...social networking sites should be permanently banned, i am with this topic? I'll suggest a couple of possible reasons for arguing that social networking websites should be banned: Social networking sites bring privacy into the public doman. There are things abouteach of us that are best kept private and for good reason. We would generally reveal ourselves in the ways that we choose to those that we choose, except when it comes to the online world. It has been said that you can almost build up an entire profile of someone by their online habits. People are often naive about the dangers of identity theft, they stick to the same username from one site to the next, they post little snippets of information in various places without realising that each is like a piece of a jigsaw. If you find one common thread, such as a username, then it is relatively simple to find several pieces of one jigsaw, put them together, and you start to establish a comprehensive profile of that person. You might find out what they do for a living, the area in which they live, the names of their loved ones, their pets, their email address, their likes and dislikes, the list is endless. More and more people are becoming the victims of identity theft, if not for financial gain then for malicious purposes. Celebrities have had people pretend to be them on websites such as Twitter and Facebook, causing them a great deal of embarrassment. Everyday folk have been slandered, cyber bullied and impersonated...
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...Page 1 The Social Web Ericka Silva Computer Literacy INF103 Brett Ferns Dec. 10, 2012 RUNNING HEAD: Web Page 2 The Social Web What do we think of when we hear social web? A social web is a group of social networks that supports public interactions. Websites with advanced software are designed for supporting the communication between people. It is the term given for the World Wide Web as a kind of social media. Social web is everywhere; we have Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, and so many others. There are dating cites like eHarmony, okCupid and Match.com where people can go and meet new people and chat and find a relationship. There are even chat rooms and games that have social networks also. In my research paper I will address our use of the social web and how it has become a big part of our lives. The social web, which is also referred to as social networking, was first designed with the intention of making a way for people to interact with others over the internet. These sites are mostly formed around the connections of people of the same interests. It has become a new and exciting way for people all over the world to communicate with each other, without having to leave their own homes. It has become a thing of convenience for many people to turn on their computers or open an app and start communicating with family members, friends or even co-workers. We are now able to share photos, music and even use social networking to locate friends...
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...The Social Web: It is what you make it Instructor Debra Austin INF103 Computer Literacy Heather Miller August 6, 2012 The social web is a somewhat new and exciting place where people from all over the world can connect without leaving the comfort of their own homes. Like any type of newfangled technology there are upsides and downsides that need to be considered before deciding if this is a good or bad thing. Like many other activities that utilize time and provide an escape from the pressures of the day, the social web has many advantages and downfalls; however, it is up to each of us to decide whether to participate or not. According to oxforddictionaries.com, the Social Web, or the Social Network, is a “…dedicated website or other application which enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.”. The current top five social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and MySpace. All of these are places where you can connect with others to share opinions, play games, share interests, and overall, it is a place to be social. This is a place where someone who has more of an introverted personality or low self-esteem can be popular or outgoing; a place where a person can connect with people from different countries that they may never visit. Some people compare how many “friends”, or contacts, they have made on these sites; many may be people that you have not actually met face to...
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...Influence and evolution of social networking on marketing communication about viability about sustainability of Social Networking as a marketing communication tool Things which can be included in topic are- 1. What is Social Networking? (in brief) 2. IMC 3. Role of social networking as marketing communication 4. Influence of Sn on Mc 5. Evolution of Sn on Mc 6. Sustainability of Sn as Mc 7. Future scope 8. Conclusion Social Networking A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, marketing communication etc. [pic] There are many SOCIAL NETWORKING SERVICES as online services platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example, share interests and/or activities. A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centred...
