...and later explain the ways in which an understanding of Legal issues in education can create a basis for Order, Discipline and Fairness in Educational Management. To begin with, Legal Issues are important issues, topics or situations that people talk about and are authorized by the law. Peters (2013) also says Legal Issues can be “a framework and legislative support put in place to ensure access to and equal participation in Inclusive Education programs.” It also goes on to state that Legal Issues are related with the disabled and the disabilities rights. According to UNESCO, Education is defined as an organized and sustained communication process that brings about learning.(Kelly,1999) The Longman’s Oxford dictionary (2010:1035) defines the concept order as the state that exists when people obey laws, rules and authority. According to the Progressive English dictionary (1967:288), Order is a command which is given by authority. Discipline is the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not apply them (Longman’s Oxford dictionary, 2010). Mwanakatwe (2013) also defines Discipline as “a code of conduct or rules of behaviour involving the relationship between the individual and the community in which he lives, works and requiring the subordination of personal interests to the good of the community" and Fairness is the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is reasonable (ibid). However, Legal Issues in Education can be described...
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...This article was downloaded by: [The University Of Melbourne Libraries] On: 02 September 2015, At: 02:39 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG Accounting and Business Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rabr20 Fairness in performance evaluation and its behavioural consequences a Mahfud Sholihin & Richard Pike a b Universitas Gadjah Mada , Indonesia b School of Management , Bradford University , Emm Lane, Bradford, BD9 4JL Phone: +44 (0)1274 234393 Fax: +44 (0)1274 234393 E-mail: Published online: 04 Jan 2011. To cite this article: Mahfud Sholihin & Richard Pike (2009) Fairness in performance evaluation and its behavioural consequences, Accounting and Business Research, 39:4, 397-413, DOI: 10.1080/00014788.2009.9663374 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00014788.2009.9663374 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors...
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...For exclusive use at HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCI AND TECH, 2015 www.hbr.org BEST PRACTICE Everyone knows that being fair costs little and pays off handsomely. Then why do so few executives manage to behave fairly, even though most want to? Why It’s So Hard to Be Fair by Joel Brockner • Reprint R0603H This document is authorized for use only in Managerial Communication by Caroline Wang, HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCI AND TECH from August 2015 to January 2016. For exclusive use at HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCI AND TECH, 2015 Everyone knows that being fair costs little and pays off handsomely. Then why do so few executives manage to behave fairly, even though most want to? BEST PRACTICE Why It’s So Hard to Be Fair by Joel Brockner COPYRIGHT © 2006 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PUBLISHING CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. When Company A had to downsize, it spent considerable amounts of money providing a safety net for its laid-off workers. The severance package consisted of many weeks of pay, extensive outplacement counseling, and the continuation of health insurance for up to one year. But senior managers never explained to their staff why these layoffs were necessary or how they chose which jobs to eliminate. What’s more, the midlevel line managers who delivered the news to terminated employees did so awkwardly, mumbling a few perfunctory words about “not wanting to do this” and then handing them off to the human resources department. Even the people who kept their jobs were less...
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...Fairever Fruit Fairness Cream Date: April 18th, 2008 ( Submitted in partial fulfilment of the II semester course Requirements of MBA 2008-2010 batch) Submitted by Group No:10 K. ASWINI NAIR (CB.BU.P2MBA08043) NANDAGOPAL N (CB.BU.P2MBA08059) SINDHUJA DURGA R (CB.BU.P2MBA08099) SOORYA SOMAN (CB.BU.P2MBA08101) SOUMIA S (CB.BU.P2MBA08103) SREEDEVI AJITKUMAR (CB.BU.P2MBA08105) 1 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that we, the students of Amrita School of Business, are submitting the following document as part of the partial fulfilment of the Marketing Management course requirements of second semester MBA for the batch of 2008-10. The report stands genuine to the best of our knowledge and a tool to be used, only with the objective of academic reference. Any deviation from the above stated, is liable to be termed unethical malpractice and subject to forfeiture of the acknowledgement of the efforts of the students responsible. The following work has been carried on under the able guidance of our Professor Dr. Deepak Gupta. Date: April 18th, 2008 Students, Amrita School of Business Attested by (Signature) Prof. Dr. Deepak Gupta Professor (Marketing) Amrita School of Business 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT We have a great pleasure in thanking prof.Deepak Gupta for giving us an opportunity to do a project on Market Reasearch.We would also thank our mentor, Mr.Karthikeyan for his sustained and adequate guidance. We would like to thank staffmembers for their support We thank them for their readiness...
