Unit 3, Facebook vs. Twitter Case Study Analysis
Kaplan University
School of Business and Management
MT460 Management Policy and Strategy
Author: Jennifer Sikes
Professor: Dr. Sokol
Date: July 25, 2011
Introduction Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004. Facebook has gained in, as Sarah Lacy calls it, “some made-up social media war”, on its’ at one time rivalries: MySpace and LinkedIn. However, Twitter, another, very similar, social networking site, was started in 2006, and has forced Facebook onto a collision course.
Synopsis of the Situation The Facebook vs. Twitter case concerns the two similar social networking websites, and Facebook facing the upcoming threat by Twitter. The case presents similarities between Facebook and Twitter, as well as the advantages of each.
Key Issues Issues identified in the Facebook vs. Twitter case, regarded Twitter’s advantageous characteristics: its so-called asynchronous nature and stellar search technology (Lacy, 2009). Another issue involves Facebook marketing Twitter, in a sense.
Define the Problem The problem concluded from this case is Facebook’s burden to bear. Facebook does not permit one-way relationships with individuals. Nor does Facebook offer the capability of tracking real-time information. Facebook is threatened with losing users to a less acquainted, social networking website.
Alternative Solutions The first alternative solution is for Facebook to purchase stellar star technology and offer the capability to track real-time information. This solution will help to eliminate Twitter’s current advantage of having the capability to track real-time information. Another alternative solution is to develop a way for one-way relationships to be possible on Facebook, while maintaining its’