...The increasing of proverty goes hand to hand with the increase of income inequality (Raphael, 2002). Being in poverty can harm the people’s health of thoses with low income. Poverty can affect health in a number of ways such as income provides the preerqisities for health, such as sheleter, food, warmth, and the ability to particapte in society; living in proverty can also cause stress and anixtey which can damage people’s health. (Raphael, 2002). • Low income can limits people’s choice to be healthy physicallly and mentally. The effect of poverty on health have been known since 19th.C and that poverty and income inequality has been define not in terms of having enough material resource to merely survive, but rather than having enough resource to particapte in society in a meainigful way (Raphael, 2002). Employment and Education inequality: • Employment provides income, experiences and new and help to structure a day-to-day life...
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...Homelessness is a huge social problem that is facing America as a nation today. According to Wikipedia 'Homelessness describes the condition of people without a regular dwelling' (Wikipedia.(2013). Homelessness. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelessnes). Homelessness has become a huge problem that looks us in the face daily and is putting a large number of children, teenagers,women and our elderly at risk daily. It impacts our society negatively. According to National Alliance to end Homelessness, '82 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States.Of that number, 239,403 are people in families, and 394,379 are individuals. Slightly fewer than 16 percent of the homeless population are considered "chronically homeless,"and About 13 percent of homeless adults- 62,619 - are veterans. '(National alliance to End Homelessness.(2013). Snapshot of homelessness. Retrieved from http://www.endhomelessness.org/pages/snapshot_of_homelessness)'. Some of the causes of homelessness and the extent homelessness affects our society today are as follows- Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness in the U.S. Statisctics show that in 2008 28% of families where homeless in the united states due to domestic violence.(National Homeless Organization.(2013). Domestic Violence and Homelessness . Retrived from www.nationalhomeless.org/factsheets/domestic). Over the years our society has seen a surge in violence largely due to media...
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...Foreign direct investment And Economic Growth in Bangladesh Internship program at Brac Bank Ltd. Internship Report On “Foreign direct investment And Economic Growth in Bangladesh and Internship program at Brac Bank Ltd.” The Internship report is submitted to the Department of Finance, University of Dhaka for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of BBA program. Submitted to: Department of Finance University of Dhaka Supervised by: Mohammad Jahangir Alam Chowdhury Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Submitted by: Zarin Tasnim ID: 17-009 Section: A Department of Finance University of Dhaka Signature of the Supervisor Date of Submission: 7th May, 2015 Letter of Transmittal 7th May, 2015 Mohammad Jahangir Alam Chowdhury Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Subject: Submission of Internship Report on Foreign direct investment and Economic Growth in Bangladesh. Dear Sir, It is an absolute pleasure for me to submit the Internship Report titled “Foreign direct investment and Economic Growth in Bangladesh” as a significant part of the BBA program. While making this report, I have experienced a fair knowledge about Foreign direct investment and economy of Bangladesh and its impact on the growth of Bangladesh. I have tried my best to follow your guidelines in every aspect of preparing this report. I have collected what I believed...
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...Background to entrepreneurship Definition and interpretation The term enterpreneurship emerges from the french (literally between take or go between )and traceable to the eighteen century economiist Richard Cantillon ,Anne-Robert –jacques Turgot and Francios Quesnay ,The term was also denoted to an actor in charge of large –scale construction Project as cathedral, bearing no risk but simply carrying the task forward untill resoures were Exhausted ,the change in the use of term began in the seventeen century with a specific reference to risk bearing and enterpreneurship was tagged a person who entered into a contractual relationship with the government for the performance of a service or the supply of good ;The assumption was the price of a contract had been valued and fixed and the enterpreneur bore the risk of profit and loss from the bargain. In the eighteen century ,the term was applied in france in several way ; cantillon in 1725 referred to entrepreneurs as risk bearing .But he tried to differentiate the entrepreneurs who provide capital or funds from those who relied on their own labour and resources. That showed an entrepreneurial role as independent of the capitalist role Quesnay considered an enterpreneur as a tenant farmer who rent property at a fixed rent and produces a given price’s like cantillon bandeau ( 1797) and Turgot...
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