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Export Competititveness


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International trade, technology transfer and firm competitiveness: A comparative study of Zimbabwe exporting and non-exporting firms.


Michael Kamoyo

Chinhoyi University of Technology

Lecturer: Department of Marketing ;

Tel: 263 67 29442


better positioned to adopt and assimilate international trade related technology because they possess better technological capabilities in the form of

The paper examines the preparedness of exporting and non-exporting SMEs in harnessing the technological opportunities availed by international trade. Using cross sectional data for 131 SMEs, a logistic regression analysis was done to ascertain the extent to which factors like, technical skills, networking, firm’s innovation system, especially research and development activities and international involvement influence the adaptation and assimilation of technology for productive efficiency. The result shows that labour used in exporting firms is 3.164 times more productivity than that in non-exporting firms, high import composition, good networking abilities. However, it was noted that there is no significant difference between exporting and non-exporting firms on Information Communication Technology (ICT) diffusion and R&D activities. It is recommended that for technology transfer to be relevant and useful to non-exporting firms there is need to strengthen their technological absorptive capacity by scaling up their networking activities, training and development activities and increase international exposure to foreign technologies. Conclusively, it was noted more liberal trade policies can improve the set of accessible technologies to both exporting and non-exporting firms to and strengthen the local firm capabilities to assimilate and disseminate technology for global competitiveness.

Key words: Technology transfer, foreign technologies, exporting and non-exporting firms, technology capabilities, international trade


New international trade theories emphasize more on technology transfer as a strategic tool for SMEs in developing countries. Imported technology can enhance international competitiveness of both exporting and no-exporting in developing countries. The importation of technology by developing countries is an indispensible input in their production as they cannot operate properly, or achieve high growth without imported technology (Zhang and Zou, 1995). Countries like Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Turkey, India, and Mexico, industrialized by borrowing technology rather than by generating new products or processes (Amsden, 1989). To that effect the growth model appropriate for late industrializing countries should incorporate foreign imported technologies to augment domestic technological innovations. Although Tesfayohannes and Temtime (2002) noted that technology transfer plays a significant role in strengthening the competitiveness and profitability of SMEs in global markets the assimilation and adoption of foreign technologies at firm level may not be even because of different technological capacities. Therefore, national technology policies should take into account these differences for national economic development to succeed.

Technological needs for Zimbabwe’s manufacturing sector

The Zimbabwe Science and Technology (S&T) policy focuses on, stimulating the generation of scientific and technological capabilities in all sectors of the economy in recognition of the critical role played by technology in entrepreneurship development and industrialization. Agarwal (2006) noted that capacity building for SMEs is largely influenced by the overall national S&T climate and policies, mechanism and support structures that must satisfy the manufacturing sector’s technological needs in order to enhance international competitiveness. In developing countries high economic growth rate and increases in productivity depend not on innovation but on importing foreign plants and equipment and on borrowing foreign technology (Zhang and Zou, 1995). Technological progress is very critical in enhancing the manufacturing capacity of both the export and non-export sectors of the economy in order to achieve global competitiveness. The non-export sector as an import competing sector should be technologically positioned to compete with competitively priced imports, while the export sector which is biased towards primary commodities at the expense high-value and high technology intensity manufactures should diversify away from primary commodity dependency.

While Zimbabwe registered a 62.5% growth in exports, only 7.5% is generated from manufactures, a cumulative 91.5% of exports originated from exporting primary commodities as follows minerals 64.5%, tobacco 17.5%, agriculture 8.4%, horticulture 0.7% and hunting safari 0.4%, (RBZ, 2010). Zimbabwe’s long-term export strategy should therefore focus on transforming from a resource-driven to a technology-driven export sector.

Table 1: Export values by technology level (US$ 000)

| Period |1995 -1999 |2000-2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 |
|Selected SADC countries |Zimbabwe |13.5 |3.1 |14 |1 |
| |Zambia |2 |3 |2 |2 |
| |South Africa |6 |6 |5 |6 |
| |Rwanda |16 |16 |7 |31 |
| |Botswana |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|Developing countries |China |30 |30 |29 |31 |
| |India |5 |5 |6 |9 |
| |Malaysia |54 |52 |40 |47 |
| |Singapore |58 |46 |51 |49 |
|Developed Countries |Japan |22 |30 |29 |31 |
| |US |30 |29 |27 |23 |
| |UK |34 |20 |19 |23 |
| |Switzerland |22 |22 |23 |25 |

