...I think that it was important to reflect on the Wes Moore’s because their childhood was much a like in a lot of ways and there was some different as well. For example, they way they are the same is that they both grew up in the Baltimore, Maryland. Another example, is that both Wes Moore’s mothers where the sole provider and they where both raised in fatherless homes but that’s where they are different the author Wes Moore father named Westley Moore died when Wes was three years old from acute epiglottis. But with the other Wes Moore father named Bernard was never in Wes life because Bernard was an alcoholic. How or what was the most significant influences on the Wes Moore’s? For the author Wes Moore family was a great influence but the most...
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...Incredible from Disney’s The Incredibles is the “rock” of his family, he keeps them together in times of crisis. His strength and perserverence show his children that every problem has a solution and that working with others makes a job easier. Children need a individual who can teach them about teamwork and problem solving; the individual turns out to be the father of the house. Skills learned from a father, or father figure, are extremely important in the child’s adolescence and adulthood. In The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore, male figures, specifically male role models, play an important part in both Wes Moores’ lives and young boy’s lives in general, eventually making or breaking their future. The author, Wes Moore has many important male role models in his life that enable him to live up to his full potential. Uncle Howard, taking the place of Moore’s deceased father, encourages Moore to strive for higher education over a career in basketball one day as they play the game in their neighborhood. This example clearly depicts the influence of Uncle Howard on Wes Moore, the author, in his education and the influence that eventually earned Moore more opportunities in his later life, such as careers and scholarships. The harsh reality that Uncle Howard speaks to Moore and the emotional support he gives, helps Moore to get back on the right track and create a better and...
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...Composition 2 Research Paper on The Other Wes Moore The Other Wes Moore The novel The Other Wes Moore, was written by a man named Wes Moore and who reads a news article where he finds another man who has the same name as he. He was baffled and decided to research and figure out who this man was with the same name as he. As he researched, he found out that the person with the same name as he, the other Wes Moore, was in jail. He later sent him a letter telling him how he found out about him and that he was interested to know his story. Wes Moore was not sure why he was so curious to know about this other man with the same name as him but he really wanted to know all about the other Wes Moore. The narrator of the story. Wes, grows up in West Baltimore and loses his father at a young age. He grows up in a low-income family and struggles in the early years of his life to stay on a positive path. Wes attends Valley Forge Military School for high school and junior college. He later attends Johns Hopkins University. Along with being an honored veteran, Wes becomes a Rhodes Scholar with the help of his mentors. The other Wes grows up in West Baltimore as well and struggles throughout his early life with drug dealing. His alcoholic father is never present and that contributes to some of the bad decisions he makes. Today, Wes is serving a life sentence in prison for a murder during a robbery. The author stresses the similarities between his life and that of his counterpart. He also...
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...Wes Moore's The Other Wes Moore represents the lives of two. Wes Moore, the author, becomes a Rhodes Scholar when he learns of another man who is about to be sentenced to life in prison for killing a police officer. At the time, the two Moore live near each other and are about the same age. However, they both took dramatically different path. They both have similarities, such as being African-American young men who grew up with single parent. Both showed intelligence early in life. Both also had early trouble with the law, similar child life experiences, and the same setbacks in life. Some of these problems included drugs, violence, poverty, and an absent father. But the Moore who ended up in prison faced more challenges. His mother was a drug addict; he lived in a very drug-infested neighborhood, and was engaged in the drug trade at a...
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...Who Am I To Be? Over the course of time, each individual in this world has developed their own distinctive personality and behavior. However, what exactly contributes to the building blocks of who we become and how we act? Due to the complex human structure and development, both psychologists and sociologists have looked to the ideas of nature and nurture for answers, but have grown more puzzled than ever. Often, society chooses to promote the one they may think causes the greater impact, but how do we determine that? In psychology, nature refers to an individual’s innate qualities (or in other terms; genetics) while nurture refers to personal experiences; both of which consists of multiple factors that will soon paint a bigger picture of...
