...Communicative language teaching (CLT) is generally regarded as an approach to language teaching (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). As such, CLT reflects a certain model or a theory. It is based on the theory that the primary function of language use is communication. Hymes (1972) alludes that its primary goal is for learners to develop communicative competence or simply communicative ability. In other words, its goal is to make use of real-life situations that necessitate communication. Communicative competence is defined as the ability to interpret and perform appropriate social behaviours and it requires the active involvement of the learner in the production of the target language (Prabhu, 1987). Such a notion encompasses a wide range of abilities: the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, the ability to say the appropriate thing in a certain social situation, the ability to converse in a consistent and coherent manner. As frequently misunderstood, CLT is not a method per se. That is to say, it is not in the sense by which content, a syllabus, and teaching routines are clearly identified (Richards and Rodgers, 2001). CLT uses materials and utilises methods that are appropriate to a given context of learning. As far as theories of learning and effective strategies in teaching are concerned, CLT does not adhere to one particular theory. It draws its theories about learning and teaching from a wide range of areas such as cognitive science, educational psychology, and second...
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...Reading comprehension is a learned skill that is dependent upon several factors. While there are certain factors that significantly aid reading comprehension, there are also factors that affect reading comprehension. Not every child or adult will glean the same amount out of a given text, for several underlying reasons. Aside from a learning disability, there are some more common factors that affect reading comprehension, such as focused attention span, experience, vocabulary level, and ability to make connections. A learning disability (such as Dyslexia) will severely hamper your ability to comprehend that which you read, but if there is not a disability present, the next major factor contributing to reading comprehension is focused attention span. A short attention span will severely cramp your ability to understand what you are reading. As you read, if you are not able to follow along with each word, you will eventually drift off topic and interest will not have been sustained. Reading requires focused attention, and you have to be able to make sense of each word and sentence. Written works typically follow a progression, and if you are not attending to it while reading, it will become easy to succumb to distractions. This is a major factor that affects reading comprehension. Experiences are another factor that greatly impact reading comprehension. If you have many life experiences that you can draw upon from your memory bank, you may be more apt to follow along with a given...
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...Moreover, Tzeng (1999) explained in his study “Optimizing Challenges and Skills in the Design of an Educational Computer Game and Exploring Adolescents’ Gaming Beliefs” that previous studies indicate that computer-assisted instruction (CAI) programs have important factors that can motivate, challenge, increase curiosity and control, and promote fantasy in children. Despite the fact that computer and video games gave the same multimedia capability as CAI programs, Begg et. al. (2005) stressed in their study “Game-Informed Learning: Applying Computer Game Processes to Higher Education” that their potential learning impact is often discounted by parents and educators. Recently, computer-based video games presence and popularity have been ever-growing, and game developers and researchers have started to investigate video games impact on students’ cognitive learning. For, example Pillay (2002) commenced a study entitled “Journal of Research on Technology in Education” investigating the influence of recreational computer games on children’s subsequent performance on instructional tasks. While game-playing is regarded somewhat negative in educational settings, particularly for young children, re-scrutinization of its influence in a teaching and learning context is crucial. This study investigated whether computer-based video games facilitate children’s cognitive learning achievement. In comparison to traditional CAI programs, this study explored the impact of the varied types of...
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...Common Factors that affect the reading comprehension and abilities INTRODUCTION Reading comprehension is a learned skill that is dependent upon several factors. While there are certain factors that significantly aid reading comprehension, there are also factors that affect reading comprehension. Not every child or adult will glean the same amount out of a given text, for several underlying reasons. Aside from a learning disability, there are some more common factors that affect reading comprehension, such as focused attention span, experience, vocabulary level, and ability to make connections. A learning disability (such as Dyslexia) will severely hamper your ability to comprehend that which you read, but if there is not a disability present, the next major factor contributing to reading comprehension is focused attention span. A short attention span will severely cramp your ability to understand what you are reading. As you read, if you are not able to follow along with each word, you will eventually drift off topic and interest will not have been sustained. Reading requires focused attention, and you have to be able to make sense of each word and sentence. Written works typically follow a progression, and if you are not attending to it while reading, it will become easy to succumb to distractions. This is a major factor that affects reading comprehension. Experiences are another factor that greatly impact reading comprehension. If you have many life experiences that you...