Source: Comtrade Statistics, World Bank Indicators

Literature review

Technology can be defined as the way in which resources are converted into commodities (Jones, 1970). It is “a study of how humans use the environment to meet their needs … creating new tools serving humans and their environment” (Tesfayohannes and Temtime, 2002). Technology incorporates, among other things, research and development, design, process and production engineering, maintenance, management, and entrepreneurship, marketing, investment and finance, human resources, information technology and many others (Huria’s, 2002). Tesfayohannes and Temtime, (2002) maintained that technology transfer to SMEs fails to be effective because of failure to realize that technology transfer is not merely the acquisition of physical assets, like machinery, and equipment it encompasses all transferable elements that are non-mechanical and non- engineering activities like marketing, entrepreneurship, management, investment and finance among others. Huria (2000), Tesfayohannes (2002) identified four transferrable elements of technology as technoware, humanware, infoware, orgaware[1].

The process of acquiring and absorbing information about physical phenomena, equipment, machines, analytical concepts and operating techniques associated with technology is referred to as technology transfer. Hoppe (2005), Tesfayohannes and Temtime (2002) defined technology transfer as the transit of technological device or system from one place to another, where it has not been used before. The technology transfer process needs to be properly planned and managed otherwise it can be costly and counterproductive to developing countries. Technological progress is a critical element in attaining long-run international competitiveness and productive efficiency for developing countries because it results in improvement in quality of commodities and offers a competitive edge to the technologically innovative country (Hoppe, 2005 and Jones, 1970).

Channels of technology transfer

Hall and Johnson (1970) Technology as an abstraction cannot move, things and people are transferred because technological information is either embodied in product(s) or somebody, the form being important for determining the transfer process and costs. Its transfer involves movement of physical items such as drawings, tooling, machinery, process information, specifications and patents. If technology “is embodied in people’s expertise, a personal transfer may be necessary often in the form of a technical assistance programs” (Hall and Johnson, 1970). Hoekman et al (2004), distinguished four channels through which international technology is transferred, that are trade in products, trade in knowledge via technology licensing, foreign direct investment and intra-national and international movement of people. This paper is particularly concerned with trade-related technology transfer. “Historically trade was the only way by which ideas could disperse between cultures” Hoekman et al (2004).

Linking international trade and technology transfer

The link between trade and technology transfer in developing countries is a subject of interest to economists. International trade exposes local firms to international technologies through imports or exports channels. Firstly one of the most important relationships is that trade in capital goods allows technology import and improves input decisions for firms in developing countries. Secondly trade opens export markets, allowing learning-by-doing for exporting firms. Thirdly and most importantly, trade increases the set of accessible foreign goods and technologies, increasing the scope of imitation (Hoppe, 2005) and Keller, 2009). The accessibility may vary between exporting and non-exporting sector hence the need for appropriate sector-specific technology policies

The impact of imported technology on the productivity of firms was empirically found to be very strong. Archarya and Keller (2009), using data for 22 manufacturing industries from 17 industrialized countries, found that the contribution of international technology transfer often exceeds the effect of domestic research and development on productivity. Tesfayohannes and Temtime (2002) noted that developing countries lack the capacity to invent new technologies hence the need for them to adopt appropriate technology and management know-how that has been invented and tested in the developed world. Imports are a significant channel for technology diffusion to developing countries (Keller, 2009). Imported technology strengthens the comparative advantage of developing countries in the globalized world (see Tesfayohannes and Temtime, 2002; Archarya and Keller, 2009; Zhang and Zou, 1995 and Botes, 1999).The challenge for developing countries is to carry out a transfer process in its suitable and feasible manner in order to enhance international competitiveness in both the export and non-export sectors.

Hummels et al (1998), Coe and Helpman (1995), Keller (2001), Lemoine and Unal-Kesenci (2004) noted that vertical specialisation or trade in intermediate goods is increasingly becoming an important phenomenon in which international technology diffusion takes place. Vertical specialisation occurs when production of a product is done in more than one country. A firm imports intermediate goods from another country for use as inputs in the production of its own good for export to the next country. This is also referred to as international division of production processes or vertical specialisation based trade or slicing-up-the-value-chain (Yi et al, 1998). Using input-output analysis for ten Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Hummels et al (1998) found that 14.5 percent of trade in these countries is vertical specialisation based trade.