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...identical name: Wes Moore. One of us is free… The other will spend every day until his death behind bars...” (Moore, XI) In The Other Wes Moore, the author, Wes Moore, and the other Wes Moore both grew up in similar, yet different, circumstances and had completely different outcomes. This captivating narrative demonstrates how the choices you make, make you. In the introduction, the author Wes Moore validates this statement by saying, “The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.” (Moore XI) The author, Wes Moore, shows the readers that a person’s environment, circumstances, education (or lack thereof), choices/decisions, and many more important factors can determine one’s success or failure. Society holds great power and influences the choices you make, and eventually the paths you decide to take in life. Two people with the same name grew up in similar backgrounds and similar neighborhoods, and yet had different fates all because of the choices they decided to make. The author Wes Moore, born to a poor family, struggled academically and was sent to a military school. While there, he was forced to adjust to the change of environment. In the end, the author Wes Moore grew up to be a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of John Hopkins, a Rhodes Scholar, a veteran, a business leader, and a White House Fellow while he namesake did the complete opposite. The other Wes Moore, who ended up in prison for the rest of his life, took a turn...
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...St. Nicholas, also known as Nikolaos of Myrna, was born sometime around circa 280 in Patara, Turkey and passed away, some believe, on December 6, 343 in Myra, Turkey. St. Nicholas was born into a Christian family. Because of an epidemic, his parents tragically died leaving him to be raised by his uncle, The Bishop of Patara. From the inheritance of his parents, he gave the money to help the poor and sick. St. Nicholas’ spiritual life was caused by his family because his uncle was the Bishop of Patara and his parents were very religious Christians. Over the years, the word of his acts of kindness spread all over the world and he became known as the protector of children and was known for giving gifts. He was a popular saint in Europe until...
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...There are many social factors that affected the lives of the two Wes Moore, such as the possible social factors, including education, the place that they lived in and how the neighborhood affected the way they acted, and how his family and peers played a big role in their future. A child that grew up not having two parents in the household affects the lives of children while growing up. Statistics show that there would be psychological health problems such as children are most likely to commit suicide or they would be involved in some type of drugs or even be a drug addict. Studies show that about 35% of children without a father uses drugs (1988 UCLA study, cited by Hewlett). The other Wes Moore was affected by the absence of his father and...
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...Exposed to Social Media? The most popular way to stay connected to family, friends, coworkers and classmates is via social media. Today, there are numerous sites available and with technology are readily accessible to anyone of any age. For children, becoming a member of these sites can expose them to situations and experiences that can have both a positive or negative effect. It opens the door for them to be cyber bullied or can expose them to a new form of peer pressure. Social media sites allow round the clock access to everyone so that we can all be “connected”. Is the cost of this access worth the benefits of staying “connected”? Social Media In todays world, media technology is a fundamental part of children’s lives. American children are heavily exposed to all forms of social media through many different channels of technology. Media is an instrument used as a form of communication, like a newspaper, radio, television, and the internet. Social Media is the main component of communication and is dramatically changing. Individuals can communicate with family and friends in more detail as more contents are created and shared on these social media websites. The most popular media used by children today are: the internet, cell phones, and a wide range are joining the social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace (The Future of Children, 2008). One advantage of social media is interacting with family and friends who may live across the world. It is a convenient...
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...A Passage to India E. M. Forster Online Information For the online version of BookRags' A Passage to India Premium Study Guide, including complete copyright information, please visit: http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide−passageindia/ Copyright Information ©2000−2007 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gale's For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare &Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources. ©1998−2002; ©2002 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: "Social Concerns", "Thematic Overview", "Techniques", "Literary Precedents", "Key Questions", "Related Titles", "Adaptations", "Related Web Sites". © 1994−2005, by Walton Beacham. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults: "About the Author", "Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics for Discussion", "Ideas for Reports and Papers". © 1994−2005, by Walton Beacham. All other...
Words: 37224 - Pages: 149
...How has your study of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and an appropriation of your own choosing enhanced your understanding of how and why cultural values are maintained and changed? “The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson, follows the duplicitous notion of a single body containing both the erudite Dr. Jekyll and the depraved Mr. Hyde. Stevenson’s novella imagines an inextricable link between civilization and savagery, and the palpable influence of cultural value and standard. Set within the height of the Victorian era circa 1886, this duality of human nature is examined by a specific Eurocentric interpretation, narrated by the mild-mannered lawyer Mr Utterson. Steven Moore’s filmic appropriation of the original novella is the BBC television series “Jekyll”, which encapsulates the similar split personality of Dr Tom Jackman and his alter ego ‘Mr Hyde’, within today’s current context. Through analysis of both the novella and the first episode of the film adaptation, a clear similarity between both protagonist’s circumstances is observed. However, the effects societal interpretation has on this controversy is varied in such a way, which distorts the very nature of duplicity, and thus the definition of the classic trope of Jekyll and Hyde. Social respectability and the desire to pursue pleasure both offer the fantasy solution of having a second self to carry the burden of one’s vices. Dr Jekyll explores the circumstance of an educated, Victorian...