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...areas in rural setting or in areas with high pupil population but few teachers. Honestly speaking, it is very hard to teach pupils with combined levels and different age groups. Sometimes it is where the slow readers can be found because it is really hard to teach the pupils individually especially when the teacher has many multi grade pupils. A skill for reading is very significant that one must acquire in gaining access and understanding the printed text. It is a skill that is very important for every learner for if he/she doesn’t have this skill, the learner is automatically in trouble. But if the learner has this skill, surely he/she may become an independent learner. It is generally accepted that the ability to read is an important skill that a learner must possess for the reason that all kinds of learning activities, reading is a tool by which a learner gains success to the different fields of study(Campo, 2001.) Every human endeavour utilizes the skills in reading. Everywhere in the community requires reading as a tool for understanding. Yet, the country is facing a huge problem regarding proficiency in reading. Philippine curriculum is always in motion for changes and still it is left behind by other south-east Asian...
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...21century(Genenen: 2011). In the EFL context, language learning is seen as a process that requires opportunities for learners to participate in communication where making meaning is a primary goal. Reading is one of the language skills which students need to develop and the most important of all the four language skills. Students’ academic success and their language proficiency depend largely on their ability to read and comprehend the textbook and notes they receive in different subjects (Getachew: 1996). Though reading is not the only skill to be taught in the language classroom, it is definitely the most important for many ESL/EFL learners (Grabe2002). So, reading in a second or foreign language setting continues to have an increasingly important role. Traditionally, reading comprehension lessons have centered on a passage of text followed by questions. But the questions were usually designed to find out whether the students had understood, rather than to facilitate understanding. In other words, they were devices for testing rather than teaching (Nuttal 1982). There are still different points of view on how reading is processed. According to Anderson (1999), there are three models of reading comprehension process: bottom-up, top-down and interactive. With the bottom up approach, reading is viewed as a process of decoding written symbols, working from smaller units to large ones. But many scholars argue that...
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...EFFECTS OF SOME SELECTED FACTORS ON THE READING PROFICIENCY LEVEL OF GRADUATING STUDENTS OF COMMONWEALTH HIGH SCHOOL SY 2012-2013 An Action Research Project Presented to Dr. Victoria C. Naval of the Open University System Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila In Partial fulfillment of the Requirement of the Course MEM654 Economics of Education By Cleofe R. Manuel CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction Literacy is a fundamental human right and the foundations for lifelong learning. It is fully essential to social and human development in its ability to transform lives. Reading is the magic key to the world of enlightenment and enjoyment. It is the basic tool for learning in all subject areas. It is through reading which enables man to ponder the mysteries of the world. The true aim of reading is quality, not quantity. High literacy qualifications should be combined with it. On the other hand, it should not be combined with dull thoughts, an indolent mind and a loose memory. It must constantly seek higher attainments, better methods and continuous growth. To attain this, reading should not be forced on unready and unreceptive mind. The mental powers must be awakened, the interest must be aroused. This needs particular method provided in this study. The value of reading proficiency as a means of educating should never be lost sight of. As a miner digs for the golden treasure on earth, so persistently must we seek for the golden treasure...