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...Fairness in Reward Allocation Name of the student: Name of the University: Course ID: Author’s note: Introduction The discussion of the essay is associated with the fairness in reward allocation that depends on various processes. Most of the organizations are facing the problem to implement the transparent process during the reward allocation because of the individual perception. The theory regarding the fairness also suggest to implement a structured way that will adhere to the policy of the organization so that no employees remain with the dilemma that justice is coming in the proper way. The theory is used to understand the behavioral aspect of the employees and their superior where researchers have given several feedbacks that influence the process (Lund, Scheer and Kozlenkova 2013). The argument is structured in such a way that helps to understand the several aspects of the importance of the organizational fairness in the compensation management, role of organizational fairness in reward allocation, factors that are influencing fairness in reward allocation, impact of reward distribution on employees and how fairness can be achieved within the process. All the processes are discussed with the view of several researches that establish the fact of issues and solutions of the reward allocation. At the end of the essay, every topic is summarized with the findings that could help to enhance the reward allocation. Discussion Operating an organization always needs fairness...
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...CHAPTER 1 ETHIC EXPECTATIONS Learning Objectives 2 Understand the basic concepts in ethics, business ethics, governance Understand the relationship between ethics and reputation What constitutes good ethics and good governance? Why are good ethics and good governance important? 3 Changes of ethics trends have brought to the expectation framework Public Expectation (公众的期望) 4 There has been an increasing expectations that business exists to serve the needs of both shareholders and society. Stakeholders’ support are ultimate to the success of businesses or professions to achieve their long-run strategic objectives. A Stakeholder(利益相关者) is: 5 a person, group, organization, member or system who affects or can be affected by an organization's actions. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stakeholder) MAP OF CORPORATE STAKEHOLDER ACCOUNTABILITY Shareholders Activists Employees Governments Corporation Customers Creditors Lenders Suppliers Others, including the media, who can be affected by or who can affect the achievement of the corporation’s objectives 6 Figure 1.1 Support of Stakeholders 7 Stakeholders’ support depends on the credibility(可靠 性, 可信性) that stakeholders place in corporate commitments, the corporate’s reputations and the strength of its competitive advantages. How do you get the support from stakeholders? Support of Stakeholders 8 A company’s activities should respect...
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...Literature Review The study of organizational justice refers to the perceived outcome of fairness in the workplace. Organizational justice come in three forms: Distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice. McShane refers to distributive justice as the perceived fairness in the individual’s ratio of outcomes to contributions compared with a comparison other’s ratio of outcomes to contributions. Where as procedural justice is the fairness of the procedures used to decide the distribution of resources (McShane, 2013, p. 155). Interactional justice was also first introduced as the sensitivity to the quality of interpersonal treatment they receive during the enactment of organizational procedures (Bies & Moag, 1986). Distributive justice refers to the perceived fairness of the outcome. This was primarily based off the equity theory: a theory explaining how people develop perceptions of fairness in the distribution and exchange of resources (McShane, 2013, p. 156). This meaning an individual perceives whether or not there is a fair ratio between their inputs and outcomes. An individual’s input can range from numerous things such as: knowledge, effort or experience in exchange for outcomes such as: rewards, recognition, pay or satisfaction (Foster, 2008, p. 26-27) Procedural justice focuses on the fairness in the procedure in which resources are distributed. The first way to improve procedural justice is to give the employees a voice thus making them feel...