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...lives. The spike in advertising use was caused due to the technological advancements of the printing press. People would notice different advertisements for services and products which would influence their decisions and consumer habits. I have studied many topics related to marketing and psychology. Since our technology is always increasing according to Moore’s Law, our advertising methods are also becoming more and more sophisticated. The marketing method that has been on the rise for a few years now is known neuromarketing. This form of marketing is not a new discovery, although, it is now being understood and studied better as our technology increases. It revolves around the psychological response caused by the brain when consumers look at different forms of advertisements that causes pleasure, such as, food, sex, and social. Neuromarketing, more specifically, revolves around targeting dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitters in our brains which is involved with our survival instincts and pleasure responses (Touhami, 1528-32). Evidently, neuromarketing is not only being used to analyze and study psychological responses to existing advertisements, but also as a tool to manipulate people’s everyday choices when it comes to products, services, and brands. Neuromarketing influences today’s consumerist habits through forms of addiction, images, and false promises which impact our culture, and consumption. People walk by different forms of advertisements every...
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...the way back to the fourth century. It is amazing how the legend of Santa Claus has grown and evolved throughout history. And even more exciting how he has became a modern day icon during the Christmas season. What do you think of when you hear the words: strings of lights, carolers, snow, cookies and milk? Most often Christmas right? More often Santa Claus. Every boy and girl has felt the joy of Christmas eve, having family time, putting out treats for Santa, and then tossing and turning unable to sleep growing evermore restless about Santa's arrival. Although most know what Santa does during his sleigh ride, many may not know where his origin began. The jolly man we know has developed through the span of time and has gone through numerous changes. "The original St Nicholas is for the most part a shadowy figure, lost in historical mist and religious myths" (Myers) Despite the fact that the idea of giving gifts developed from Saint Nicholas in the fourth century, the first characters that resemble our modern day Santa developed in the seventeenth century. We acquire these figures from the English and also the Dutch. Although this man in not the same as the modern Santa, it is evident the these are his beginnings. "When the Dutch lost control of New Amsterdam to the English in the seventeenth century, Sinterklaas gradually became anglicized into Santa Claus and acquired some of the features of the English father Christmas" (Myers). Santa Claus is a character that has been...
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...kills 74% more for money than they do for anything else. The second closes is for drugs which is no surprise, because when someone is addicted to something they will do anything to get what they want including kill for it. The aspect of enjoyment of at 11%, women are killing just because they think that it is fun to take another person’s life. There are several methods that they are using, poisoning is one of the easiest that they are using at 80%, followed by shooting, 20%. (Crazy or Not?, n.d) A male serial killer is typically white between the ages of 20-30 and lives in United States. Their main motives are sex, power, manipulation, domination, and control. The sex motivation is usually rape. These serial killers can usually go months or years without being caught, with their victims being hitchhikers, prostitutes, etc. (Crazy or Not?, n.d) Aileen Wuornos born February 29, 1956 in Rochester, Michigan born to a convicted child molester, who later killed himself in prison and their mother who abandoned Wuornos and her brother; resulting both of them to go live with their grandparents, who were not much more of a positive influence on them. Wuornos grandfather beat her and her grandmother was an alcoholic. When she was just 11 years old she started trading sexual favors for money, beer, cigarettes. She suffered through this for a few years and at the age of 14 years old, she was given up for adoption, but soon after she was kicked out of the house. During this time...
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...Narration | Slide 1 | Introduction | Welcome to Introduction to Sociology. In this lesson we will introduce and discuss Social Stratification.Next slide. | Slide 2 | Topics | The following topics will be covered in this lesson:What Is Social Stratification?;Caste and Class Systems;The Functions of Social Stratification;Stratification and Conflict; andSocial Stratification: Facts and Values.Next slide. | Slide 3 | What Is Social Stratification? | Social stratification is a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. The study of social stratification across cultures shows that it has four basic principles.First, Social stratification is a trait of society. While personal ability and achievement play an important role in a person’s position in the stratification hierarchy, it is also a function of the social organization one operates under. As an example, children who are born into a wealthy family are more likely to enjoy good health, do well in school, succeed in a career, and live a long life.Second, Social Stratification persists over generations. We can see that stratification influences society by observing how parents pass along their social position to their children. Social mobility, a change in one’s position in the social hierarchy, is a product of a high-income society, but it is constrained by the social stratification processes. In America we celebrate the achievements of individuals who come from humble beginnings and obtain a higher...
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