As compared to horizontal specialisation where the production process of a product is initiated and completed in one country, international division of production process created new sources of technology transfer for exporting firms as opposed to non-exporting firms. It opens up new areas of specialisation with capacity to promote export diversification into sectors with dynamic demand effects. The experience from China demonstrated that exporting firms can participate in the production of high tech products if they take part in international production process. High-tech exports have a dynamic world demand effect which implies that they have high growth potential. Studies by scholars like Lafay (1979), Bensidoun and Unal-Kesenci (1998), Bensidoun and Unal-Kensenci (2001) shows that specialisation in sectors where international demand is dynamic constitutes an asset for growth. Grossman and Helpman (1991), Lemoine and Unal-Kesenci (2004) noted a strong correlation between economic growth and export diversification into more dynamic high technology sectors.

Deciding the right diversification strategy constitutes a critical stage in achieving a desirable technological progress. Since non-exporting can not take part in the global value chain through vertical specialisation they lack the critical ingredients for technological progress. Young (1991) cited from Lemoine and Unal-Kesenci (2004) maintained that certain specialisations are more favourable to growth than others since they promote trade in products with a strong potential of learning-by-doing. Vertical diversification offers exporting firms higher learning possibilities that in turn may produce greater dynamic externalities. Therefore, exporting firms are likely to be highly dynamic as compared to non-exporting firms in responding to changing technological needs and world demand patterns. Lemoine and Unal-Kensenci (2004) and CEPII (2005) attributed China’s export of high-tech products to participation in the international division of production process. Exporting firms raised the technological level of their exported goods by using only 30% of local content.

Factors that affect technology transfer process

Acharya (2009) identified three major factors that influence the process of technology transfer as, direct effort that is taken to transfer technologies, the differences in the underlying conditions between the donor country and the receiving country and firm absorptive capacity. Absorptive capacity can be defined as the ability of a firm to recognize the value of a new external technology, assimilate it and apply it to its commercial ends (Kedia and Bhatgat, 1990).

Technology transfer can be expensive if critical factors are not properly considered during the transfer decision making process (Tesfayohannes and Temtime, 2002). Overlooking critical factors may create the opportunity for impeding the development of local entrepreneurs (Samli 1985). The speed of technological diffusion and assimilation depends on the technological capabilities of the recipient firm that includes organizational, operational, financial, entrepreneurial and technical capabilities (Tesfayohannes and Temtime, 2002). A technology that is easily communicated and understood by the recipient firm tends to diffuse faster and be viably transferred through hybrid or market mediated modes (such as licensing, franchising, and strategic alliance). Hall and Johnson (1970) argued that “in any case the ease and cost of transfer hinge on industrial skill the recipient already possesses. A firm skilled in the manufacture of voltage regulators will have little trouble in mastering the technology for a new regulator”. The capabilities depend primarily on investment in scientific and technical training and on economic policies that enforce competition among domestic firms (Mowery and Oxley, 1995). If as according to Bascavusoglu (2005), trade transfers technology across countries and sectors, there is need to investigate how trade-related technology is diffused and assimilated across exporting and non-exporting firms. This will enable policymakers to design trade-related technology transfer programmes that suits each of the sectors accordingly.

Developing capacity to transfer appropriate and affordable technology is essential towards accelerating the process of economic development (Lincoln, 1987). Poor technology management is the cause of failures in technology programmes in developing countries (Botes, 1999). Management of technology transfer is a process involving planning, scheduling, programming, training and making operational environment ready for newly obtained technology (Tesfayohannes and Temtime, 2002). As a result activities like on-the job or technical training, external collaborations, quality improvement schemes, managerial and entrepreneurial development schemes are very critical to enhance technology capacity of SMEs. Empirical studies on Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand by Argarwal (2006) shows that technological capabilities are correlated to firm’s innovativeness and national or regional innovation system. Global competitiveness is closely related to technology capabilities and innovations, (Argarwal, 2006).

While it has been widely accepted that international trade is capable of promoting technology transplantation from technology exporting countries to developing countries the technological distributional impacts are said to be uneven between exporting and non-exporting firms. The widely held position is that exporting firms tend to gain more from technological transfer opportunities presented by international trade. The assumption is that exporting firms tend to have wide international exposure with better networking abilities than non-exporting firms. Therefore, exporting firms are likely to possess strong technological capabilities as compared to non-exporting firms. In this respect exporting firms are assumed to be characterised by productive efficiency, ease accessibility to foreign technologies, unparalleled international competitiveness and are technologically ahead of non-exporting firms. The major question to be addressed by this research is whether export status explains the technological differences between the exporting and non-exporting sectors in Zimbabwe.