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...Assignment I have decided to create an informal assessment regarding fluency and comprehension for my eighth grade class. I chose a lesson found online through www.havefunteaching.com. This lesson consists of a reading passage consisting of 506 words. At the end of the passage there are five questions that have been created to assess the student’s comprehension of that passage. For this assessment I plan to individually pull aside each student and explain to them the purpose of this assessment. I will explain that this will be an ongoing assessment that I will use to measure and set goals to make them more effective readers. I will tell them that they should not focus on being timed because as they become more fluent, they will become metacognitive readers. I will use the following form that I have created to keep a record of their progress for future reference. Reading Comprehension Log Student Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________ Grade Level | Passage Level | Fluency | Comprehension | Notes | Goals for next time | | | | | | | Student Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________ Grade Level | Passage Level | Fluency | Comprehension | Notes | Goals for next time | | | | | | | Student Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________ Grade Level | Passage Level | Fluency | Comprehension | Notes | Goals for next time | | | | | | | I feel that there are many...
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...DIFFICULTIES IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION OF THIRD YEAR ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS Jano, Jobelle A. Major in English Abstract Language learners face difficulties when listening to the second language. Nevertheless, the types and the extent of difficulties differ. This paper attempts to investigate listening difficulties encountered by 45 third year English major students from the College of Education. Data was gathered by means of questionnaires. The study has revealed a fairly clear picture of the students’ problems and difficulties when it comes to listening comprehension that stem from a cluster of factors that characterize the lecture mode of information transmission. Understanding students’ learning difficulties enables teachers to help students develop effective learning strategies and ultimately improve their English listening abilities. Keywords Listening- listening is the ability to identify and understand what others are saying. This process involves understanding a speaker's accent or pronunciation, the speaker’s grammar and vocabulary, and comprehension of meaning. Listening comprehension- regarded as a complex, interactive process in which listeners are involved in a dynamic construction of meaning. Listeners understand the oral input from sound discrimination, prior knowledge of vocabulary, grammatical structures, stress and intonation, as well as other use linguistic, paralinguistic, or even non-linguistic clues in contextual utterance Listening problems-...
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...GLA Factors affecting SLA success Topic 4: Factors affecting L2 learning Conceptual objective: the students will be able to enumerate those factors connected to L2 learning success Procedural objective: the students will explore those factors that have promoted their success as language learners, making a chart and comparing it with other people Attitudinal objective: the students will develop a critical attitude towards the causal correlations between factors and learning success Attitudinal objective: the students will realize the need for further research A. Internal/ Individual B. External a. 1. Age 2. Aptitude 3. Motivation and Attitude 4. Personality 5. Cognitive Style 6. Hemisphere specialisation 7. Learning Strategies 1. Learning and Teaching Contexts 2.Teaching a second language: Effects 2.1. Input and interaction: How these elements affect learning A.1. AGE AND L2 LEARNING • Effects of age on RATE of second language learning ΚAdults are superior to children in rate of acquisition ΚOlder children learn more rapidly than younger children ΚWith regards to morphology and syntax, the adolescents do best, followed by the adults and then the children ΚGrammar differences diminish over time, and children begin to catch up, but adults outperform children in the short term Κ Where pronunciation is concerned, adults do not always progress more rapidly than children do Thus: adults learn faster than children, and this is more applicable to grammar than pronunciation, although...
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...below par in assessments in reading. Student A is a 9 year old male Hispanic who reads at the first grade level. Student B is a 9 year old African American male who presently reads at the second grade level. Student C is a 9 year Hispanic female who reads at the second grade level. Student D is a biracial (Hispanic and African American) who reads at the second grade level. All of these students receive free lunch and have satisfactory attendance. They do not have an IEP and none of them are English Language learners even though the Hispanic students are bilingual. These four students were chosen because it was noticed that even though they were just reading at one level below their reading level, they exhibit a great lack in comprehension skills. Their reading could also be described as non-fluent. Their reading is slow, choppy, and uninspired. There are also a lot of miscues, insertions, omissions and repetitions of known sight words. After readings like this they fail to answer or answer satisfactorily comprehension questions based on the readings. Samuels (1974), believes this happens because too much of their cognitive resources are used up in trying to read the words that there is little brain capacity left to comprehend the text. The trend continues and manifests itself in their poor performance on language arts tests and reading benchmarks. There was concern because the reading employed by the district focuses on teaching comprehension strategies such as main idea...