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...1. Executive Summary The web based social networking platform in India was always ruled by the giant from the house of Google called Orkut. Launched in 2004, within 5 years of its time Orkut grabbed a whopping 17.5 million visitors in India alone. But since the year 2008 Facebook is experiencing a boom in its user base throughout the world with India being no exception. Facebook (as per data collected till July 2009) saw an amazing growth (YOY) of 342.5% in its user base in India. Of late it has been seen that Facebook has grabbed all the limelight in the social networking website arena. One of the main factors which propelled Facebook to a formidable position in the competition among social networking sites is the introduction of free online games. Games like Farmville, Mafia wars, Cafe world etc has worked extremely well to increase the user base of Facebook. This report is aimed at analysing the attributes of Facebook which has won over Orkut from a user’s perspective. A survey was conducted among 50 respondents mostly of the age group of 18 to 25.For the comparative analysis a semantic differential scale is used. Also a test of hypothesis is done to understand whether playing free online games on social networking websites has a significant effect on the logging in pattern of the users on the respective website. Facebook scored highly over Orkut in most of the cases. The user’s attitude about free online gaming on social networking websites was found extremely positive...
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...Project Report on “A Study on Social Media Marketing: Comparison between Two Medias” Submitted to: THE MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA. For : Partial fulfillment for Award of Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (2009-2012) By: Harsh Mukeshkumar Patel T.Y.B.B.A. (Specialization in Marketing Management) – Roll No. : M-19 Under the Guidance Guide: DR. UMESH DANGARWALA M.Com.(Bus. Admn.), M.Com.(Acct.), FCA, AICWA, M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Commerce and Business Management, Faculty of Commerce The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara. APRIL, 2012. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this project report entitled “A Study on Social Media Marketing: Comparison between Two Medias” which is to be submitted to the Registrar (Examinations), The M. S. University of Baroda through the Director, B.B.A. Program, Faculty of Commerce, The M. S. University of Baroda has been prepared by the undersigned Mr. Harsh Mukeshkumar Patel (Roll No. M-19) studying in T.Y.B.B.A. 6th Semester, specialization in Marketing Management for the Academic Year 2011-12 for evaluation in lieu of Annual Examination to be held in April, 2012. This is to certify that, Mr. Harsh Mukeshkumar Patel has carried out this work under our personal supervision and guidance. The work is an original one and has not been submitted earlier to this university or to any other Institute / Organization for fulfillment of the requirement of a course...
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...Salesforce.com: The Emerging Social Enterprise (a) The Comcast Social Enterprise Story; L= 2:50 VIDEO CASE Systems URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFOyKnu8INY; L=2:50. (b) Social Enterprise: Transforming the Firm; L=8:29 VIDEO CASE URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxC0X7ypaDQ&feature=relmfu continued Chapter 2, Case 2 salesforCe.Com: the emerging soCial enterprise 2 SUMMARY Salesforce.com is the leading provider of enterprise cloud-computing applications with 2011 revenues of $1.6 billion. It provides a comprehensive customer and collaboration relationship management, or CRM, service to businesses of all sizes and industries worldwide and a technology platform for customers and developers to build and run business applications. Recently they have made a number of acquisitions of social technology firms and now offer cloud-based social enterprise services to their primary customers such as Toyota, Gatorade, and Groupon. Salesforce is building private social networks for large corporations and their customers. In addition, Salesforce.com is attempting to transform itself into a social enterprise. Comcast (the second largest cable television network operator in the United States) has also begun to use social platforms like Twitter to respond to customers, a first step in the process of becoming a social enterprise. CASE Social enterprise (also “social business”) refers to efforts by business firms to integrate social media and social computing tools into their enterprises...
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...Social Web Chari N. Clayton INF103 Catherine Doughty 12/16/2010 Social Web The Social Web is so changing and is expanding each and every day. From online education to Social networking, Social Web has become a part of everyone’s life some way, somehow. We are now able to share websites, share photos, and use Social networking as a friend locating tool, free of charge. With all of the options and choices we have available, we can do just about any day-to-day function if we have a computer with a web browser. What is Social Web? The Social web is a specified term for the World Wide Web as a kind of Social Media. The term is currently used to describe how people socialize or interact with each other throughout the web. The Social Web mostly refers to Social networking, MySpace for example, and content-sharing sites (which also offer a Social networking functionality) within Web 2.0. These Social websites are mostly formed around the connections of people of the same interest, but there are several theories that specify exactly how this formation works. There are for example said to be “people focus” websites such as Bebo, Facebook, and MySpace, that focus of social interaction often by making the user create an online identity and a profile. There is also socializing on the web that is typified by “hobby focus”. For example, if one is interested in photography and wants to share this with like-minded people, then there are photography websites...