To determine how international trade influences the distribution of technological capabilities and progress a cross sectional analysis of 131 exporting and non-exporting SMEs was done. Three dimensions were focused on as follows firm’s international involvement, firm’s technology creation capabilities and firm’s technology penetration rate. To measure the degree of international involvement of the firm, the level of import composition on inputs used in the production function was used. Imports are a mechanism for international technology transfer (Acharya and Keller, 2009), so high import content is likely to be associated with wide exposure to foreign technologies. Similarly it is assumed that firms that export, exposes themselves more to international technologies than non-exporting firms. The study also used networking to capture international exposure because networking increases international contacts.

Firm’s technology creation was assumed to be influenced by innovation system which depends on development of human capital as reflected in firm’s technical skills level, expenditure on research and development as well as firm’s expenditure on training and development (Archibugi and Coco, 2004). Human capital fulfils a crucial task in creation and adoption of technologies and on-the-job training increases human capital (Hope, 2005). Technical skills level depends on the number of employees with degrees, the higher the number of employees with university degrees in the firm, the better the technological creation and absorptive capacity of the firm. It is also assumed that the higher the expenditure on R&D and training and development the stronger the technology creation of the firm.

To determine the technology diffusion of the firm, three main measures were used. The first measure is the output-labour ratio (labour productivity measure). Empirical literature usually analyses total factor productivity as a measure of technology (Hope, 2009). High labour productivity was assumed to be associated with better technologies because improved technology increases the output per worker. Secondly the internet and telephone penetration rates were used as measure of diffusion of newest technology as applied by the UNDP Technology Achievement Index (Archibugi and Coco, 2004). The penetration rates were obtained as the ratio of employees to the number of computers connected to the internet and number of fixed telephone lines respectively. The lower the ratio the higher the penetration rate and the better exposed the firm is to international environment. The employment size variable was also used to estimate the technology level for the firms. The assumption is that firms that employee more workers are labour intensive and have low technology intensity.

Data for the variables above was collected using questionnaires form exporting and non-exporting firms. Descriptive statistics and a logistic regression model were used to analyse data.. A logistic regression model was found to be more appropriate since export status is a discrete variable that assumes a value of 1 if the firm is exporting and 0 otherwise. A logistic model specified below was formulated to establish whether there is any significant technological differences between exporting and non exporting firms [pic][pic] is export status dependent variable that assumes the value of 1 if the firm exports and 0 if the firm is a non-exporter. The betas ([pic] are parameters to be estimated. RD represent expenditure on research and development, TD is the expenditure on training and development, Dn is the dummy for networking it takes the value of 1 if the firm has networking linkages and 0 otherwise, IM represents import composition, Dw is the dummy variable for website (assumes 1 if the firm has a website and zero otherwise), ICT represent ICT technology penetration, ES is employment size, Tel is the telephone penetration rate, DE number of employees with degree and finally Ds is the sector dummy.[pic]


The result for cross tabulating export status and other explanatory variables are shown on the appendix. A total of 131 firms from leather and footwear, chemicals, food and beverages, steel and metals and other sectors was surveyed, 76 of the firms are exporters and 55 are non- exporters. Table A1 to A3 shows the relationship between export status and firm’s international involvement, technology creation capabilities and technology penetration rate. The Chi-square results confirm that export status varies across sectors,

The regression result shows that labour productivity is positive positively related to export status and is significant at 5% level. The Exp(B) value confirms that exporting firms are 3.164 times productive as compared to non-exporting firms. The coefficient for employment size was negative and significant at 5% level implying that exporting firms tend to employ fewer workers than non-exporting firms. The Exp(B) value of 0.244 means that on average the employment size in the exporting firms is 0.244 times less than that of non-exporting firms, confirming that non – exporting firms are relatively labour intensive as compared to exporting firms. The coefficient for telephone penetration rate was positive and significant at 5% level with the Exp(B) value of 2.458 implying that telephone penetration rate for exporting firms is 2.458 times higher than that of non-exporting firms. The coefficient for ICT penetration was positive and not significant indicating that there is no significant difference between the exporting and non-exporting firms in ICT penetration and adoption rate. The coefficient for website was negative and not significant implying that there is no significant difference on website ownership between exporting and non-exporting firms.

Results obtained for technology creation capabilities indicates that training and development, and the ratio of employees with degree to the total number of employees are significantly different between the exporting and non-exporting sector while research and development activities are not significantly different. The coefficient for training and development expenditure is positive and significant at 1% level. The Exp(B) value is 28.652 implying that exporting firms invest in training and development activities 28.652 times more than the non-exporting firms. This gives exporting firms a competitive edge over non-exporting firms in technological capabilities. The fact that the research and development expenditure variable is not significant implies that there is no any noticeable variation between exporting and non-exporting firms in investment in research and development activities.
|Table III: Regression results for the export status variable |
| |

All the two indicators for international involvement, import composition and a dummy for networking were found to be significant and with positive coefficients. The Exp(B) value for import composition is 46.665 implying that on average the import content of inputs used in the export sector is 46.665 times higher than that used in non-exporting firms.

