Premium Essay



Submitted By vandersar1
Words 490
Pages 2
The Second-Third (Draft)

Value: 15% of final grade
Due: April 19, 2012 for Group 2. Paper must be submitted on the appropriate day, in class. Late submissions will receive a zero; no exceptions but for proven medical reasons. For future work to be graded this assignment must be handed in.

Task (place a check in each box to verify that you have completed the step)

You will submit a tentative introduction (ideally a re-worked version of the intro), as well as, the second third of the paper; o Depending on the format you have opted for (stacked or blended) this will consist of either the second discipline or the second discussion point (in which each discipline must be present)

Ensure that you include a reference list of sources used in writing the second third of the paper. Your reference list should consist only of those sources used in the second third of the paper. At least 2-3 of your sources should be academic. Remember that your final paper will need a minimum of 10 sources of which at least 6 must be academic and one in French.

You must also have a cover page which, at a minimum, has your name and a word count

Your submission must have a minimum of 850 words (excluding cover page and reference list). More words is acceptable, fewer is not

Include the original copies of your proposal and outline

You must submit the notes from your sources

A completed version of this checklist

All of this must be in a folder

Finally, you must also submit a digital copy of your paper to prior to handing in a hardcopy in class. Make sure you submit it to the Second Third category (class id: 6247788 / password: babel)

Stylistic requirements (check each box to verify that you have completed the step)

Double space, 12-point font,

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