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Family Values and the Meaning of Education


Submitted By mutuku
Words 927
Pages 4
Family values and the meaning of education
A family is a set up that comprises of parents and children. Families are however based on certain values, mostly introduced by the parents, and that dictate their relationship with not only their children but also interactions between the parents themselves. Since all members in a family share relations in common that are supposed to define them, the beliefs and practises set in a family are expected to accommodate everyone though this doesn`t imply overlooking the odds.
Richard Rodriguez opens his essay by presenting himself as a middle-aged man who is confused on how to approach his parents to tell them about his gay personality. He strongly indicates that a family`s believe strongly defines a family. This is evident with the confusion that comes to his mind when he thinks of the correct word to use in such a scenario. He further goes on to give examples of his neighbours to allude to the different meanings of family values in the various countries.
Rodriguez presents America as a country where the male gender dominates the female sex. However feminism is seen to be evolving as the role of the mother is seen to be changing. Economic constraints have pushed ladies to no longer stay at home looking after their children but rather join the fathers to bring fourth food on the table. Though in such families the parents expect their children to have a particular social upkeep that maintains morality., the freedom they have and a lot of time away from their parents changes the whole situation. He mentions of friends who have been introduced to gay behavior but having no one to look after them; they end up adopting the practice. Children are presented as having authority to leave their homes to live on their own where they acquire a non formal education that brings forth characters that

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