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Exponent Calculator Programming Logic and Design


Submitted By Faythless121
Words 266
Pages 2
Purpose: Calculate the result of a number raised to the power of

another number input by the user using iterative logic without overflow of 32-bit integers##

//Program start//


//declare variables //

declare unsigned int base, exp, answer, errorInput, errorOutput

Declare var string exit

Global var constant int multiply = 1, maxValue = 2147483647

Set answer = 1

Set base = 1

Set exp = 1

// determine if input fits in unsigned 32 bit int and set exit sentinel //

//welcome message//

Display “This program will determine the value of an integer (X) raised to the power of a second integer (N).”

WHILE exit !=n

//set repeat of input if error message is flagged and reset error flags//


SET errorInput = 0

Set errorOutput = 0

//user input prompts//

Display “Please Enter first integer: “

Input base

Display “Please enter second integer: ”

Input exp

IF (base,exp) >= maxValue THEN

//error message//

Display “ Error! Value exceeds maximum available input. Please enter a value less than 2147483647”

SET errorInput = 1


WHILE errorInput = 1

//perform calculation with iterative multiplication//

//check for error outputs & unneccessary execution of loop//

IF exp != 0 THEN

FOR (errorOutput ! =1 && multiply maxValue THEN

SET errorOutput = 1



//end calculation and check for maximum value overflow in result//


ElSE IF exp = 0 THEN

Set answer = 1


IF errorOutput = 0 THEN

Display “The answer is: “, answer

ELSE IF errorOutput = 1 THEN

Display “ERROR: value of result exceeds maximum memory capability”


//exit sentinel confirmation//

Display “Would you like to calculate another? Please enter “y” for yes and “n” for no.”

INPUT exit

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