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...Mifflin Inc. Southridge, MA 20345 12345 Main Street Phone: (224) 555-0190 Fax: (224) 555-0192 E-mail: MMyers@ FundeeMifflin .com ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKING INDUSTRY CHAPTER 1 The social networking industry is growing faster than high-value online advertising markets than in online advertising markets. There will be 1.43 billion social network users in 2012, a 19.2% increase over 2011, according to eMarketer "Worldwide Social Network Usage: Market Size and Growth Forecast" report. According to 2009 figures Facebook has become the largest global social network in number of users In 2012, 63.2% of internet users will visit a social network at least once a month, rising to 67.6% in 2013 and 70.7% in 2014. At those user rates, one out of every five people in the world will use a social network this year, and one in every four will do so in 2014. Social network services provide an opportunity for building of social network among people. These are persons have common interest and the service gives a profile of the user and a variety of additional services. The industry prospers because it enables users to share ideas, activities, common interests, and even services within their individual networks. There is strong competition within the industry. There are a number of features that social networking sites compete on. The ability to monitor relationship, the creation of preferred friends list, and the level of technical errors are each used to compete...
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...The Progression of the Social Web Melanie Helm Info103: Computer Literacy (ADD1322E) Instructor Joan Rhodes July 1, 2013 The Progression of the Social Web From its humble beginning to the present day, it is mind boggling to think it has been a decade since the social web began and what is even crazier is that it has become an integral part of our everyday lives in modern society. There are now sites for virtually every special interest out there that we may have. There are now sites to share photos, videos, status updates, meeting new people, sharing recipes, sites to connect with old friends, and create new ones. It also seems there are social solutions for just about everything and every need. Social web has progressed in so many ways it is absolutely hard to keep up with these days. Usenets began in 1979 by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis. Usenet systems let users post articles or posts (referred to as “news”) to newsgroups. Usenets are the precursor of the RSS feed readers which are commonly used to follow blogs and news sites today. They do not have a central server or a dedicated administrator. Google groups and Yahoo!, which are group sites, use many of the original usenet systems. The first Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) were primarily hosted on personal computers and users could only use it one at a time and had to login using a computer modem. BBS’s first came into existence in the late 70s. Though in a much slower fashion, BBS’s were the first to let users logon...
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...What is Facebook? Social Software What is social software? The term "social software" refers to a wide range of web-based programs, services and tools. A key part of these new technologies is their collaborative aspects-- social software allows users to contribute, create and customize in ways that earlier models of software do not. Social software includes user-created items like blogs, wikis and podcasts; user-enhanced services such as photo-, video- and music-sharing sites; alternative communication resources such as instant messaging and virtual worlds; and social networking sites. Social Networking in Plain English Social Networking Social networking services take advantage of social software tools to create online places for people to meet, share photos and videos, send messages, play games and more. Wikipedia outlines three primary types of social networks: sites which contain a specific category directory (ie. former classmates) sites used as a means to connect with friends or fans (often featuring customizable profile pages) sites which rely on recommender systems linked to trust (for professional networking) Facebook is an example of the second type of social networking services. Having trouble viewing this video from YouTube? Try: http://blip.tv/file/282928 History of Facebook Facebook was created in 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg. The website was intended to be an online version of the University's printed...
