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Facts About Conjoined Twins

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Conjoined twins, club foot, Enceohalocele, and Anencephaly are all birth defects. They are the birth defects that I’ll be researching and discussing. About 3 in 10,000 pregnancies will have anencephaly (Facts about Anencephaly). Each year about 375 babies in the United States are born with encephalocele (Canfield MA). About 1 in 1,000 babies are born with clubfoot in the United States each year (Clubfoot).
Conjoined twins are usually genetically identical. There for, the mother only produces one egg. When the embryo starts to split in the first few weeks it doesn’t complete the process, which results in conjoined twins (Facts About the Twins). Then the partially split egg develops into a conjoined twin. Since conjoined twins are so rare it’s hard to know what the causes are for the egg to stop splitting completely, however, conjoined twins occur more often in Latin American than they do in the United States or Europe (Conjoined Twins).
One of the first documented conjoined twins was Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst. They were born in the year 1100, they were joined at the hip, in Biddenden, County of Kent, in England. They lived to be 34 years old (Facts About the Twins). Radica and Doodica Neik were born in Orissa, India, in 1888. They were conjoined with a band of cartilage at their chests. When Doodica developed tuberculosis in 1902 a Paris doctor, …show more content…
Anencephaly occurs when the upper part of the neutral tube dose not close all the way (Facts about Anencephaly). Typically this causes the baby to be born without the front part of the brain and thinking and coordinating parts leaving the rest of the brain to be not cover by bone or skin. The causes for Anencephaly to happen are unknown. For some babies is occurs because of a change in their genes. It could also be caused by things that the mother encounter while pregnant, like food, drinks, or medications. (Facts about

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