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Automated Fingerprint Identification System Research Paper

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1. What are the common types of physical evidence?
2. What is class characteristics?
3. What is product rule?
4. What is Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) and when was it created?
5. What is crime scene reconstruction?
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1. What are the common types of physical evidence?
a. Blood, semen and saliva.
b. Documents.
c. Drugs.
d. Explosives.
e. Fibers.
f. Fingerprints.
g. Firearms and ammunition.
h. Glass.
i. Hair.
j. Impressions.
k. Organs and physiological fluids.
l. Paint.
m. Petroleum products.
n. Plastic bags.
o. Plastic, rubber, and other polymers.
p. Powder residues.
q. Serial numbers.
r. Soil and minerals.
s. Tool marks.
t. Vehicle lights.
u. Wood …show more content…
What is product rule?
a. Product rule is multiplying together the frequencies of independently occurring genetic markers to obtain an overall frequency of occurrence for a genetic profile.
4. What is Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) and when was it created?
a. IAFIS is a national fingerprint and criminal history system that is maintained by the FBI. IAFIS contains fingerprints and access to corresponding criminal history information for nearly 50 million subjects (or 500 million fingerprint images), which are submitted voluntarily to the FBI by state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies. IAFIS first became operational in 1999.
5. What is crime scene reconstruction?
a. Crime scene reconstruction is the method used to support a likely sequence of events by observing and evaluating physical evidence and statements made by those involved with the incident
EVALUATE: I believe that overall, I have a good understanding of the chapter. There are a few, small ideas talked about in this chapter that I will need to revisit. One of those ideas is section about the significance of physical evidence. I will need to look this over again just to make sure that I completely understand each …show more content…
The first topic in the chapter talks about the common types of physical evidence. It states that there are twenty-one common types of physical evidence. Some of the common types of physical evidence includes blood, semen, saliva, drugs, fibers, fingerprints, impressions and paint. The next topic talks about the significance of the physical evidence. The examination of the physical evidence is taken by a forensic scientist for identification or comparison. Identification is the process of determining a substance’s physical or chemical identify. Drug analysis, specie s determination, and explosive residue analysis are typical examples of the identification process in a forensic setting. Comparison is the process of ascertaining whether two or more objects have a more common origin. The next topic that is talked about is the product rule. The product rule involves multiplying together frequencies of independently occurring genetic markers to obtain an overall frequency of occurrence for a genetic profile. The next topic talked about is the forensic databases. The first forensic database talked about is the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System also known as IAFIS. This system is a national fingerprint and criminal history system that is maintained by the FBI. The next database is the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System also known as CODIS. This system enables the

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