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...Facebook: Online Social Networking SOC 100 December 6, 2012 Donnetta Hawkins Facebook: Online Social Networking Facebook is an online social networking site founded in 2004 (Facebook.com, n.d.). The purpose of this website is to connect family and friends and to share content such as pictures, status updates, and event invites between the user’s contacts. The site also has numerous games that many users participate in for entertainment. The website states the mission of Facebook is to “give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected,” (Facebook.com, n.d.). Every day millions of people log on to connect with friends and family, sharing photos, links, and videos. As of October 2012, more than a billion users access the site monthly (Facebook.com, n.d.). Of these users, about 81% live outside the United States and Canada (Facebook.com, n.d.). Facebook contains specialized pages that users can choose to subscribe to and “like” to show their support for varying topics. The population of participants on Facebook include a wide range of people regarding age, ethnicity, and gender. Team member J has been a member of the social networking site titled Facebook since August 2008. During this time, she has connected with many classmates from high school as well as family members who she does not get to see. This team member has played several of the games offered by the site, though currently only plays one or two of games on a regular basis...
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...Tumblr are but a few examples of social networking sites. People of all ages are converging to the Internet and are signing up for social networking sites by the millions. Facebook, for example, boasted 1.32 billion monthly active users and 1.09 billion mobile monthly active users resulting in 829 million daily active users on average in June 2014. http://newsroom.fb.com/company-info/ This popularity of social networking sites is constantly growing. Educators are looking forward to use these sites that provide collaboration tools and discussion opportunities to their advantage for secondary and higher education. Despite the fact that there are limited guidance on how educators can combine social networking sites into subjects which have been traditionally delivered face to face, they are on the lookout for information on the potential benefit or negative impacts of using these sites as a new way to try to engage students and improve student achievement. The question that we will discuss is, “Will social networking sites bring negative impacts when used in the classroom?” For the purpose of this research paper, we will define online social networking sites as web-based services that permit individuals to create a public or semi-public profile, display a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and navigate through their list of connections and those made by others within the system. In general terms, social networking could be seen as a way of describing...
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...Social Web Social Networking via the web can be dangerous. It sometimes produces ways for online predators to gain access to your personal information. Social can also be is advantageous and fun even though there are some potential risks. Millions of people use the Social web mainly for socializing with friends and family but many also use it to promote their business. “The social web is a set of social relations that link people through the World Wide Web. The Social web encompasses how websites and software are designed and developed in order to support and foster social interactions. These online social interactions form the basis of much online activity including online shopping, education, and gaming.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_web. Popular Social Networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. These sites allow millions of people to connect with their family and friends using instant message, pictures, and videos. I would suggest before engaging in social media sites you should take necessary precautions to protect your personal information. There are millions of people that use the social web to interact. “The Social web is a set of social relations that link people through the World Wide Web. The Social web encompasses how websites and software are designed and developed in order to support and foster social interaction. These online social interactions form the basis of much online activity including online shopping, education, gaming and social...
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...Page 1 of 16 Peer Reviewed Article Vol.11(1) March 2009 Effect of online social networking on employee productivity A. Ferreira * Centre for Information and Knowledge Management University of Johannesburg Johannesburg , South Africa aferreira@uj.ac.za T. du Plessis Department of Information and Knowledge Management University of Johannesburg Johannesburg , South Africa tduplessis@uj.ac.za The popularity of social networking sites is relatively recent and the effect of online social networking (OSN) on employee productivity has not received much scholarly attention. The reason most likely lies in the social nature of social networking sites and OSN, which is assumed to have a negative effect on employee productivity and not bear organisational benefit. This reseach investigated recent Internet developments as seen in the social Web and specifically investigated the effect of OSN on employee productivity and what some of the consequences would be if employees were allowed unrestricted access to these networks. The findings concerning the nature of employees' OSN activities, employees' attitude or perceptions with regard to OSN in the workplace and how OSN can contribute or affect the productivity of employees are discussed in this article. Some of the basic misconceptions regarding OSN are highlighted and it is concluded that this technology can be used to increase collaboration between individuals who share a common interest or goal. Increased collaboration will stimulate...
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