecutor if the issue has merit before it reaches the courtroom thereby reducing the number of cases having to be heard. Their decisions are based on scientific investigations and not circumstantial evidence or unreliable witnesses. Forensic scientists can restore faith in the judicial system with the use of science and technology for facts in criminal and civil investigations. The legal system is established on the belief that the legal process results in justice for all. History of forensic science The history of Forensic science or the applying of scientific principles to legal questions has a lengthy and interesting history. The first recorded autopsy was reported in 44 B.C was on Julius Caesar, where the Roman physician, Antistius proclaimed that he had 23 wounds on his body but only one was fatal. In 1248, a Chinese book entitled “His Duan Yu” (meaning The Washing Away of Wrongs) explaining how to tell apart a drowning from a strangulation. This was also the first recorded use of medicine to assist in solving crimes. In 1590, the first microscope was developed. In 1775, Karl...
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