The test for the model fit gives the Cox and Snell R2 value of 0.61 and Nagelkerke R2 value of 0.82 indicating that the model fits the data correctly. The Chi-square value of 122.9 with 11 degrees of freedom was found to be significant at less than 1% level. The model was able to predict 91% of the exporters’ and 93% of non-exporters’ correctly with the overall model prediction accuracy of 93% as according to the classification results.

The conclusions that can be drawn from this study are that exporting firms are characterised by high labour productivity, good networking system, wide international exposure, better training and development activities which give them an edge over non-exporting firms in harnessing technological opportunities brought by international trade. While non-exporting firms have imports as the only way to access foreign technology, exporting firms are able to extend their accessibility to foreign technology through exposure to foreign competition and learning-by-doing opportunities. Non-exporting firms need to improve their technological absorptive capacity by intensifying training and development and networking activities. However, both exporting and non-exporting firms needs to scale up the research and development activities as a step towards technological capacity enhancement.

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|Table IV: Exports status, import composition and sectors |

Sector |clothing and textile |Leather and footwear |Chemicals |Food and beverages |Steel and metals |others |Value |df |Sig | |Exporter |8 |10 |23 |3 |10 |22 |34.903a |5 |0.010 | |Non-exporter |22 |0 |17 |8 |6 |2 |41.051b |5 |0.007 | |Total |30 |10 |40 |11 |16 |24 |13.674c |1 |0.000 | |import composition |No imports |0.01- 24.9% |25 – 49.9% |50 – 74.9% |Above 75% | |Value |df |Sig | |Exporter |5 |5 |6 |22 |38 | |64.594a |4 |0.000 | |Non-exporter |15 |14 |20 |5 |1 | |79.350b |4 |0.000 | |Total |20 |19 |26 |27 |39 | |51.127c |1 |0.000 | |Where a. is the Chi-squares value b. Likelihood ratio and c. shows the linear by-linear association value

Table V: Export status and technology creation capabilities

degree |No degree |1-5 |6-10 |11-15 |Above 15 |Value |df |Sig | |Exporter |4 |18 |27 |5 |17 |34.910a |4 |0.000 | |Non-exporter |22 |6 |6 |5 |16 |36.758b |4 |0.000 | |Total |26 |24 |33 |10 |33 |3.431c |1 |0.064 | |Exp on T&D |No expenditure |0.01- 5% |5.1 – 10% |Above 10% | |Value |df |Sig | |Exporter |22 |20 |25 |0 | |17.884a |2 |0.001 | |Non-exporter |32 |29 |3 |0 | |19.892b |2 |0.000 | |Total |54 |49 |28 |0 | |17.340c |1 |0.000 | |Exp on R&D |No expenditure |0.01-5% |5.1 – 10% |Above 10% | |Value |df |Sig | |Exporters |43 |28 |5 |0 | |20.188a |2 |0.000 | |Non- exporters |49 |2 |4 |0 | |24.015b |2 |0.000 | |Total |82 |30 |9 |0 | |8.674c |1 |0.000 | |Where a. is the Chi-squares value b. Likelihood ratio and c. shows the linear by-linear association value

Table VI: Export status and technology adoption and penetration rate

telephone |No fixed telephone |1-5 |6-10 |11-15 |Above 15 |Value |df |Sig | |Exporter |0 |6 |17 |4 |49 |20.007a |4 |0.001 | |Non-exporter |7 |11 |7 |7 |23 |22.562b |4 |0,000 | |Total | | | | | |9.672c |1 |0.002 | |Internet penetration |No internet |1 - 5 |6 - 10 |11 - 15 |Above 15 |Value |df |Sig | |Exporters |0 |36 |10 |6 |24 |29.655a |4 |0.000 | |Non- exporters |13 |13 |16 |3 |10 |34.601b |4 |0.000 | |Productivity |80-330 |331-1830 |1830-3330 |Above 3330 | |Value |df |Sig | |Exporter |3 |24 |12 |37 | |13.772a |3 |0.010 | |Non-exporter |2 |30 |6 |17 | |14.082b |3 |0.007 | |Total | | | | | |7.886c |1 |0.005 | |Where a. is the Chi-squares value b. Likelihood ratio and c. shows the linear by-linear association value

[1]Huria (2000), Tesfayohannes (2002) defined technoware as hardware embodied technology such as tools, machines, equipment, physical facilities. Humanware as persons embodied technology such as skills, experience, insight, and learning. Orgaware as institutional embodied or support net technology, like organization structure, policies, external and internal linkages for operation of technologies as an on-going system. Infoware, as to documents or specification embodied technology like design, process specification, procedures, theories, and knowledge based systems.

