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Fahrenheit 451 Unit 3 Assignment

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Assignment Coversheet

Student ID number U3131451
Unit name International Business G
Unit number 6241
Name of lecturer/tutor Dr Michael Corliss
Name of Assessment Assignment 1
Due date 22th November 2015
Word Count 2.385

Student declaration

I certify that the attached assignment is my own work. Material drawn from other sources has been appropriately and fully acknowledged as to author/creator, source and other bibliographic details. Such referencing may need to meet unit-specific requirements as to format and style. I give permission for my assignment to be copied, submitted and retained for the electronic checking of plagiarism.

Signature of student: Felix Yuwono K. Date: 22 November 2015 Background …show more content…
Integration of Design, Quick Response to costumer fluctuating demands (Castellano, 2002). ii. Quick turnover of clothing inventory, fastest in the market (Nueno and Ghemawar, 2003; The Economist, 2005; Crawford, 2000) iii. Low spending on advertising (Nueno and Ghemawar, 2003) iv. Follow market-based pricing strategy (Gonzalez, E., et al, 2003)
c. SWOT of Zara
III. Comparison of Zara with H&M and GAP
The huge competitors of Zara are GAP Inc. and H&M. This part will cover some of basic information of those two competitors and give some comparison with Zara. (Nueno and Ghemawat, 2003) (Palladino, 2010)
IV. Thesis Statement
To analyze the key factors which influence the Zara’s Internationalization and its success
I. Internationalization
a. Theory of Internationalization
In this part, the researcher will discuss the theory of Internationalization and why it is important to go international (Rugman, 1981; Tumbull, 1985; Piercy, 1981).
b. Implication on Zara
i. Motives to go international
In this part, researcher will give detail of the push and pull factors that influence Zara to go International (McGoldrick, 1995; McDougall and Oviatt, 1994; Salgado and Blanco, 2004).
Push and Pull Factors of Zara Internationalization (McGoldrick, …show more content…
and Keenan, M. (2004), A dying industry–or not? The future of the European textiles and clothing industry, Foresight, 6, 5, pp. 313-322.
Martinez, J.A. (1997), Jose Maria Castellano, Economistas, 73, pp. 118-126.
McDougall, P. P. and Oviatt, B. M. (1994): Toward a theory of international new ventures, In Journal of International Business Studies, 25 (1), pp. 45-64.
McGoldrick, P. and Davies, G. (1995), International retailing: trends and strategies, Pitman Publishing, London.
Nordas, H.K. (2004), The global textile and clothing industry post the agreement on textiles and clothing, available from . Retrieved April 2006.26
Nueno, J.L. and Ghemawar, P. (2003), Zara: Fast Fashion, Harvard Business School Press. Case No. 703-497.
Palladino, A. P.(2010), Zara and Benetton, Organizacion de Empresas, Volume 1
Piercy, N.F. (1981): Company internationalization: active and reactive exporting, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 24-40.
Polo, Y. and Flavian, C. (2000), Inditex (1994-1999), in Munuera, J.L. and Rodriguez, A.I., Estrategias de marketing para un crecimiento rentable. Casos practicos, ESIC, Madrid, pp.133-161.
Porter, Michael E. (1985). Competitive Advantage. Free

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