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Fast Food Mark Bittman Analysis

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It’s a common assumption that part of the reason why so many people in America are overweight and obese and have diet related diseases like heart disease and diabetes is because they simply can't afford to eat healthy. Many people believe that buying junk food or going to fast food places is actually cheaper than buying groceries and cooking them at home, Some people have little money to spend and a family to feed so going to a place like Mcdonald's is the only choice they think they have. Which leads them to start eating it all the time, which they start gaining weight which starts becoming a health issue for them. However what some people don't realize is that junk food is not cheaper than real food.

Mark Bittman the author of an article in the New York Times gives his own opinion on the matter at hand. Bittman explains the phrase “ junk for is cheaper than real food, is the main reason why so many Americans are overweight. Many people think that buying food for your family at a fast food place is cheaper than the supermarket, but in all reality they're wrong. In Bittman's article he explains that if you're ordering a family size meal at Mcdonalds the amount …show more content…
After a long day of work most people feel like coming home and just relaxing not making a meal for their family, so instead they take them out. As Mark Bittman says in is article “ the core problem is that cooking is defined as work, and fast food is both a pleasure and a crutch.” Not only is fast food unhealthy , but some of its ingredients are downright addictive. A 2009 study by Scripps Research Institute reveals that “overconsumption of fast food triggers addiction-like neuro addictive responses in the brain making it harder to trigger the release of dopamine.” In other words eating fast food is like a drug the more we consume it the more it gives us pleasure, and the more we want

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