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...Globally, gelatin is largely manufactured from bovine and porcine hides, porcine hides being the more preferred lot(typically about 45% of the global gelatin produce is manufactured from pig skin), on account of the lower costs and time associated. Also, pig skin doesn’t have to contend with the leather industry on account of its low quality, making it a simpler bargain for gelatin makers. Gelatin is a vital component in the manufacture of capsules, and the Indian pharmaceutical industry is currently faced with a conundrum – a shortage of this excipient. The Indian demand for the consumption of gelatin is estimated to be around 10,000 tons in 2011, and the demand is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3-4%. However, there is a severe shortfall in raw materials necessary for the manufacture of the same – bones and ossein. The Indian gelatin industry differs from the rest of the world, in the process followed for manufacture of gelatin: while most of the gelatin manufactured globally uses hides for the manufacture of gelatin, the Indian scenario makes use of crushed bones and ossein for producing gelatin. This is due to the virtual non availability of porcine hides for manufacturing gelatin in India. The porcine industry in India is a highly unorganized segment, making the hide collection process a hard proposition; and most of the bovine hides in India are taken up by the leather industry. Ergo, the Indian gelatin industry makes use of crushed bones and ossein resulting from the...

Words: 770 - Pages: 4

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...Export Documentation In Pakistan Now a days export license is no MORE required to export. Only the following initial documents are required to export: -- National Tax Number Certificate, which is issued by the Income Tax Department on filing of application form accompanied with one attested photocopy of NIC. Commercial exporter is not required to register with sales tax department. But if you pay the sales tax on purchasing the goods from local market it will be better for you to get yourself register with sales tax department so that you may claim refund of your input tax deducting on your purchases. Once you are registered in sales tax department you will be obliged to file monthly sales tax return irrespective of the fact that you have been involved in any sales tax activity or not. Current bank account is required for export proceedings and docuemnts. Membership certificate of Chamber of Commerce and Industries or any relevent trade association. Once the consignment, to be exported arrives at the port, usually a clearing agent's services are sought. The following documents are required to provide to clearing agent to clear the consignment: -- Packing list Commercial invoice Letter of Credit (LC) Certificate of origin which is issued by the chamber of commerce National Tax Number Certificate Form "E" [pic][pic](State bank form): All exports from Pakistan which are subject to Foreign Exchange Regulations are required to be declared on form...

Words: 825 - Pages: 4

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...mineral extraction) and to help find new export markets" The Political Environment - rules and regulations to protect the host country "as a reflection of political and economic policies which seek to plan and balance overseas trade" "to gain a competitive advantage over competing suppliers." .Money - some people cannot pay in the currency you want "to enable trade to take place in markets which are unable to pay for imports. This can occur as a result of a non-convertible currency, a lack of commercial credit or a shortage of foreign exchange" The Political Environment - local jobs and industry "to protect or stimulate the output of domestic industries (including agriculture and mineral extraction) and to help find new export markets" The Political Environment - rules and regulations to protect the host country "as a reflection of political and economic policies which seek to plan and balance overseas trade" "to gain a competitive advantage over competing suppliers." .Money - some people cannot pay in the currency you want "to enable trade to take place in markets which are unable to pay for imports. This can occur as a result of a non-convertible currency, a lack of commercial credit or a shortage of foreign exchange" The Political Environment - local jobs and industry "to protect or stimulate the output of domestic industries (including agriculture and mineral extraction) and to help find new export markets" The Political...

Words: 661 - Pages: 3

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What Should Be the Role of Government

...What should be the role of government in international business relations? Government and business are interdependent, and when it comes to international business, this interdependence has grown even further by the globalization of economy. Government often intervene in trade by strongly supporting their domestic companies’ exporting activities. But the more emotionally charged trade intervention occurs when a nation’s economy is underperforming. At this point, government role will be protecting from imports that are reducing work and eliminating jobs in the domestic market, preserve national security and protecting consumers. Protecting jobs and Industries One of the government roles in international business will be protecting jobs and industries from foreign competition. Trade flows can cause major structural shift in employment. Links between industries spread these effects throughout the economy. Such as low domestically produced product will affect the industry that linked to the firm. To protect from foreign competition government can use TARRIFFS AND QUOTAS. Tariffs protects domestic producers of a product because import tariffs raise the effective cost of an imported good, domestically produced goods can appear more attractive to buyers. Also by Quotas protect its domestic producers by placing a limit on the amount of goods allowed to enter the country. This helps domestic producers maintain their market shares and prices because competitive forces are restrained...