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...HROB 2100 Selecting, Retaining, and Motivating Employees Within the Workplace The topic of human resource and understanding organizational behaviors has been becoming more and more relevant, important, and crucial to the underlying success of a business. That is why more and more businesses today are adapting and implementing the practice of HR programs and organizational behaviors. Expanding on the thought of HR programs and organizational behaviors, they both stem from the managerial position and each managerial position within a business is responsible for integrating and incorporating these HR and OB theories and practices. As a manager, you would integrate both of these theories and create a foundation that becomes a guideline to be based on selecting, retaining, and motivating your employees. However before these guidelines are made, they are all determined and influenced by the company’s particular structure, culture, and strategy, which is different for all businesses and an example of this can be found virtually in any business operation. Therefore if I were the manager of a business the matters of selecting, retaining, and motivating employees would depend on the type of business I was working for, their specific culture, structure, and strategy. For example Hoover (2009) Disney is the world’s second largest conglomerate and only second to Time Warner’s (p.1-2), which easily affirms and attests to the success of their business, when you look at a business like...
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...Organizational Justice In today’s developing work life, organizational justice is increasingly important to the welfare of the organization, managers, and employees. Organizational justice shows how employees view the fairness of work-related issues in the workplace and the trust they have in the organization and its management. According to Burge, the study of organizational justice is important for three reasons: 1. Justice is a social aspect that strongly affects every-day life, whether it is social or organizational. 2. The most important asset of any organization is its members, and the manner in which they are treated influences behaviors such as commitment, trust, performance, and turnover. 3. Since the global workforce is becoming more educated and skilled, workers are demanding not only better jobs with better pay, but also more respect and dignity in their work environment. (as cited in Marjani & Ardahaey, 2012, p. 125) Some theorists such as Schmink, Cropanzano, and Rupp (as cited in Marjani & Ardahaey, 2012) have stated that organizational justice is influenced by the structure of the organization and that organizational structure, justice, and ethics are potentially related. The way organizational members view the justice and the fairness they receive from the organization will affect the way they work and interact with others in their group or team. These factors, in turn greatly affect the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency. Studies have...
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...International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 19; October 2012 Effects of Service Quality and Price Fairness on Student Satisfaction Dr. Nguyen Minh Tuan School of Business, International University Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Abstract Higher education institutions in Vietnam have put much effort to attract students to enroll in programs using English as a means of teaching because these programs have newly been introduced in Vietnam and tuition fees are usually about five/six times higher than those in Vietnamese. Hence, student satisfaction plays a very important role in these institutions. This research aims to examine the effect of students’ perceived service quality and the students’ perceived price fairness on student satisfaction. The results show that various dimensions in perceived service quality and perceived price fairness have positive impacts on student satisfaction. It also shows that when perceived price fairness is taken into account, the variation in student satisfaction is better explained by comparison with the original Parasuraman’s SERVQUAL model. This research can be useful not only for existing higher education institutions in Vietnam but also for foreign universities planning to enter Vietnam’s education sector. Key words: Perceived Service Quality; Perceived Price Fairness; Student Satisfaction; Higher Education Institution. Introduction Customer satisfaction is very important for any industry...
Words: 8815 - Pages: 36
...this HeinOnline PDF indicates your acceptance of HeinOnline's Terms and Conditions of the license agreement available at http://heinonline.org/HOL/License -- The search text of this PDF is generated from uncorrected OCR text. -- To obtain permission to use this article beyond the scope of your HeinOnline license, please use: https://www.copyright.com/ccc/basicSearch.do? &operation=go&searchType=0 &lastSearch=simple&all=on&titleOrStdNo=0012-7086 FAIRNESS OPINIONS: HOW FAIR ARE THEY AND WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT? LucIAN ARYE BEBCHUKt AND MARCEL KAHAN* INTRODUCTION Fairness opinions have become a regular feature of every major corporate control transaction. Whether in negotiated mergers,1 freeze-out mergers, 2 hostile tender offers, 3 friendly tender offers,4 self-tenders, 5 leveraged buyouts, 6 negotiated share repurchases, 7 or negotiated sales of treasury stock,8 directors seek the blessing of investment banks before approving transactions or adopting defensive measures. These banks give their blessings in the form of fairness opinions, which usually consist of short letters that state an opinion about whether a proposed transaction is "fair" or "adequate." 9 In addition, the banks often give presentat Professor of Law, Harvard Law Schaool; Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research. * Visiting John M. Olin Scholar, fall 1988, Harvard aw School; Associate, Kramer, Levin, Nessen, Kamin & Franke. For financial support, both authors are grateful to the...