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...What are the factors affecting the academic performance of the students in English Communication? BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Once a pupil reached Grade Three level, teachers are expecting that this pupil can already comprehend on what he/she is reading, whether in English or in Filipino. The researcher had found out based on the final rating of Grade Three pupils in his school that almost 75% are low performing pupils. Despite of several programs by the Department of Education, the problem on reading comprehension still prevails. When a pupil has a reading comprehension difficulty, it could be observed that all the subjects that he/she is studying are being affected. Thus, the researcher decided to find out if reading comprehension has a significant relationship to the academic performance of Grade Three pupils. LITERATURE RELATED TO THE STUDY: As cited by Wilson and Cleland in their Theory of Diagnosis, “the first step in dealing reading difficulties is the identification of the difficulty. That classroom diagnosis can take place before, during and after instruction was clearly expressed by Wilson and Cleland. It is impossible to give any recommendation when one does not know what to remediate. Diagnosis may begin with a simple observation and possibly as survey test which will be followed by a hypothetical remedy to the disability.” To diagnose the difficulty in reading, there are several factors that affect the reader in the reading comprehension of the reader...
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...UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHEASTERN PHILIPPINES OBRERO CAMPUS, DAVAO CITY GRADUATE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT A TERM PAPER ON EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT: A RICH GROUND FOR RESEARCH In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of Education and Development Submitted to: Dr. Manuel Vasay Submitted by: Vincent t. Libres Master of Education Major in Educational Management TABLE OF CONTENTS Core Assumptions and Statements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Local Research Studies on Education and Development - - - - - - - - - - 2 Factors Affecting the Academic Achievement of Grade Five Pupils with Learning Difficulties in Tagum City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 The Relationship of Vocabulary Proficiency on the Reading Comprehension of Grade Six Pupils in Osmeña Elem. School - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Abroad Research Studies that Provide Tips and Strategies for Better Classroom Management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Proven Tips and Strategies for a Great First Year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Five Top Strategies to Keep Students Learning in a Calm Classroom Environment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 Summary/Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 References - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
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...second official language of the country. There are two types of communication, the verbal communication and the non- verbal communication. Being a Filipino it is the “lingua franca” of social, professional and the business world as to develop one’s proficiency in English. However, what are the factors that affect poor communication skill among students especially on PCU. In addition, what is the importance of communication in their future field of work? As English Major Students, one studies literature, language, culture, history and develop skills and knowledge on the four aspects of communication arts namely: listening, speaking, reading and, writing. Communication is the most important tool humans have to interact with each other. Effective is required to learn, succeed in business and relate well with others in personal relationships. There are many social factors and social disorders that can alter communication styles and preferences. Many of these factors affect the speaker unconsciously. This study seeks to answer factors affecting poor communication among selected students at PCU-Dasmariñas. Statement of the Problem This research aims to determine the factors affecting poor communication among...
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...it is how you handle what happens to you. Even if a lot of challenges were given to men, this does not define one’s final outcome. It was one’s attitude towards the challenge that predicted and established their future. However, not all people nowadays knew how to face properly each circumstance offered by life and thus ended in catastrophic situations. This same problem is faced by students of the present generation especially in their academics wherein reading is mostly valuable. This study was concerned with the decline of the students engaging in reading. How did they acquired knowledge and information? What were their approaches in acquiring knowledge? Did they really understand what they had recently gathered? Reading is not only confined in the four walls of classrooms but more importantly used in different jobs and professions. Reading, together with writing was a useful tool in communication from the time of the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. In the age of the Internet and information technologies, reading retains its importance as an essential skill for learners of any language (Gokhan, 2012). It was an undeniable fact at this present time. In order to sustain and improve these internet and technologies, one of the most important tools of the developers was their ability to read. Even though the generation was going away from the traditional pages of books,...
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