Words: 360 - Pages: 2

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International Trade

...States runs a trade surplus, this can cause an Italian clothing company to shut down because the company will not be producing the goods that the United States needs. GDP GDP is a measurement of the total size and output of the economy. The effects that the United States deficit, surplus, and debt have on the GDP are that if the public debt to GDP ratio is high, it can slow economic growth. If the debt ratio increases the exchange value of the dollar will drop. When paying back debt with cheaper currency, this could cause most investors to ask for higher interest rates if they anticipate further dollar depreciation. A higher interest rate could slow domestic United States growth. A short deficit period may cause an increase in debt. “Exports affect GDP through their influence on how the world beyond the United States demands goods and services produced in the United States” (O’Sullivan, pg. 586). “On the other hand, an increase in imports means that there’s an increase in foreign goods purchased by the U.S. residents” (O’Sullivan, pg. 586). References: O’Sullivan, Arthur. (2006). Economics: principles and tools. (4th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. United States public debt. Retrieved from...

Words: 260 - Pages: 2

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Challenges of Strategy Implementation

...MODES OF ENTRY USED BY INTERNATIONAL FIRMS TO ENTER INTO NEW MARKETS. TERMPAPER SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULLFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURSE GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, AND UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI. DATE17TH MARCH 2012 Modes of entry used by international firms to enter into new markets. Introduction A mode of entry into an international market is the channel which an organization employs to gain entry to a new international market. International firms use several entry modes to expand their businesses globally, and to enter into new markets, there are some basic decisions that the firm must takes before foreign expansion like: first they determine which markets to enter, when to enter those markets, and on what scale. The decision on which foreign markets to enteris based on the nation’s long run profit potential.-The international firm looks in detail at economic and political factors which influence foreign markets.-Long run benefits of doing business in a country depends on following factors:- Size of market (in terms of demographics)- The present wealth of consumer markets (purchasing power)- Nature of competition. By considering such factors firm can rank countries in terms of their attractiveness andlong-run profit. The time of entry is an important factor to be considered. Entry is early when an international business enters a foreign market before other foreign firms and late when it enters after other international businesses...

Words: 2080 - Pages: 9

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Case Study

...fulfill the unsaturated field of Export & Import by providing its best of the best knowledge and experience by its dedicated expertise for preparing good quality Exporter and Importer in the International Market and hence contributing to build up an asset pool for the country and the Industry. IIIEM believes in the field of International Business only a strong knowledge base coupled with conceptual clarity and execution skills can ensure desired results as required by the Industry. The Key drivers always tries to enhance teaching module by giving careful attention to each of the individuals relating technical, regulatory and practical issues. Therefore IIIEM Team makes an effort to enhance and expand the global opportunity to all individual by way of providing "Diploma in Import & Export Management Course (DEIM)" in regular courses but has also started initiative by Launching "Distance Learning Module (DLM)".   Diploma in Export & Import Management (DEIM) - Regular CourseIIIEM is a renowned name in providing the whole cycle of Import & Export with researched innovative Practical Training and Port Visit. The curriculum of Diploma in Export Import Management includes the following: Topic 1: Basics of International Trade & Export Marketing | * International Trade Basis Selection of Product for Export * Export Pricing * Packaging and Promotion * Distribution Export Correspondence * Negotiation * Setting up of your own export business-Trade Cycles * Market...

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Service Merketing

...CHAPTER - 7 Export procedure and documentation Export business occurs between two independent nations for expanding business there are some rules that have to follow. Accepting orders from abroad the sellers send their products with a traditional system under this rule. In this case the sellers are treated as exporter. There are various persons, government or non government organizations are involved with export business at present. These persons or organizations are divided into two criteria based on their nature and functions. Such as direct and indirect export. The direct exporters send their manufacturing products abroad themselves. Some companies run their export management system by setting dealers in abroad. In export business the intermediaries are treated as indirect exporters. These classes of exporters do not manufacture any product but export. Most of them complete the direct export exporting by buying products from home market after receiving orders. They are known as export merchant. Again many exporters work as a percent agent. Many intermediaries export product by making contract with manufacturers. They seek for foreign buyer on behalf of the exporters and take orders. They are known as manufacturers export agent. These kinds of exporters also take commission from buyers if they get chance. It is not the matter the exporters are treated in which name they have to do business of course under the international rule and regulations....