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...When a staff that joined the enterprise, there are two copies of contracts that the staff should sighed with the enterprise, one is written on the paper which is the employment contract, and the other one is psychological contract which is written in the mind between employer and employee. In relation to the psychological contract, there are several concepts to explain it, and the earliest concepts of psychological contract can be traced back to the early work of Argyris (1960). However, the key concept of psychological contract that in common used, which was established by Rousseau (1995). According to Rousseau and Tijoriwala (1998, p. 679), the psychological contract was defined as: “An individual’s belief in mutual obligations between that person and another party such as employer” Therefore, the psychological contract is the metaphor contract between the individual employee and the organization to maintain and develop the inner power of the enterprise. This essay will first clarify what is psychological contract and why it is essential for firms to establish a psychological contract with their employee. Secondly, it will explain the process theories of motivation and what theories are include in the process theories of motivation. Finally, assess which process theories of motivation can help manager to establish appropriate psychological contract with the employee. With the help of Rousseau’s argument, it is obviously that the psychological contract is an exchange relationship...
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...respected respondents of banks and finance companies for their valuable and generous support without which the project would not have been successful. Similarly, we are thankful to the Research Committee of NASC and Research and Consulting Services Department for their continuous guidance, facilitation and support in this endeavor. ABSTRACT The study examines insiders' perspectives on the determinants of corporate governance in the Nepalese financial sector. For this, we use a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire developed by CLSA, modified and contextualized to Nepalese setting. The study reveals that whereas accountability, discipline, and transparency significantly and positively promote corporate governance, factors like fairness, responsibility, independence and social awareness have been unable to explain corporate governance. The study also evidences positive and significant role of classification policy of the central bank in promoting better governance. We suggest...
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...an Annual Confidential Report (ACR) that was introduced in the Pakistan period and retained with minor modification is used to measure performance. The prevailing gross inefficiency of the Bangladesh Civil Service gives the impression that this appraisal system is poorly functioning. This paper articulates the difficulties in designing a good appraisal system in the public sector and provides a theoretical framework arguing that the ‘goodness’ of a PA system should be seen in its capacity to meet its predetermined objectives instead of counting on the so called infallible psychometric properties. A certain degree of validity, reliability and perceived fairness are essential for an appraisal system to be efficacious. The paper then analyzes historical development of the current ACR of Bangladesh Civil Service and its components to measure its validity, reliability and perceived fairness. The paper found that though the current ACR holds some degree of fairness, it significantly lacks in validity as well as reliability, and therefore is deficient in meeting its stated objectives. Keywords – annual confidential report, efficiency, perceived fairness, psychometrics, reliability, validity INTRODUCTION “Survival of the fittest’ once advocated by the famous biologist Charles Darwin in his ‘Origin of Species (1859)’ eventually transcended the field of Biology and has become the guiding principle of all interactive processes in which competition determines ultimate fate. In the realm of...
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... The analyses, decisions, and implementation of decisions on how to improve school operations must be done highly effectively and it must, first and foremost, be undertaken by the highest levels of school management up to the policy level in county, state, and federal governments. Administrators must continuously work to find solutions and provide strong support to enhance the welfare of students and faculty first. The last thing they should do is be the author of those problems. It is not enough to just fund and put programs in place; they must be executed effectively and get results. When results fail, the administrators have failed. Social responsibility, which includes fairness to workers and offering a living wage, should be addressed by all organizations, including colleges and universities. Only then can true progress be made by establishing a human relations, legal, and ethical framework conducive to civility and improved standards of institutional behavior. Adjunct faculty members must be treated equitably, with fairness and respect as important members of an educational team serving students. Perhaps some profit-sacrificing for the sake of social responsibility and decency is the right thing for organization to do willingly for the benefit of society. Management...
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