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Fahrenheit 451: An Analysis

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Technology is a very valuable tool in education. The internet allows students and teachers to immediately access multiple sources of information related to any topic. In the past, students and teachers spent hours in libraries reading encyclopedias to find information that they can now find in just a matter of a minutes. While there is almost no doubt that technology is a wonderful tool for education, like all tools, it must be used responsibly. However, the benefits of the use of technology in education outweigh the negatives. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury warns against technology taking over the lives of people. In the world portrayed in the story, books are illegal, and are burned when discovered. Technology has led to …show more content…
The prisoner, once freed, comes back to tell the others of what he has experienced. Plato illustrates that once one has been enlightened, it is his or her job to help in the enlightenment of others, “Then it is the task of us founders,” I said, “to compel the best natures to attain that learning which we said was the greatest, both to see the good, and to ascend that ascent; and when they have ascended and properly seen, we must never allow them what is allowed now,” (Plato). The others laugh at him and act as though he is the odd one out. He has been enlightened, and attempts to convince the others to leave the cave with him. This illustrates that some people either do not want to know the truth, or that they choose the easy path. Sometimes knowing the truth can harm someone. Plato describes people that do not choose to leave their cave, saying, “I don’t see how they could see anything else…if they were compelled to keep their heads unmoving all their lives!” (Plato). The people in the cave looking at the shadows have grown up in that “ignorance,” believing that the shadows they have seen are reality-- the shadows are the actual animals, objects, and people. What they see is all they believe, and they do not wish to experience the reality outside. They choose ignorance, and the safety of the

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