Words: 10307 - Pages: 42

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Essay on Strategic Alliance

...separate streams of technology related to information gathering and processing and also related to information transmission. 9. An example is IBM’s agreements with STET, Italy’s state owned Telecommunication Company and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone to develop computer communications services and a joint research venture with Ericson (Sweden) to explore the linking of data-management technology with digital switching technology. 10. It is also observed that within the service sector strategic alliances are less common, but those between hotels, airlines and tour operator’s and between accountants and management consultants are increasing. COUNTERTRADE: Countertrade is a form of international trade in which certain export...

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...EXPORT PROCESS FLOW, PROCEDURE AND DOCUMENTATION Revised on November 10, 2005 Prepared By: Policy & Planning Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority Ministry of Industries, Production & Special Initiatives Government of Pakistan HEAD OFFICE LAHORE REGIONAL OFFICE SINDH REGIONAL OFFICE NWFP REGIONAL OFFICE BALOCHISTAN 6th Floor, L.D.A Plaza, Egerton Road Lahore-54792 Tel: 111-111-456 Fax: (042) 6304926 5th Floor, Bahria Complex 2, M.T.Khan Road, Karachi Tel: (021) 111-111-456 Fax: (021) 5610572 Ground floor State Life Building The Mall, Peshawar Tel: (091) 9213046-47 Fax: (091) 286908 Bungalow No. 15-A Chaman Housing Scheme Airport Road, Quetta. Tel: (081) 2831702/2831623 Fax: (081) 2831922 Export Process Flow, Procedure & Documentation Policy & Planning INDEX 1. Introduction to SMEDA 02 2. Role of Policy and Planning 02 3. Flow Chart 03 4. Introduction 05 5. Selection of a Product 05 6. Opening of an Office 05 7. Registration for Export 05 8. Selection of Market 05 9. Quoting a Price 06 10.Signing of a Contract 06 11.Terms of Delivery 06 12.Financing for Exports 07 13.Packing 07 14.Transport 07 15.Insurance 07 16.Documentation 07 17.Post Shipment Documents 08 18.How to Claim Duty...

Words: 5503 - Pages: 23

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Neo Mercantlism

...Chinese Exports Increase 46% as Demand From West Rebounds By SHARON LAFRANIERE Published: March 10, 2010 * Recommend * Twitter * Linkedin * Sign In to E-Mail * Print * ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form Reprints * ShareClose * Digg * Reddit * Tumblr * Permalink * BEIJING — China announced Wednesday that its exports climbed 46 percent in February from a year earlier, a sign that economists said signaled a rebound in consumer demand from the United States and other Western markets. Enlarge This Image Joe Tan/Reuters At factories at Dongguan in Guangdong Province, where labor shortages have occurred, workers made bras for export. It was the third consecutive month of increases in Chinese exports and the fastest growth in three years. Orders from the United States, the European Union and Japan accounted for almost half of the growth, after demand from emerging markets rose in the previous two months. Chinese imports increased 45 percent over last year, led by crude oil, after factories stepped up production. Some economists said the figures indicated China’s recovery was well under way. Tao Wang, head of China research for UBS Securities, predicted that Chinese exports would rebound to the level of 2008, before China was hurt by the global financial crisis. Ms. Wang and others suggested that the robust growth could increase pressure on China to let its...

Words: 722 - Pages: 3

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Long Term Growth Rate of Countries

...The paper (Thirlwall 1979) represents a model that long term growth rate of countries can be determined by the ratio of export growth and the income elasticity of demand for foreign goods. Particularly, the model uses the balance of payment as an indicator to determine counties growth rate. Base on the article, this essay is separated into three parts, first, introduces the article in relation to Thirlwall’s law. Second, demonstrates the arguments of Thirlwall’s law. Lastly, examines the weakness of the model. The present section briefly introduces the aims of Thrilwall’s paper. Firstly, the paper (Thirlwall 1979) judged the classical approaches by using productivities and factor supplies to explain the different growth rate between countries that was not satisfactory. As the result, the differences could be explained by the constraints on demand; indeed, the balance of payment is the central constraint for an open economy. Then, the paper predicts that the growth rate can be examined by the relation between foreign countries’ rate of income expansion, which are the income elasticity of demand for export and the income elasticity of demand for imports (Grullon 2011). Moreover, the paper used developed countries as evidence to approximate the growth rate by using the balance of payment constraint growth model. The first argument of Thirlwall’s law lies on the constraint on demand instead of supply side, by explaining the differences in growth rate between countries. The...

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